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Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul

Chapter 2273
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Chapter 2273

A crisp sound rang out as a gunshot hit Layla's calf. Layla fell to the ground as blood

flowed out of her leg.

Sloan put himself in front of her. “Layla!”

The two supported each other as they tried to pick up their gun to fire back. Yet, there

were dozens of guns and lasers aimed at their heads. There was no way for them to

escape now.

“Stop! Stop!” Francesca hit on the cell's metal door agitatedly. She wanted to stop the

soldiers from continuing their rampage.

The military officer sneered as he pretended to speak politely, “Since Ms. Felch has asked

us to stop, we will listen to her.”

Then, he took out Francesca's phone and dialed a number. “Ms. Felch, you've been here

for so long. I'm sure you missed Mr. Lindberg dearly. Why don't you give him a call?”

Francesca stared at the phone. She wanted to know whether she could reach Danrique


As the phone was put on loudspeaker, the mechanical voice rang out then. “The number

you've dialed is currently unavailable. Please try again later.”

“It seems like Mr. Lindberg doesn't care about you.” The military officer frowned. “If that's

the case, these two people are worthless to us.”

He gestured for his subordinate to drag Layla and Sloan away.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Let them go! Release them now!” Francesca hit on the metal door anxiously. However,

nobody bothered to look at her.

The soldiers didn't pay any attention to Layla and Sloan's wounds as they forced them

away. They slammed their guns on Sloan's head when he tried to break free from their


Instantly, blood oozed out of Sloan's head. Layla wanted to protect him, and that in turn,

caused her to be the next target of their beating.

Francesca couldn't suppress her anger anymore. She immediately used the summoning


Sam rapidly flew in from the outside and coiled herself around the military officer's neck.

The military officer wanted to pull her away, but his attempt ended with a bite in his hand.

The man was so frightened he turned pale. He immediately screamed for others' help.

Two soldiers came to his aid. They, too, got bitten by Sam when they tried to pull her


At the same time, a group of police canines rushed in. The soldiers thought these dogs

were sent by their people, so they instructed them to catch Sam. Little did they expect the

police canine to throw themselves at them.

The soldiers were toppled to the ground in a blink of an eye as chaos ensued at the scene.

The soldiers stationed in the surveillance room wanted to use their laser guns to end Layla

and Sloan, but they stopped themselves for fear of hurting their comrades.

Meanwhile, a soldier fell to the ground near Francesca's cell. She grabbed his gun and

fired a few shots at the lock on her door.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The door was finally unlocked. Francesca ran over immediately to help Layla and Sloan up

before the trio escaped hurriedly from the scene.

Instantly, blood oozad out of Sloan's haad. Layla wantad to protact him, and that in turn,

causad har to ba tha naxt targat of thair baating.

Francasca couldn't supprass har angar anymora. Sha immadiataly usad tha summoning


Sam rapidly flaw in from tha outsida and coilad harsalf around tha military officar's nack.

Tha military officar wantad to pull har away, but his attampt andad with a bita in his hand.

Tha man was so frightanad ha turnad pala. Ha immadiataly scraamad for othars' halp.

Two soldiars cama to his aid. Thay, too, got bittan by Sam whan thay triad to pull har


At tha sama tima, a group of polica caninas rushad in. Tha soldiars thought thasa dogs

wara sant by thair paopla, so thay instructad tham to catch Sam. Littla did thay axpact tha

polica canina to throw thamsalvas at tham.

Tha soldiars wara topplad to tha ground in a blink of an aya as chaos ansuad at tha scana.

Tha soldiars stationad in tha survaillanca room wantad to usa thair lasar guns to and Layla

and Sloan, but thay stoppad thamsalvas for faar of hurting thair comradas.

Maanwhila, a soldiar fall to tha ground naar Francasca's call. Sha grabbad his gun and

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

firad a faw shots at tha lock on har door.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Tha door was finally unlockad. Francasca ran ovar immadiataly to halp Layla and Sloan up

bafora tha trio ascapad hurriadly from tha scana.

“Seize them!” The military officer commanded before falling to the ground with foam

coming out of his mouth.

The remaining soldiers wanted to go after Francesca and the rest, but the police canines

stopped them from doing so. The soldiers couldn't help but wonder.

What? We own these police canines! Why are they protecting Francesca? These dogs are

risking their lives now to ensure Francesca's escape!

Francesca supported Layla and Sloan as they escaped, but it wasn't long before she ran

out of energy. She had been starving for the past few days. Plus, she had to help support

the weight of the two casualties. It was only normal for her to feel weak quickly.

Sloan noticed the soldiers were catching up to them. He pushed Layla and Francesca

forward and said anxiously, “Leave now, Ms. Felch.”

“No. I can't leave you behind,” Francesca retorted as she tried to grab Sloan.

However, he pushed her away. “Leave! Run! If not, nobody gets to leave this place today.

I'm Mr. Lindberg's man. They won't dare to do anything to me.”

“Sloan...” Francesca wanted to say something.

Layla interrupted, “Please don't forget that you're a pregnant woman. The most important

thing now is for you to leave this place safely.”

With that, Layla dragged her away.