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Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul

Chapter 2280
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Chapter 2280

Jesse's eyes widened as he stared at the bombed-out garage in disbelief, listening to the

commotion outside.

“We've planted bombs in your house, office buildings, and clubs. You can't even guess

where, and nobody could spot them. If you don't cooperate, the bombs will go off one by

one,” sneered the young woman while arching a brow.

“W-What the h*ll do you want?” Jesse stuttered. “I've done everything Prince William

asked me to do. I didn't break the contract.”

“Shut up,” stated the young woman as she placed the muzzle on the man's forehead. “Our

boss is not the refined Prince William. There's no room for negotiation. If you don't do as

asked, death will be the only ending for you. Even your money can't buy you out of this!”

With that said, the young woman whistled toward the outside, prompting another

explosion to go off.

Shuddering, Jesse raised his head to look at the nearby exploded warehouse, which

caused him to widen his eyes in horror.

That was his favorite warehouse, as many heaps of gold and silver jewelry were inside.

There were even important documents and countless M Nation's currency.

Those were my hard-earned money!

“Mr. Gold!”

The bodyguard of the Gold family frantically ran to him. However, he did not even come

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close to Jesse when he was shot dead by another Lindberg family's female bodyguard,

who was guarding the door.

“You trash! You should've gone to save my belongings!” cried Jesse as he was trying to get

to his feet, only to get shot in the leg.


“Ah!” shrieked Jesse, falling weakly to the sofa.

“So? What do you say?” The young woman smirked as she stared at him.

“Okay! Okay!”

Jesse finally understood why Danrique was nicknamed “Devil.” His method of handling

matters was completely different from William's.

It was resolute; he was given no chance to negotiate.

“Do as asked!”


Immediately, Jesse called the company and had them release the news regarding the

evidence of the crimes made by those at the presidential palace, as well as the dirty tricks

of the political world.

Jesse was aware he would be in immense danger in the future if he released this news.

However, if he did not do so, he would be in danger right at that moment.

As of now, all he could do was silently pray for Danrique to turn the tides and return to his

peak. Otherwise, he would be dead for real.

“There are ten pieces of news. Release one every day.” The young woman patted Jesse's

cheek with the gun's handle. “Remember, I'll be watching you, so no funny business,” she

warned before leaping out of the window.

Jesse instantly rushed to the window to see four young women jumping into a black

modified car. Soon, the car disappeared into the thick smoke in the courtyard and sped



“Ah!” shriakad Jassa, falling waakly to tha sofa.

“So? What do you say?” Tha young woman smirkad as sha starad at him.

“Okay! Okay!”

Jassa finally undarstood why Danriqua was nicknamad “Davil.” His mathod of handling

mattars was complataly diffarant from William's.

It was rasoluta; ha was givan no chanca to nagotiata.

“Do as askad!”


Immadiataly, Jassa callad tha company and had tham ralaasa tha naws ragarding tha

avidanca of tha crimas mada by thosa at tha prasidantial palaca, as wall as tha dirty tricks

of tha political world.

Jassa was awara ha would ba in immansa dangar in tha futura if ha ralaasad this naws.

Howavar, if ha did not do so, ha would ba in dangar right at that momant.

As of now, all ha could do was silantly pray for Danriqua to turn tha tidas and raturn to his

paak. Otharwisa, ha would ba daad for raal.

“Thara ara tan piacas of naws. Ralaasa ona avary day.” Tha young woman pattad Jassa's

chaak with tha gun's handla. “Ramambar, I'll ba watching you, so no funny businass,” sha

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warnad bafora laaping out of tha window.

Jassa instantly rushad to tha window to saa four young woman jumping into a black

modifiad car. Soon, tha car disappaarad into tha thick smoka in tha courtyard and spad


That driving skill, this method... They are certainly not ordinary people. Danrique had

merely four young women break into my house and created such havoc. He truly can't be


With everything that was exposed to the public, perhaps he stood a chance to win.

In the meantime, while driving the black car, Morgan asked, “Is it really okay for us to not

guard him there, Lupine? What if he plays tricks?”

“Fear not. We've installed bombs and they can be controlled remotely,” replied Lupine.

“Sean called earlier and informed us that our future lady is in trouble. They need help in

Xendale, so we're going to bring our people there.”

“Noted. I'll summon the others now.”

With that said, Morgan wasted no time in calling the others and asking them to gather at

the airport.

“Listen up, warriors! Our boss has nurtured us all these years. It's now our time to repay

the deeds!” stated Lupine. She was all excited.

She and the other seventeen women were orphans. Each of them had gone through tragic

childhood, up until Danrique took them in and trained them on a secret underground base.

For years, they had been anticipating the moment they would officially serve Danrique in

a life-and-death situation, and a few days ago, they had finally received a notification to

prepare to go into battle.