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Not One, But Two!

Chapter 114
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Chapter 114

Jonathan? Emma did not expect to see Jonathan here, for he hadn't contacted her in a long time. After he broke up

with her previously, he seemed to have forgotten about her. If she hadn't looked for Abigail and become confined

to Allie's Garden, she would've contacted Jonathan in the past few days. Now that the man appeared before her

eyes, she was overwhelmed by grievances.

"Jonathan!" She directly rushed forward and crashed into his embrace.

Jonathan subconsciously wrapped his arms around her, but he became startled when he saw that she was in a

horrible state. "What happened to you? Why do you look so terrible now?"

It had to be said that he did love her in the past five years when they were together, for Emma truly treated him

well. Whether it was in bed or in public, she always obeyed his orders and made him feel respected as a man. In

the past five years, she also had two babies aborted for him. Regardless of what had happened, she was once his

woman. Hence, he didn't want to make it embarrassing for the two of them. Furthermore, he still wanted to marry

Abigail, so they were going to be one family. His feelings for Emma were complicated as he thought about all these.

Upon seeing that he still cared about her, Emma quickly showed him her injured heels. "Look at my feet, Jonathan.

They're bleeding now, and it's all because of my sister. She has hooked up with Mr. Buckley, and she's making use

of his power to oppress my mom and I. It's no surprise that she hates me, though. After all, she's displeased at the

fact that we're together. However, how could she torture my mom? You know that my mom has been treating her

like her own daughter over the years."

She looked very pitiful while she cried.

When Jonathan learned that Abigail had gotten together with Greg, he furrowed his brows. However, upon hearing

that the reason Abigail tortured Emma was because they were together, he saw a glimmer of hope. Does it mean

that Abigail still has feelings for me? The reason she's made use of my uncle to punish me is because she's too

embarrassed to admit it. He reckoned that his speculation was right, so his tone softened when he looked at Emma


"Alright, I know that you're aggrieved. However, we're one family, so we should just talk it out if there are any

misunderstandings. I'll help you into the house and apply some medication on your wounds. Otherwise, you won't

be able to have a proper rest tonight."

Upon seeing that he still treated her the same way like he used to, Emma finally broke into laughter. Even the

wounds on her feet were less painful now.

"Thanks for taking care of me, Jonathan."

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Meanwhile, Sasha put on a smile when she saw the way Jonathan treated her daughter. Who cares if Abigail has

gotten together with Greg? She has fallen out with Philip, so she will never help the Kain Family out again. We'd be

considered lucky if she doesn't settle the score with us. The only person who can restore our family's honor is the

man Emma has found—Jonathan.

On the other hand, Jonathan was Greg's nephew, so there was no way Greg would offend Jonathan's mother for a

woman. Sasha increasingly felt that Emma was on the winning side.

Meanwhile, Abigail could also see Jonathan while she was driving, so she intentionally stopped the car. Given the

distance between them, she was unable to hear what they were talking about, but she could clearly see that he was

looking at Emma in a loving manner.

Pfft, Jonathan said that he loved me a while back, but now, he seems all heartbroken for Emma. It's apparent that

he's a two-faced man. It was a shame she hadn't seen through him in the past. Luckily, she no longer loved him or

had any unrealistic expectations toward the man. Otherwise, she would've looked like a laughing stock now.

Just then, Greg's stable breathing was heard coming from beside her. He was both knackered and unsuspecting in

his dream. As she looked at the man's handsome face, her lips formed a smile. Jonathan could not compare to

Greg when it came to the things that this man had done for her.

Why didn't I fall in love with this man five years ago? As she recalled their first encounter, she couldn't help but

break into a fit of giggles. She was probably the only woman who had Greg sent to the hospital after forcing herself

upon him.

Then, she lowered her seat as she wasn't in a rush to get into the house either. Sasha and Emma know that I'm

here with Greg, so they'll definitely wait—I'll just make them do so. The most important thing now is that Greg is

getting enough sleep. At the thought of this, she leaned against her seat as well.

Presently, she was also sleepy. It was said that sleepiness was infectious, and that seemed to be the case. She felt

her eyelids growing heavy, especially since there was a handsome man lying beside her. Soon, she gradually closed

her eyes.

Meanwhile, Jonathan carried Emma in his arms and stepped into the house. Upon seeing them, Philip said with a

smile, "Jonathan? What happened to Emma?"

"Dad, you have to stand up for me!" Emma went on to pitifully exaggerate how she and Sasha had been oppressed

by Abigail.

As she spoke, Sasha dragged her feet into the house. Her hair was a mess and her entire body was covered in

sweat. Besides that, her blood-soaked feet were horrifying to the beholder.

Philip instantly knitted his brows together. "Is this that b*stard's doing?"

Sasha lethargically replied, "Don't blame her. She's just mad at us for what had happened five years ago. Now that

she's famous, it's expected that she wants to demand justice for herself."

"What do you mean that she's demanding justice for herself? Was she right to have hooked up with a man in the

middle of the night? Didn't we make her stay? She was the one who secretly left the house and became missing for

the next five years. She's famous now, but does that mean she can start torturing her family members? I remained

silent when she repeatedly targeted Emma in the past. But now, she's even tormenting you. She has crossed the

line!" Philip said furiously.

Needless to say, it was the outcome Sasha wanted to see.

At the mention of the incident five years ago, Jonathan felt exasperated. Abigail was his girlfriend at that time, but

she hooked up with a man and didn't come home all night. Now, she even had a daughter with Greg. Could it be

that my uncle was the man she had sex with five years ago? At the thought of this possibility, he sported a dark

expression. Other than the fact that he was less wealthy, he was on par with Greg in every other way.

With his eyes narrowed, he suddenly uttered, "Mr. Kain, are you aware that Abbie became pregnant after she

hooked up with a man?"


Philip and Sasha were stunned, whereas Emma was flabbergasted.

"Are you serious, Jonathan?"

"I'm not very sure, but I saw a young girl calling her mommy before." Jonathan lowered his gaze, allowing no one to

see through his mind.

Sasha and Emma traded glances. Since Abigail has a daughter, it'll be easier to deal with her. We just have to let

Greg know that not only did Abigail have sex with another man, she even gave birth to a child for him. By then, she

won't be able to make use of Greg and threaten us anymore.

On the other hand, Jonathan had his own plot in mind. The young girl was Greg's daughter, but it was apparent that

Sasha and Emma were not aware of it. If Jonathan could make use of them and get the young girl killed, he would

stand a chance to repair his relationship with Abigail when the kid was no longer around.

All of them fell into their own thoughts. With a gloomy expression, Philip suddenly thought of something and directly

swept the things on the table to the ground. "What a shameless woman!"

Upon finishing his words, he stormed into his study on the second floor.

An embarrassed Sasha flashed a smile at Jonathan and uttered, "Jonathan, please don't mind him. He's just

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infuriated. After all, you know that the family's reputation is important to him."

As soon as she finished speaking, she remembered how Emma had seized the chance and bedded Jonathan after

Abigail was lured away from home five years ago, allowing her to become his girlfriend after that. At that moment,

the smile on Sasha's face became more awkward.

However, Jonathan didn't care about it. He took a look at the time and asked, "I heard that Abigail and my uncle are

coming. Why aren't they here yet?"

"Yeah, they should've arrived before us since Abigail was driving. Perhaps they've gone somewhere else."

In fact, Emma didn't want Jonathan to meet her sister. Abigail was more beautiful to begin with, and now, she was

famous and wealthy. Emma could see that Jonathan was still trying to win Abigail's heart, so she would not let them

meet each other as long as she could prevent that from happening. Moreover, if Abigail really came here, she

would torture her mother and herself since she had Greg's support. Naturally, Emma didn't want Jonathan to see

her looking so useless.

Upon hearing that, Jonathan thought that Abigail had really gone somewhere else, so he was disappointed.

Nonetheless, he still said with a smile, "I still have some work to do, so I'll head back to the company now."

"I'll see you off, Jonathan." Emma rose from the chair, but she soon exclaimed and fell onto the couch.

Jonathan looked at her blood-soaked feet and uttered gently, "There's no need for that since you're injured. Get a

doctor to check on you now, and I'll contact you when I'm free."

"Thanks for your concern, Jonathan." Emma forced herself to shed some tears.

Then, Jonathan got up and left. When only the mother and daughter were left in the living room, Emma stopped

appearing weak as she said angrily, "Mom, that woman called Abigail should be here by now. Why isn't she here

yet? What is she up to?"

"Regardless of what she's up to, we have to bear it for now. Did you hear what Jonathan said? Abigail has a

daughter now. If we can find her and kidnap her, Abigail will have no choice but to obey our orders."

A hint of ruthlessness flashed across Sasha's eyes. Who cares if Abigail is good at martial arts? There's no way I

can't subdue a young kid. Since she's doing all she can to oppress us, she can't blame me for doing this to her


Apparently, Emma shared the same sentiment, and the two of them hurriedly contacted a private investigator to

look into Abigail's past.

Meanwhile, Abigail fell asleep in the car as she basked in the sun. They went on to sleep for two hours.

Greg was the first one to wake up. When he discovered that he was still in the car with Abigail sound asleep beside

him, he was startled. The sunlight filtered through the window and cast a golden glow on her alluring face.

He couldn't help but reach out in an attempt to touch her face, but he subconsciously extended his hands into her

jet black hair instead. As though he had been enchanted, he lowered himself and kissed her plump lips.