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Not One, But Two!

Chapter 238
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Chapter 238

Recalling the changes in her after she met Greg, Abigail couldn't help but smile. Love can change a person so

much, really, she thought.

She glanced at the cell phone in her hands, and in the end, she chose to sleep.

That night, she slept very well.

The next day after she woke up, the treatment for Teal continued. Abigail didn't need to do much, but Amy was

working very hard.

Leisure and happy days like this went on for a month, and during this one month's time, it was very calm outside.

Because of her physical condition, Abigail had turned down all work. Everyday, she played games and made video

calls with her children. She gained a few pounds from living such a leisurely life.

It never crossed her mind that she would live such a depraved life. She had leveled up a lot in her game, but she

wasn't that hooked on it because she thought that the game was only more fun when Greg was there. When he

wasn't around, she would go offline as well. She didn't like to play it that much even though she was quite skilled at

it. However, Alissa had taken a liking to it, and she was quite speedy with her moves.

Under Alissa's request, Abigail agreed to let her play two hours a day, but she was still quite strict with her at other


After a month, Abigail's leg had healed as well. Her relationship with Greg continued to heat up, and Valeria was

abroad for a vacation, which set Abigail in higher spirits, too.

At the same time, Teal's treatment was showing good results, and she clearly looked much better now—she

appeared more energetic and looked nothing as sickly as she did before. She also took care of the Reeve's family

business very well, and it was slowly recovering from the damage that was caused by Quinn being corrupt.

Days like this are amazing, Abigail thought. If nobody comes and interferes.

Staring at Emma in front of her, Abigail frowned. "What are you doing here?"

The stoic expression on her face instantly ignited Emma's annoyance. "Abigail, you're such a vicious woman. You

really want to see me and my mom starve to death, don't you?"

The second Emma opened her mouth, it was reproach that came out, and her voice was ear-piercing.

Knitting her brows together, Abigail said indifferently, "Speak properly. Otherwise, just f*ck off!"

Although Emma was insulted, she recalled her objective for coming here and suppressed her emotions, which

surprised Abigail a lot.

Ever since she was young, Sasha had raised Emma as a spoiled child, so since when did she become so obedient?

Being haughty and unreasonable, and even arguing irrationally, were her nature. Therefore, she wouldn't react to

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anything Abigail said, but now, she actually suppressed her anger, which was really the first time, ever.

Casting a thoughtful look at her, Abigail asked, "Why did you come looking for me?"

"Don't you know?" Immediately, Emma raised her voice, but after catching Abigail's icy stare, she lowered it again

and said in a huff, "Dad has been arrested, and neither me nor Mom knows anything about the family business.

These past few days, a lot of debtors have been showing up at our door, and they are all very aggressive, so I've

been hiding outside. I don't dare to go home."

Taken aback, Abigail thought, Philip has been arrested? Did Teal do this?

A month ago, she had told Teal that she wouldn't stick her nose into the incident where Quinn poisoned her, and no

matter what Teal did, it was all understandable. After all, Teal was the victim, and she almost lost her life.

Unquestionably, she had the right to hold him accountable. In addition, everyone was an adult, and adults had to be

responsible for their actions. No matter what the outcome was, they had to bear it themselves.

However, Abigail remembered Teal mentioning that she wanted to investigate Sasha, so why did she have Philip

arrested first?

While her mind was processing all of this, Emma said anxiously, "Come and take a look at home. Isn't Mr. Buckley

your man? Tell him to help us, otherwise our family will be done for."

So, that's the reason she's here, Abigail thought.

Regaining her senses, she saw how anxious Emma was and uttered nonchalantly, "Why should I help you guys?"

"Are you crazy? He's our father! Oh, I get it. Does this have something to do with you? You're the one who had him

arrested, aren't you? Why are you so ruthless? Even though Dad hasn't been very kind to you ever since you were

young, he still brought you up. Not only did you not repay him for his kindness, you even bit him back with

vengeance. Are you still a human, Abigail Kain?"

However, her reproach had no effect on Abigail, and she merely asked curtly, "Why don't you look for Jonathan?"

Upon hearing her question, Emma started to whimper and tears welled up in her eyes all of a sudden.

"How do you know that I didn't look for him? That *sshole wants to call off the engagement with me at a time like

this, and he even said that I'm unfaithful to him. Five years! I've been so nice to him for the last five years, but this

is how he treats me!" she said and began to cry.

This was unexpected for Abigail, but just then, Amy came looking for Abigail. She was stunned when she saw that

Emma was here as well.

"What's up?" Abigail asked.

Seeing that Amy was here, Abigail set Emma aside because Amy was more important to her.

"There's a prescription that needs your signature," Emma answered, passing her a paper.

After taking a look at it, Abigail signed her name on it. Amy used this opportunity to pass her cell phone to Abigail.

At first, Abigail was confused why Amy was showing her her cell phone, but she was attracted by the headlines on


The headlines read, 'The shameless Kain girls. Orgy with N number of men after a crazy night at the club'.

As Abigail looked at photos of Emma, in which she had dazed eyes and was acting inappropriately, the look on her

face turned colder.

"Did you do this yourself, or did someone set you up?"

Abigail didn't want to care about this at first, but the other party had involved the entire Kain Family—the Kain girls

included her as well!

From the looks of it, they weren't people whom the idiotic Emma could afford to offend.

After giving it some thought, the first suspect that came to Abigail's mind was Victoria, but she didn't think that

Jonathan would actually have agreed to it.

That meant he was really tired of Emma already.

Her question immediately made Emma cry out of grievance. "That *sshole set me up. He's the one who asked me

to go to that club, saying that it was for my birthday celebration. Recently, our relationship has been on the rocks,

and I didn't think too much at that time when he was suddenly so nice to me. He gave me a glass of champagne,

and the atmosphere was very romantic, which made me very touched at that time. Who would have thought that

after I had the drink, I wouldn't know what happened afterward, and when I opened my eyes again, all this had


While telling the story, Emma cried aggrievedly, but Abigail was clear that it was Jonathan who had set up the Kain


Initially, she wanted to wash her hands of this, but when she recalled Philip's life and the fact that he had brought

her up, she relented.

"Dumbass," she chided Emma directly. There was no reason to be nice to an idiot, but this caused Emma to be even

more aggrieved.

"How can you still scold me when I'm already in this state? Are you even my sister?"

This was a question which Abigail didn't really want to answer. If it was possible, she really didn't want a younger

sister like her, even though she was just her cousin sister.

"Where's your mom? She's allowing this to happen to you without doing anything?"

In Abigail's memory, Sasha would never allow her precious daughter to be bullied by anyone just like this.

Sniffling, Emma answered, "Since this incident broke out, I've not seen Mom, and I don't know what she's busy with.

She's always going out early in the day and coming home late, and I haven't been able to catch her at all."

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That's interesting, Abigail thought. Usually, there was no way Sasha would allow anyone to walk all over her

daughter like this, unless she was in some kind of trouble herself and couldn't get out of it.

Then, she recalled that Teal wanted to investigate Sasha. Perhaps this had something to do with Teal.

Seeing that Abigail was deep in thought, Emma was a little nervous because someone had to solve her own mess

and Philip's trouble. Although she disliked Abigail, she knew that she was the only one who could save herself and

Philip now.

Setting aside everything, she took a step forward and grabbed Abigail's arm, then sobbed, "Abbie, help us. I know I

was wrong in the past. I was blind and shouldn't have snatched your boyfriend from you. Even if you want to hit or

scold me, I'll tolerate all of it, but just save us quickly."

This was the first time Abigail heard her calling her name so intimately.

Ever since she was young, Emma and Sasha hadn't made her life any easier, and neither did they cut her any slack,

but she knew that Emma was once a good kid. Sasha was the one who led her astray later.

She remembered when she was beaten by Sasha when she was four and locked up in the room for a day without

any food. In the middle of the night, it was Emma who sneaked in with two hot meat pies for her.

The memories of the past were blurry for Abigail, but she still remembered Emma's sweet smile and voice on that

night. Wearing a pretty dress, Emma had crouched down next to her like a little angel, calling her 'Abbie' sweetly.

These memories seemed like they were from a different life, and Emma was a really likable person then.

When did this start to change?

It was probably at the same time this happened. Because Emma was friendly to her, Sasha hit Emma for the first

time, and she even forbade her to speak with Abigail. Every time she spoke with Abigail, Sasha would hit her, hence

slowly, both of them stopped having much interaction.

After that, they turned into enemies, and Emma would always seek trouble with Abigail even until they grew up. It

was as though Emma would snatch anything that Abigail had, regardless of whether she liked it or not.

Recalling memories from the past, Abigail turned a little soft-hearted. No matter what, Emma was Philip's only


"Let go."

Furrowing her brows slightly, Abigail wasn't used to Emma being so intimate with her all of a sudden, but Emma

thought Abigail found her annoying.

I don't blame her, Emma thought. Of course she's going to despise me for the things that I've done to her over the


In spite of that, Abigail was her last hope now, so she couldn't let go. Not only did she not let go, but she even

clutched her tighter.

"No, I'm not letting you go! Abigail, no matter what, you'll have to help me today, or else I'll kill myself here!"

Out of wits, Emma started to throw a tantrum by stomping her feet and such, which turned Abigail's eyes colder.