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Not One, But Two!

Chapter 231
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Chapter 231

"Greg." Abigail's voice turned gentle all of a sudden.


Greg discovered that he really couldn't resist Abigail when she got gentle. She was like spring water dripping into his

heart, making it ripple, filling him with anticipation, and making him succumb to her.

"Come closer."

She smiled amorously, and Greg leaned toward her like he had been enchanted. The next second, Abigail, still

smiling, lowered her head and bit down his neck mercilessly.

"Ah—" Greg stiffened upon feeling the pain, but at the thought that his rough skin and leathery flesh might be tough

on his beloved's teeth, he instantly heaved a sigh of relief and relaxed his muscles, letting her do as she pleased.

As long as she was happy and as long as she vented her anger, he would even gladly let her mangle him.

Abigail's jaw was beginning to feel sore. This is exhausting; his flesh is really leathery.

With that, she pushed him away and huffed, "Happy? Is this what you want? Have you gotten into masochism

lately? It's like you're uncomfortable if you're not punished."

She was rather spent after this little torment, which, sure enough, got Greg smiling, not giving a thing about the bite

mark on his neck.

He pulled Abigail into his arms and said earnestly as he took in the realness of her touch. "I'm sorry, Abigail, for

letting you worry."

Abigail smiled in response. "Don't worry about it. You had my best interest at heart and didn't want those guys to

keep a close eye on me at all times anyway. I guess you've also done society a favor."

Greg meant well, and that she never denied.

"I don't care what happens to other people. I just want your life to forever be smooth sailing."

At that, he tightened his hug.

Touched by his actions, she patted his shoulder, careful to avoid his injury. "Get some rest. You can't afford any

more torment right now."

"Alright." With that, Greg removed his shoes and got into bed, scooping Abigail into his arms while he was at it. He

looked complacent that Abigail no longer had the heart to berate him.

Oh, forget it. I've already punished him by ignoring him all morning. Besides, the pain during the surgery would've

taught him a good lesson.

Abigail couldn't fall back to sleep no matter how when he wasn't around earlier. Now that he was, her eyelids

suddenly felt heavy, and she gradually drifted into slumber even though the bed was a little snug for two.

She felt really secure with his crisp scent surrounding her.

Greg opened his eyes when he heard her deep, even breathing, and his heart couldn't help aching when he saw the

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dark circles around her eyes.

At that, he shut his eyes again and, too, drifted off to sleep with Abigail in his arms.

Outside, Addison was exasperated that Benjamin escorted him out of the ward when Abigail had let him stay by her

side. But who'd have thought two sh*t-stirrers, named Greg Buckley and Benjamin Wallis, suddenly showed up and

foiled all his plans?!

"F*ck off! I'm warning you. I'll kick your a*s if you continue to get in my way."

However, Benjamin only dug his ear with his pinkie, not at all bothered by his threat. "Come at me then. Do you

think I'm afraid of a little brawl? We're both men here; what's there to be hesitant about? I'm going to put it out

there for you. If I win, you're coming with me, and stop being a third wheel. Can you be any more oblivious?"

"And if I win?"

Addison didn't like the way Benjamin put things into perspective. How was he a third wheel? Abigail was his in the

first place. Greg was the shameless one who stole her from him, and this guy said he was oblivious?!

How is it that these two sh*t-stirrers have zero self-awareness?!

"You? Beat me? Yeah, right," sneered Benjamin as he thought he had just heard a joke.

"Just say what happens if I win." Addison clearly wasn't going down without a fight.

"I'll let you go in if you win," Benjamin answered plainly.

He knew Greg would definitely chuck Addison back out if this pipsqueak dared to go in, and Greg would definitely

not be as gentle as he would.

But, of course, Benjamin didn't let Addison know of this fact.

Addison, on the other hand, removed his jacket. "Alright, come at me then. I'd like to see what Buckley's assistant is

made of."

"And I'd like to see what the captain of Ma'am's Shadow is made of."

With that, the two lunged at each other.

Inside, the couple was fast asleep in each other's arms while the other 'couple' outside was in a heated brawl.

Even when Abigail and Greg had stirred, Benjamin and Addison were still at each other's throats, so spent that they

were out of breath. Yet, neither would yield.

Greg, on the other hand, was indescribably content when he saw Abigail curled up in his arms like a dignifying cat,

hazy and languorous.

"You're hungry, aren't you? Come, I'll bring you out for some food," he said when he noticed the tortellini soup on

the table had turned cold.

Actually, it hadn't even been an hour since the two fell asleep and awoken.

Abigail was indeed hungry. The tortellini soup was piping hot when Addison brought it over, so the two chatted while

waiting for it to cool down. But who'd have thought Greg showed up? And now, the soup hadn't just cooled down

but turned cold.

"But my leg."

"I'll carry you to the cafeteria then. I'll cook."

His words successfully tempted her, and she spread her arms wide. "Okay!"

With that, Greg carried her in his arms and headed out.

Meanwhile, Benjamin and Addison called for a timeout, both too worn out to throw another punch."

"I… Let me… catch my breath… before… we… we continue…" said Benjamin as he bent over and panted, then

thought he saw his boss carry Abigail out of the ward from the corner of his eyes.

That means I don't have to continue fighting this kid anymore, don't I? Goodness, I swear my bones will fall apart if

we keep at this.

"Alright, that's it for today. I yield." Benjamin admitted defeat.

Seeing so, Addison dashed into the ward in two shakes.

Benjamin, on the other hand, chuckled to himself when he saw how eager Addison was.

"A prepubescent kid, and he thinks he can fight Mr. Buckley for a woman. Who does he think he is?" At that, he

shook his head.

When Addison returned to the ward, Abigail and Greg were long gone, and the tortellini soup he made for Abigail

was abandoned on the table just like he who had been forgotten.

In an instant, his mood plunged into the abyss when he had been in seventh heaven a second ago.

Just then, Benjamin came in. "Hey," he whistled. "Why are you still upset when you've won?"

"F*ck off!" thundered Addison as he shoved Benjamin away to dash outside.

Benjamin shrugged, looking all innocent as he walked further in to discover the bowl of tortellini soup that had

gotten cold. He supposed Abigail was done with it, so he ate it without a single care. He was famished after a long

brawl with Addison.

He had to admit that it still tasted good despite being cold.

The punk said he made it? I should see if I can get him to make some for me, Benjamin thought delightfully. But

before he could finish the soup, he heard footsteps approaching, and Addison appeared in front of him in two


"Who gave you permission to eat my tortellini?!" Addison flew into a rage.

First, this son of a bucket prevented him from spending time with Abigail, and now he was even eating the tortellini

soup he deliberately made for Abigail?! Unforgivable!

"Spit it all out!"

While speaking, Addison reached his hand out to shove it down Benjamin's throat, causing Benjamin to jump in fear.

"Dude, what the f*ck?! I've only eaten a few of your tortellini. Besides, Abigail's done with it. What's the big deal!?"

Addison's eyes instantly turned red-rimmed from oncoming tears, aggrieved to see that his love was now in this

sh*t-stirrer's belly. Miss Abigail's done with it? As if! She had wanted to gobble it down before you guys came! No

way would Miss Abigail have set the bowl of tortellini aside if Buckley hadn't suddenly shown up!

Benjamin panicked. "Hey, hey, hey, c'mon, it's not that big of a deal. We're all dudes here. No reason to cry over it."

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"You motherf*cking sh*t-stirrer!"

Addison stomped on Benjamin's feet and stormed out once again, and his red-rimmed eyes made Benjamin

suddenly feel guilty.

"Oh, c'mon, it's just a few tortellini. And how am I a sh*t-stirrer?! This kid sure doesn't know how to use his words."

Benjamin rubbed his somewhat numb feet, feeling super aggrieved.

Meanwhile, Abigail sat in the cafeteria and watched Greg make her handmade pasta, unaware that Addison was on

the verge of tears from anger because of Benjamin.

As it wasn't mealtime, there was barely anyone in the cafeteria. So Greg could roll out the pasta himself while

Abigail googled at him.



"If you're ever out of work, you can think about selling handmade pasta. It'll definitely be a hit."

Abigail propped her chin on both hands as she latched her gaze on her beloved.

Her lips were lifted into a smile, and her eyes were curved into beautiful crescents. Her gaze seemingly contained

the stars, and it affected Greg's mood.

"Well, someone will have to become the lady boss then."

"Don't even think about it. I'm just going to sit and eat."

Abigail couldn't help smiling even brighter at the thought of serving food to a sea of customers.

Greg thought this was a wonderful moment and unconsciously worked away even more seriously.

It was said that a man was attractive when he was focused.

Abigail suddenly pulled her phone out while riveting her gaze on him and snapped a picture of his side profile,

posting it on Twitter. 'If this guy loses his job someday and opens a pasta restaurant, will anyone visit?'

Minutes after that, her post had already received over thirty-forty likes; someone even left a comment.

'Who wouldn't when he's a hunk?! Forget about the pasta; he can cook me!"

Abigail smiled upon reading it.

Charlotte happened to catch it and couldn't help smiling. 'Wow, PDA much?' she commented.

Abigail instantly recalled Charlotte was still in Harrion. How could she have forgotten about her friend?!

With that, she sent a video chat to Charlotte, who surprisingly declined.

"I can't right now. I have someone with me." Charlotte sent a voice message, and just as she was speaking, a male

voice came in the background. "Charlotte, where's my shirt?"

Startled, she let go, and the message was successfully sent to Abigail.

Abigail happened to be holding onto her phone, waiting for Charlotte's reply. So she listened to the message as

soon as it was sent over, and of course, she was taken aback when she heard the male voice.

'D*mn, girl. What's going on?' she replied but had never gotten a response since. So Abigail couldn't help getting

curious and gossipy.

Who's that? Charlotte, this b*tch sure can hide.