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No Way Back by Anna Mac

Chapter 6
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Chapter 6 Leaving The Fowlers

“No need, Mr. Fowler.” Jane sneered, taking a deep breath and finally letting out the truth

that had been brewing in her heart.

She continued, “You love Maddie so much that you won’t want anyone else to come along

and challenge her status as the Fowler family’s heiress.

“I’ll give you what you wished for. From now on, my relationship with the Fowlers has ended,

and I am no longer a member of your family!”

With that, Jane felt a huge burden lifted off her shoulders, and she walked upstairs without

looking back at the Fowlers‘ stunned expressions.

After she returned downstairs with her bags packed and ready to go, all the others were

shaken to the core. Jane just stood there with a simple bag and a plain backpack.

She shot a cold glance at them and strode out of the villa.

“You stop right there!” Jack yelled. He, at last, found the courage to speak. “Are you serious,


“As serious as it can be, Mr. Fowler. Isn’t this what you all wanted?” Jane replied sarcastically

as she walked out of the house without looking back.

Madelyn couldn’t help but feel a sense of triumph. She had no idea why Jane would willingly

give up her position in the Fowler family, but she was relieved that it had happened.

Madelyn’s excitement was off the charts, but she had an act to put on. “Peter, please go

talk to Jane. I’m the one who needs to be leaving, not her,” Madelyn pleaded, tears

streaming down her face. “Jane is just upset because you misunderstood her. Please, go talk

to her.”

Madelyn yelled and sobbed uncontrollably while pulling on Peter’s arm, but he did not

immediately respond to her.

Emotions were swirling around inside Peter. He believed that keeping Jane at home would

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only cause trouble for the family and threaten Madelyn’s position, so he wished for her to

strike out on her own.

Also, Peter had to admit that Jane was his sister. He couldn’t deny it.

Moreover, he knew that Jane was leaving only because this family had deeply hurt her.

Peter knew that his actions had played a role in her decision to leave, making him feel


Madelyn was uneasy because she noticed Peter was hesitating. It dawned on her that the

Fowlers still cared about Jane. She felt lucky that if she hadn’t taken earlier actions, her

standing in the Fowler family would have been in jeopardy.

“Fine! Get out! And don’t ever come back! I, Jack Fowler, disown you as my daughter!” Jack

bellowed, his temper rising. He couldn’t believe that Jane dared to threaten him and sever

ties with the Fowler family.

Jack was not the type of person who would be scared easily by threats, as he had been in

the cutthroat business world for a long time and had met all kinds of ruthless people. He

hoped Jane would see the error of her ways, apologize, and rejoin the Fowler family.

After all, Jack thought that being the rightful heiress to a considerable fortune was so

appealing that no one could say no.

“That’s enough, Jack!” Anna suddenly shouted at him.

Jack shrank back, fearful of his wife’s reaction.

‘Please go talk to Janie, Mommy,” Madelyn begged Anna, shifting her strategy to retreat.

“I’ll go check on her, Jack. Peter, take care of Maddie,” Anna said, quickly following Jane’s


“Daddy, Peter, it’s all my fault. If I hadn’t cried, you wouldn’t have misunderstood what

Janie said, and things

wouldn’t have gotten this bad. I’m a troublemaker, so I should leave the Fowler family…”

Madelyn got down on the ground and covered her face as if she felt incredibly guilty.

Peter’s heart hurt when he saw how upset Madelyn was. He quickly told her, “It’s not your

fault, Maddie. You have every right to feel sad. We made a mistake when we lied to you and

made this mess.”

Jack let out a sigh. “All right, Peter, you need to take Maddie back to her room so she can

rest. I’ll be in charge of everything else.”

Anna caught up with Jane and yelled, “Jane, wait!”

Jane halted in her tracks, whirled around, and asked Anna in a chilly tone. “Mrs. Fowler,

what do you want?”

Anna explained, “I know you’re hurt, blaming us, but if you apologize, we’ll apologize too.

Can’t you stop threatening to cut ties with us all the time? It’s not what you think it is!

“No matter how you say it, you’re still my daughter, my blood, and my flesh. Why wouldn’t

the Fowlers want you?”

It was difficult for Anna to choose between Jane and Madelyn because she cared about both

of them equally. Jane was still important to Anna.

Jane was overcome with emotion as she observed the tears in Anna’s stunning eyes.

Several times in her previous life, Jane had given up hope and wanted to die.

Anna’s persuasion always made Jane weak, and she wanted to be with her family. As a

result, Jane got deeper and deeper into the mud, and in the end, Madelyn framed her, and

she died in the fire.

Jane swore she would never put herself through the pain of being abandoned by her loved

ones or being burned alive without anyone else to comfort her.

Jane snapped, “I don’t need your love, and I can’t handle it. Please don’t take any of this

personally, Mrs. Fowler. I’m voluntarily severing ties with you. I won’t kill myself, and you

can be sure I’ll have a happy and fulfilling life.”

“Jane…” Anna muttered, still trying to persuade her.

As she reached for Jane, Jane silently sidestepped her.

Jane finally said, “Goodbye, Mrs. Fowler, don’t look so sad. You should focus on Madelyn

because she is more deserving of your affection, and I… I should have a life of my own.

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Jane had decided to sever ties with them and wanted to do so in a way that would leave no


Jane ignored Anna’s pleas for her to stay with the Fowler family and instead walked out the

gate, taking her belongings with her.

Just like the first time she came, she only brought simple luggage. The only difference was

that the first time she went to the Fowler family, Jane was full of excitement, nervousness,

happiness, fear, and other feelings,

and now her heart was as cold as ice.

Once she made up her mind and took the first step, Jane found that she was much more at

peace and didn’t hurt as much as she had anticipated when she left this time. Her so–called

“home” had done too much. damage to her heart, which was beyond repair.

Anna was surprised by how determined Jane was when she left.

She stood frozen in place, unsure of what to do next.

Days ago, Jane had come to her with innocent eyes, secretly calling her “mom” like a child

who had made a


Jane longed for family and closeness, but because she didn’t know the Fowlers well, she

was afraid to get too close for fear of making Anna mad.

Anna would have had a hard time believing that the woman in front of her was the Jane she


although they did look the same.

After leaving the Fowler residence, Jane dragged her suitcase down the mountain and called

a taxi to take her to her next destination.

The driver was listening to the radio, which was currently airing a trending topic about the

Fowler family’s legitimate heiress. “Where to, miss?” He asked.

“Just take me to a nearby hotel, one that doesn’t require ID registration,” Jane replied. She

had no place to stay and hardly any money to her name. Making some money was her top

priority right now because if she couldn’t do that, she wouldn’t even be able to get a meal.