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Not One, But Two!

Chapter 220
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Chapter 220

Abigail had mixed feelings about Charlotte's decision as she didn't want to see her friend in prison, much less see

Charlotte losing her freedom for the rest of her life. On the other hand, she would never do anything that would

cost Charlotte's freedom.

It was true that many would suffer on Hitman Island in the future, but she was never a model of justice, and neither

had she intended to be someone righteous. She couldn't be the superwoman who saved the whole world; the only

person she wanted to save was Charlotte.

Even if her action would be perceived as selfish and indifferent, she couldn't care less about it. She was a doctor

who looked after sick patients, not a guardian angel.

Charlotte had an insight into what was going on in Abigail's head when she noticed that Abigail's hands had stopped

in their tracks. Charlotte held her hand and let out a genuine smile. "I know that you're worried about me and don't

want to see me suffer. However, before I became an assassin, I was someone who received proper education that

shaped my consciousness. Abigail, I will pay the price for whatever I've done. Nightmares haunt me every night

without fail; the scene of me killing them keeps repeating itself before my eyes—I'm sure you know what it feels

like. Even if they are sinners who deserve that, we have the law to punish them, but what about me? I'm nothing

but a killing machine that is being used to rake in money. Still, I'm a human being with emotions and thoughts

before that. The past me wasn't given a choice, but you now have the choice and capability to eliminate the bad

guys for good. So, why should you stop because of me?"

"I'll get a glass of water for you." As her mind was a mess at those words, she rose to her feet, but Charlotte

stopped her.

"Stop walking around unnecessarily. What's wrong with your foot? I noticed it from the moment I saw you. Are you

hurt?" The considerate Charlotte switched the topic as she knew that it wasn't time to continue the serious subject.

Abigail knew that Charlotte intended to turn herself in when she saw Charlotte's bright eyes, but she placed the

thought on the backburner for now.

She explained, "I twisted my ankle. It's not a big deal, and I've used a special medicine to help with my recovery. It's

not that obvious, isn't it?"

"But you still failed to deceive my eyes. So, just stay put and have some rest. I'll be grateful if you're willing to stop

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Hitman Island, but I won't force you if you back down. However, I've made up my mind. Give me a copy, and I'll

personally send it to the police." As the adamant woman she had always been, Charlotte was never a quitter once

she had set her mind on something.

In contrast to Charlotte's vehement determination, Abigail regretted her decision of revealing her identity as King.

"Are you sure? The burden you're carrying is enough to make you rot in jail forever. You're still young; there's a long

journey ahead of you. Charlotte, trust me. I can help you—"

"I do trust you, but I still can't bring myself to do it. Abigail, you might not know this, but I had a family before I

came to the island. My parents were police officers; my father died in the hands of the drug dealers while my

mother—a criminal officer—went insane due to his death, and a car accident took her life after that. So, I was

brought up with the principle of admitting my faults and atoning for my wrong deeds. Before today, I was still

worried about you, not knowing whether you've been leading a good life or not. And I know now. You're happy, and

you have someone that you like. Though Mr. Buckley is too powerful and has a complicated background, I am sure

that he's someone who can protect you. So, it's time for me to take responsibility for everything that I've done thus

far. That way, I'll be able to confidently face my parents in heaven." Charlotte smiled.

It was Abigail's first time listening to stories related to Charlotte's family and seeing such a bright smile on

Charlotte's face. Finally, it was free from worries and woes.

Just as her chest felt uneasy at the thought of her friend ruining her future, she received a message from Benjamin.

'Ma'am, I've seen the map before, and it seems like we're heading toward Hitman Island. Is Mr. Buckley going

against the island upfront?'

After reading the text, her heart pounded rapidly in frantic as she recalled Greg's words.

He said he needed three days to deal with something. Is he actually planning to annihilate the whole island?

She rose from her seat, which accidentally strained her injury, causing cold sweat to race down her back.

"What are you doing? What's with the rush? Don't you know that your injury has yet to recover? What's wrong?"

Abigail's chest was heaving vigorously due to the suffocating feeling. "Charlotte, I've got something to do."

"Do I have to retreat for a while?"

"No." Abigail then called Valerie to Charlotte's face.

On the other side, Valerie was taken aback by the sudden call from Abigail. She hesitated as she recalled the

conversation she had had with Greg.

Why is she calling me right now? Is she going to demand an apology?

In the meantime, Abigail was like a cat on hot bricks as no one picked up the phone. Finally, she had no choice but

to keep calling until Valerie finally answered the call after over 30 times.

"Abigail, I apologize for everything that I've said and done to you in the past. I'm sorry." Valerie started first.

It's just an apology, isn't it?

Since she was the one in the wrong, it was right for her to apologize. Before this, she found it difficult to admit her

fault in front of a youngster after having been held in high regard by others for so many years. However, now that

she had apologized first, she thought that it was actually not that hard to do so. As her mind was now at ease, she

added, "I am kinda selfish. It's probably due to my high status that I have a bossy mindset. I admit that I'm quite

demanding and overbearing sometimes, but I know that it could never be the reason for me to slander you. Greg is

right about this. It's my fault. I am also a mother, and I must've lost my reasonings when I saw someone hurt my

children. It is alright if you don't want to forgive me. It's just that I have to say what I have to say. I'm really sorry,


The lengthy speech caught Abigail by surprise as she thought of Valerie's tenacity and arrogance. The woman, who

had once declared a challenge to her, was apologizing to her.

Even though resentment couldn't always be brushed off with a simple apology, it was undeniably rare and

surprising for someone prideful like Valerie to say 'sorry' personally.

Abigail's brows furrowed at the thought of their rifted relationship, which could not be amended with a simple

apology. Besides, she had no plans of belittling herself for love.

Therefore, she responded, "I accept your apology, but I haven't forgiven your actions, nor will I think about it right

now. I've called you for something else. Do you know where Greg is? Did he tell you anything?"

"No. Isn't he with you? He looked so livid when he returned and even gave me a lecture. He insisted that I should

apologize to you, but I didn't, and so he left. I thought he went out to find you." Valerie's voice sounded upset, like a

bullied child.

She brought up his son for so many years, yet he acted in such a manner for the sake of his wife! Although Valerie

acknowledged her fault, she was hurt nevertheless.

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Never once had she shown her grievance in front of the maids, but she couldn't contain her feelings any longer

when she heard Abigail's voice.

"I guess he must be resenting his incompetent mother out there somewhere. But, Abigail Kain, I will not make the

same mistake again. I learned my lesson, and you will never have something over my head. This is the first and the

very last time. Do you get me?" Valerie ranted while feeling something burning behind her eyes.

Her harangue put Abigail in a trance.

I-Is she whining? Am I hearing things? Abigail was so dumbfounded that she almost laughed. Fine, I'll let her off the

hook this time.

She cleared her throat before saying, "Madam Valerie, I have something to tell you."

"It doesn't matter if you won't forgive me. I don't care." Despite the haughty statement, Valerie was quite jittery.

At that, the corner of Abigail's lips twitched. "It's something else, but it's related to Greg. I think he's going to Hitman

Island alone to ruin the place."

"What?!" Valerie sprang up to her feet when she heard the shocking news. "Is he trying to kill himself? So many

authorities are affiliated with that island, yet he's going there alone? He hasn't even fully recovered yet! Is he out of

his mind?"

"It's just a guess!" Abigail's eyes flashed with disbelief as her heart throbbed in pain and worry when she heard that

Greg was actually injured, and he still insisted on going.

Valerie continued, "Your guesses are always right. And you know him very well. But, I must do something

immediately. I will make him come back no matter what. That foolish boy!"

Once Valerie terminated the call, Abigail was still in distress.

The main reason Greg decided to go alone was probably that he didn't wish to involve his family in it, especially

Valerie. Nevertheless, Charlotte did mention that they had failed to pry anything deeper about the time before

Valerie's divorce. Not only was her ex-husband's true identity kept under the radar, but she also led the family into

becoming one of the Four Prominent Families. Even the Gray Territory had consolidated its position worldwide. From

Abigail's perspective, it wasn't something that an ordinary woman could do.

Thus, she was confident that someone was in the shadows protecting both Valerie and Greg. Regardless, due to the

circumstances, she had no choice but to prod the anonymous yet influential person to come to light to protect


Abigail was infuriated when she thought of the wayward man. Greg Buckley, since you've decided to 'kill' yourself,

why didn't you just be honest with me? Just what do you take me for?