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Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul

Chapter 2313
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Chapter 2313

Danrique placed Francesca into the car and said politely to Justin, who had come forward

to stop him, “Francesca is my woman, General Jablonski. I will not hurt her.”

“As I was the one who had brought her to Xendale, I am responsible for her safety,” Justin

protested firmly.

Danrique's gaze was steely. “She will be safe with me. You are welcome to visit the

Lindberg residence if you're not assured.”


Justin hesitated. He wanted to protect Francesca, not ruin her marriage; she had once

declared that Danrique was the man she loved.

At last, he relented. “I will hold you accountable if anything happens to her.”

Danrique did not reply but sank into a bow before bringing Francesca away.


Anthony was about to run after her when Sean gestured him toward another car.

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Danrique's men departed with Lincoln's remains.

Francesca felt her head splitting open as if it was about to explode when she finally

regained consciousness.

Flashes of Layla and Lincoln meeting their end played over and over again in her mind's

eye. Each one felt like a knife piercing her.

“Ms. Felch. Ms. Felch!”

Regaining her composure at the cries of concern, Francesca opened her eyes in a daze

and was instinctively disconcerted by Norah's kind face looming over hers.

It felt as if time had stood still several months before the tragedies struck.

Norah wiped the beads of sweat off her forehead and asked tenderly, “You've been talking

in your sleep. Did you have a nightmare? Don't be scared. Everything is all right now.”

Francesca rubbed her eyes. “How long have I been out for?”

Norah helped her up and propped a pillow behind her lower back. “A whole day and night.

Mr. Lindberg brought you home last night, and it's currently the second night.”

“Where is Danrique?” Francesca asked instinctively.

“Mr. Lindberg is not home yet,” Norah replied softly. “Many things happened today, and

Mr. Lindberg has been out since this morning dealing with them.”

Francesca clutched her head to recall the events of the night before.

Mr. Lincoln is dead. He had been shot dead before my eyes. Was it a nightmare, or did that

really happen?

As realization dawned upon her, she realized it had all happened for real.

Mr. Lincoln is really dead. The president had released him and told him that he and

Danrique had reconciled. Enraged, Mr. Lincoln became consumed by the thought of killing

the president and his wife to avenge Ms. Layla. As soon as he was uncuffed, he grabbed

the guard's gun and fired at the president's car without stopping. However, he had only

killed the first lady as the president was in another vehicle.

“Let me in! Francesca!” Anthony's voice sounded outside.

Francesca quickly had Norah open the door, who placed a jacket on Francesca's shoulders

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before letting him in.

“Let's go, Francesca,” Anthony said upon dashing in. “Let's get out of here.”

“What happened?” Francesca gazed at him, bewildered.

“Danrique reconciled with the president,” Anthony spat. “The two of them held a press

conference this afternoon to explain to the reporters that everything that had happened

was a misunderstanding and banned all news regarding the matter. Look, we can't find

anything about it.”

As he spoke, Anthony handed her his phone.

Francesca received his phone and conducted an online search. True enough, all news

regarding the first lady, her, Avery and Chrono, and the first lady's scandal had been

wiped clean.

Not a trace of evidence could be found as if it had never happened.

Francesca gaped at the phone, then gazed up at the clock on the wall. The date and time

were correct.

Ms. Layla and Mr. Lincoln's deaths were real, and so were Sloan's, Morty's, and Zolt's.

Everything was real.