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My Wife is a Hacker novel (Nicole)

Chapter 106
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Chapter 106 Nicole looked on as the group dispersed. The few that remained were familiar faces, and

they were those who had followed Austin around every day, and she had some measure of them. It

seems like only these few were sincere towards Austin and were not taking advantage of his status for


The remaining few looked at Austin, who was fuming and sad at the same time, and then looked at

Nicole who sat there calmly, seemingly having predicted this to happen, and asked,” Boss, Austin, what

should we do now?”

Austin did not speak, instead, Nicole did. “Go upstairs. There are private rooms there. Find one and get

in. I’ll be there in a moment.”

When Austin heard that, he looked at Nicole in astonishment.

He did not expect that even with so few left, Nicole would still abide by their agreement. After all, he had

always thought that the reason Nicole was willing to be his boss was because he had considerable

influence in school. Yet even after this farce, she was totally unperturbed and was still read to help him

with his studies.

What Nicole saw was not his power, but him as a person!

Thinking of this, Austin was really glad that he insisted on taking Nicole as his boss and had never given

up on that.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to see everything as they were now. Austin clenched his fist,

and he turned to look at the remaining few as he said with a rumbling voice. “Thank you all for staying.

From today onwards, I will only take you guys as my bros. The others can go screw themselves!”

The few looked at him, a look of determination appeared in their eyes.

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All of them followed Austin since the beginning, so naturally they were unlike those people. “Austin, don‘t

worry, man. We are with you!” Austin gave them a grateful look and then turned towards Nicole. “Boss,

thank you for letting me see clearly who my true friends are.”

He gave Nicole a deep bow and as she looked at him, she said softly, “You can do without that baggage,

they‘ll just hold you back, leaving you deep in the quagmire. Austin, congratulations on escaping that

swamp of misery.”

Austin was taken aback What Nicole said was true. Before those people got around him, he was not so

arrogant. It was them who were instigating him, saying that a school bully should act like a tyrant, a

school bully shouldn‘t study hard. Only the school beauty was a match for him. That was why he was

causing trouble all over, all to prove that he was powerful. As he thought of that, a contemplative look

appeared in Austin‘s eyes. Wasn‘t what Nicole was doing now helping him to get rid of those stinkers

around him?

Seeing that he was deep in thought, Nicole did not rush him.

She lowered her head and packed her stuff up as she prepared to go to the second floor with them. As

she turned around, she saw Jared Johnston standing not too far away, his eyes locked onto her.

Jared noticed that she was looking at him, and a look of displeasure appeared in his eyes. He had

thought that she despised all men like she did with him. ‘What was so good about that punk from the

Woods family? Why is she so nice to them?’ The more he thought about it, the more pissed off he got.

‘What happened to him lately? Why was Nicole affecting his mood so?‘ Seeing his rather miffed look, she

frowned a little. ‘What is wrong with that guy? Why is he looking at her like that?‘ But she still did not ask

anything, and instead just placed another order. “Add a cup of coffee for each of my friends there. Bill it

to my tab.”

After that, she turned around, carried her bag, and headed upstairs.

When Jared saw her going upstairs just like that, he was even more pissed off!

‘Did she just take him for a servant? And to add an order of coffee for each of them?‘ Thinking back that

she would not even treat him to a meal, why was she so generous with these bunch of hooligans?

He was the CEO of the Johnston Group, and he was no match for a few louts? Jared’s expression got

colder and colder, so much so that Max did not even dare to take a deep breath. “Mr. Johnston… I’ll go

get the coffee.”

Jared glared at him, hissing. “No! Let them die of thirst!”

As Nicole went upstairs, One of Austin‘s buddies waved at her from the second room to the right. “Boss,

over here!”

She increased her pace and entered the room. When she saw Austin’s expression had returned to

normal, she knew that he had listened to what she said and was somewhat satisfied.

She walked to the front and looked on at the books spread out on the table. The books were so clean

like they were new, and she frowned slightly.

After Austin digested Nicole‘s words, the anger within his not only disappeared, but he instead felt

somewhat fortunate.

If not for the boss‘s words splashing cold water over him, he probably would not have realized what he

had just freed himself from. When he saw Nicole frowning while looking at his book, he thought that she

too had questions she did not understand.

Austin immediately pulled out a chair to let her sit, and then he let out a teasing smile. “Boss, look, all of

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us have pretty crappy foundation, how about you lower your standards a little, and

let us at least get into the top twenty from bottom instead.” Nicole threw him a glance when she heard

that. Although her glance was faint, Austin immediately understood what she meant and said bitterly,

“Alright, forget I said that.” Only then did Nicole retracted her gaze. She took their textbooks over and

quickly flipped through them. The entire process took about ten minutes before she picked up her pen

and circled a good number of points on the book as she said succinctly, “Memorize them.” She then

pulled out a few sheets of paper and wrote something on it. No one dared to disobey her and hurriedly

took their textbooks to memorize the points. After an hour, she handed the sheets of paper she had

written on to them.

The group had only just memorized the points and had their books taken away. A sheet of paper was

now before them as they looked up at looked at Nicole in dismay.

She returned the gaze and raised her eyebrows slightly as she looked at them. “What are you looking at

me for? Answer the question.”

The few lowered their head and found that on the paper was a simplified test Nicole had made. The

questions on the paper were all related to the points she got them to memorize earlier.

These people did not usually study much and could rarely see a question they could do. So, their eyes

immediately lit up as they started answering the question.

As they wrote they were amazed. Boss‘s handwriting was really pretty.

Nicole‘s handwriting was different from them, they looked extremely calm and very stylish, which were

very comfortable to look at. Nicole watched on as they answered the question, and about half an hour

later, she took the papers to mark them.

The few of them looked at her with confidence and were quite assured with their results.

Nicole looked up at them and said, “Do you guys think you‘ve done well?”