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Not One, But Two!

Chapter 53
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Chapter 53

The car sped along the highway. Greg felt like his heart was about to jump out of his throat any second. Isn't this

woman supposed to be all bossy and stuck up? Didn't she say that she doesn't want to have anything to do with

me? So why did she block the attack for me? She had gone to Rorea for surgery, so there's no reason for her to

rush back. Unless… Did she rush back to tell me that someone was trying to harm me? Greg's mind was spinning—

he couldn't understand why Abigail did what she did. All he knew was that his mind was a mess because of her.

Once they got to the hospital, Greg carried her directly to the operation theater. There was already a doctor there

waiting for her. Once the operation theater's doors shut, Greg stared at the red lights above the door as his heart

continued racing. He had never felt so anxious before, not even when he had gotten injured. When he thought

about his interaction with Abigail in the office, he felt more guilty than ever.

"We managed to find something, Mr. Buckley. Jason's from their gang," Troy hurried over and whispered in Greg's

ear. Greg's gaze darkened as a hateful look flashed in his eyes. "What else did he say?" Greg asked.

"After Dr. Kain saved Old Madam Buckley when Old Madam Buckley experienced hemorrhaging again, it was also

their men who had pretended to be a doctor and sneaked into the ward to drug Old Madam Buckley. If Dr. Kain

hadn't managed to save her in time, perhaps Old Madam Buckley might have…" Troy didn't finish his sentence, but

Greg understood what he meant. An icy look formed on Greg's face.

"Get rid of him. You know what to do with the body," Greg ordered.

"Got it." Troy left after that. Greg took a seat on the bench outside and stared at the bright light indicating that

surgery was in progress. He didn't know Abigail's condition, and this made him more anxious than ever. Yet, there

was nothing he could do. It seems like I misunderstood her all along.

He felt the urge to smoke a cigarette, but he couldn't do it since he was in the hospital. The surgery went on for two

hours. The moment the lights went off, Greg shot up to his feet before rushing over. "How is she, doctor?"

"Dr. Kain's injury isn't that deep, and it didn't pierce through her heart. However, her gastric issue is rather serious,

probably because she doesn't eat regularly. I've already treated her wounds, but it seems like she hasn't been

resting well. She was really tired, so I think she might sleep for a while longer. You don't have to worry about her,

Mr. Buckley." The doctor was worried that Greg might get anxious if Abigail didn't wake up soon, so the doctor

hastily explained the situation.

Greg knitted his brows together. Did she not get enough rest? Yeah! She rushed to Rorea for surgery, and she

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probably didn't rest before coming back here. How could she have gotten enough rest? "I got it." Greg pushed

Abigail over to the ICU himself.

The ward was extremely quiet, and Greg sat in front of her bed while staring at her face. Her usual arrogant look

had been replaced with a weak and pale one that made Greg's heart ache. Only then did he realize that she was

just a soft and gentle woman, after all!

Yet, this soft woman was also the one who stood in front of a knife for him. Greg didn't know what he was feeling,

but he knew that everything was messed up.

Soon enough, a fever plagued Abigail. Her cheeks turned rosy red, and she knitted her brows together as she

seemed to have dreamt of something bad. The nightmare clung to her, and she couldn't wake up at all.

Greg hastily held her hand, which was moist with sweat. Greg intended to get a pail of water to clean her body with

a towel, but he couldn't get her to let go of his hand. "Don't leave me! Don't leave me alone!" Abigail mumbled as a

tear trickled down the corner of her eye.

The sight of the weak woman made Greg's heart flutter a little, and he instinctively squeezed her hand. "I'm not

leaving; I'll always be here with you." Perhaps it was because she heard Greg's voice, or perhaps she had fallen

back to sleep, but Abigail went quiet after that. Greg hastily took this chance to pull his hand away before he got

warm water to clean her face. When her temperature grew higher, he used a cold, wet towel to cool her down.

Greg had never treated a person, let alone a woman, so thoughtfully. Even though they had slept together, Greg

still felt rather shy as he cleaned and wiped her body. He could even feel his mouth turning numb.

She's too arrogant when she's awake, she's too crazy when in bed, but she's so alluring now that she's ill. Just the

sight of her makes my heart ache for her. Is she a witch? After Greg was done wiping her body, he realized that his

entire back was soaked in sweat.

He was the almighty Mr. Buckley, but here he was in this state. How could a woman do this to him? Others would

laugh if they heard about this! Fortunately, Abigail was fast asleep. Greg comforted himself with that thought as he

went to get another pail of water. After working to cool her down for two hours, Abigail's fever finally went down.

Greg was exhausted. He sat in front of Abigail's bed and pulled his phone out to tell Troy to prepare some food for

Arianna before bringing her home and playing with her for a while. After that, Greg personally gave Swanson Hut's

manager a call to tell them to prepare some porridge and other easily-digestible foods.

After ending the call, Greg sensed a cold glare fixed on him. He spun his head sideways to find Abigail glaring at him

without blinking at all. "You're up? Do you feel better?" Greg's voice was much gentler.

Abigail had to check that she wasn't dreaming when she realized that Greg was the one who had taken care of her.

She widened her eyes when she was finally sure of it. "Did they catch the man?"

"Yeah. It's all thanks to you. You saved my life. You can have anything you want in return—I'll give you anything as

long as it's within my ability," Greg offered. He was doing it out of kindness—after all, he was used to thanking

people by giving them money or materials. However, he didn't realize how unpleasant it sounded to Abigail.

"I don't need money, nor do I need you to repay me. I just wanted to return the favor after what you did for me at

the ancestral hall. We don't owe each other anything from now on. I want to sleep. Get out!" Abigail's tone wasn't

too nice.

Greg was grumpy since she kept chasing him away, but he suppressed his emotions when he saw her pale face.

"You go ahead and sleep, then. I'll be smoking outside. You can call me if you need anything. I've ordered food, and

it will be here soon. Your stomach is weak, so you should eat some food even if you don't have the appetite."

However, Abigail only ignored his statement and shut her eyes. Soon enough, her breathing turned soft and even.

Once again, Greg had been ignored by her. He bit his lower lip and glared at the woman on the bed. He wanted to

do something, but he only ended up storming out of the room without doing anything else.

After smoking a cigarette outside, the nicotine calmed his temper down a little. Swanson Hut's manager had arrived

with the food by then. "Your dishes, Mr. Buckley."

"Pass it to me." Greg took the food from the man before taking long strides back to the ward. Abigail had yet to

wake up. Since Greg recalled what the doctor said about Abigail being exhausted, Greg didn't bother waking her up.

Instead, he left the food on the table before heading to Valerie's room.

After all the rest Valerie had gotten in recent days, she felt much better. When she saw Greg, she let out a scoff.

"Oh, you're finally visiting me? Aren't you busy?"

"Stop being all sarcastic, Mom. Abigail got injured because she was trying to make sure I didn't get stabbed." Greg

sat down in front of Valerie.

"What did you just say? What happened?" Valerie frowned. Greg explained the situation to Valerie, and he even told

her about the source of her hemorrhaging incident. Valerie's face darkened immediately. "Those people are getting

too much! They were really trying to kill us both, huh?" she hissed. "I'm thinking of counter-attacking them. We

can't continue avoiding this, especially since they had hurt Abigail," she uttered.

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Greg's gaze dimmed as he thought about it for a moment. Hatred flashed in his eyes. "No."

Valerie grabbed Greg's hand as she shook her head. "Dr. Kain is a good person, and we owe her too much. Listen to

me and chase after her, Greg. Turn her into my daughter-in-law. That way, her kid will be in the family too."

Greg was speechless when he heard Valerie. "There are a lot of ways to thank someone, Mom. I don't necessarily

have to do it by marrying her. Stop rushing me, okay? Anyway, I was here to see you, but I should leave now that

you're fine. Abigail has some stomach issues, so I'd like to see if she's awake. I need to get her to eat something. I

promised Arianna that I would do that." Then, Greg stood up and left.

The corner of Valerie's eyes crinkled as she watched him leave. He may claim that he's rejecting my idea, but I've

never seen him care for a woman so much. Valerie was pleased, and she knew that she no longer had to nag him

about it.

Once Greg returned to Abigail's ward, he found that the food in the container was gone. However, Abigail was still

fast asleep. What's going on? Did someone come in to steal her food? Greg checked Abigail's breathing and found

that she was indeed fast asleep.

But where did the food go? Greg knitted his brows together before he decided to check the CCTVs. He headed to

the control room, where the staff members quickly pulled the tapes out. They didn't want to take their time with it

as they heard that Greg had lost something.

Greg checked to find that Abigail had woken up a while after he left. When she saw the food on the table, she

opened the container and gobbled up the food. She ate so quickly that it almost looked like someone was trying to

snatch her food from her. She wasn't elegant at all. Greg frowned as he stared at her. Did she not eat for three


After Abigail finished the meal, she took a napkin and cleaned her mouth before lying down and sleeping again.

Greg was utterly speechless at this point. Did she just go back to sleep after eating? No wonder her stomach is

upset all the time. Has she always eaten and slept so quickly? Greg was rather troubled.

"Do you doctors always eat and sleep like that?" Greg asked. The staff in the control room quickly explained, "Most

of the doctors in the emergency room do this. There are too many cases in the emergency room each day, so they

don't have time to eat and sleep. They would just make it quick before going back to work."

When Greg heard what the staff member said, concern appeared in his eyes for a second, but he didn't say much

else. He simply returned to Abigail's room and stared at her face while she slept. All of a sudden, he raised his hand

to touch her cheek. You're a woman, but why are you living life like you're a man?