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My Wife is a Hacker novel (Nicole)

Chapter 78
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Chapter 78

Norah and Raine were even more stunned. All they knew was that Nicole had scored zero, and they had

no idea what was going on with her test paper. At this time, Daniel could no longer sit still. “Nicole, what

the hell is going on? Your Uncle Damien said that you have answered all questions correctly. So why did

you still get zero?” Nicole smirked with a teasing look in her eyes. “4 talked to Mr. Louis today, and he

said that although my answers were all correct, he could not give me a single mark because I was too

lazy to write the calculation steps.”

“What does that mean?” Snow was startled for a while before she got what Nicole meant. “You are

saying that you didn’t need to go through the calculation steps to figure out the answers?” Raine stood

up with indignation. “You must have copied someone else’s answers. Otherwise, how could you not

provide the calculation steps?” Nicole could not help but laugh at Raine, who desperately tried to accuse

her of wrongdoing.” In the entire Math Olympiad class, only Gary and you scored the highest. But did you

two get full scores? My answers are all correct, though.”

Raine’s face turned pale, although she still thought Nicole had copied someone else’s answers. The

pertinent question was: would someone who scores 100 marks copy the answers from someone who

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has only scored 90 marks? At this point, Raine was completely stupefied, sitting in a chair like a defeated


Everyone was as quiet as a church mouse. No one dared to accuse Nicole or question her ability again.

Even Mr. Riddle Sr. was struck dumb by Nicole’s prowess. He always thought that Nicole had a poor

academic performance. Not expecting that she could achieve a perfect score on the Math Olympiad.

This granddaughter of his had surprised him repeatedly, which he was thrilled about.

“Hahaha… I didn’t expect that we, the Riddle family, would have a Math Olympiad genius. Is there still

anyone opposing her participation in the Math Olympiad competition?” Mr. Riddle Sr.’s eyes swept over


Neither Damien nor Dillon dared to say anything. Even Raine and Norah were completely silenced.

Norah clenched her hand, not expecting that Nicole’s zero scores were just the result of the lack of

calculation steps. This had instead made Raine, and her look like fools.

Since everyone was silent, Mr. Riddle Sr. waved his hand. “Then do as Nicole said. Whoever dares to

talk nonsense will not have to come to my house again.” There was always a noisy disagreement at the

dining table. He was really tired of it. Seeing that no one dared to say anything anymore, Daniel and

Gloria looked at their daughter with relief. They really did not expect that their daughter could have such

an impressive achievement and make them proud in front of their families. No one would probably dare

to look down on them anymore.

After dinner, Mr. Riddle Sr. felt tired. He got up and went upstairs with the help of a servant. The first and

third uncles secretly looked at each other, and then they left with their wives.

There were only Dillon and Karen at the dining table now. They could not care that Daniel had not left

and started picking on Raine. “Why did you say something like that before figuring out the ins and outs of

the matter? You have pissed off your grandpa now, and we all are now implicated.” 2

Getting picked on, Raine glared at Nicole in chagrin. It was all because of Nicole that she was now

getting berated by her parents. She felt so indignant not only because Nicole was not kicked out of the

Math Olympiad class but also because she was getting an earful. Daniel and Gloria were not interested

in listening to Dillon and Karen scolding their daughter. They took their daughter and son out of the

house. Nicole and Gloria walked side by side in front, followed by their two sons and two daughters. 1

While leaving, Gloria had been keeping her head low and saying not a word. Nicole frowned. She looked

at Gloria, and sure enough, her eyes had welled up. She quickly asked worriedly,” Mom, why are you

crying?” Gloria was sad. At first, she thought she finally had her daughter back, and Nicole could finally

live a happy life. But it seemed that all she brought to her daughter was misery.

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Every time she came home, her daughter would be targeted along with them. Thinking that when Karen

and Raine said nasty things about Nicole while she could not protect her, Gloria could not help but hug

her. “I am sorry for bringing you all this, Nicole.” Daniel, following behind, heard what Gloria said and

sighed. “Nicole. It was all because of me you are being slandered. I am a useless father.”

He and Gloria could do nothing to counter the disparagement in front of their elder brothers and their

wives. It was Nicole who rebutted the criticism and made them proud.

“It is alright. It is over. Isn’t it good?” Nicole smiled. She was strong enough and not afraid of criticism.

Instead, she felt happy that she could protect her parents. Samuel also stepped up to comfort his

parents. “Absolutely. Whatever happened today, Nicole has got it all handled. Not only that, she has even

given Raine and Second Aunt a slap in the face.” The thought of the contorted faces of his uncles and

aunts made Samuel proud. They could not help but laugh upon hearing what Samuel said.

Meanwhile, Norah was staring at Nicole from behind. Just before dinner, she had received the news that

Celia had failed her mission. Norah did not expect Nicole to be so lucky. She had made her move on

Nicole twice today, yet Nicole had escaped. If she wanted to bring Nicole down, she would have to use

some more ruthless tricks.