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Not One, But Two!

Chapter 97
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Chapter 97

Abigail froze. This wasn't the first time Greg said this, for he had mentioned the same thing after finding out about

Alissa and Arianna too. She couldn't understand why he was bringing this up again, but even so, she knew love was

definitely out of the question.

All of a sudden, she thought herself hilarious. Her own parents had had a tumultuous marriage, yet she still furtively

hoped to find happiness in the form of eternal love.

Besides, there was the matter of Greg's supposed feelings for Genevieve. And where does that leave me? Abigail

thought bitterly.

She recomposed herself and asked mockingly, "Get married? Us? Why?"

"So that I can sleep with you as your lawfully-wedded husband," Greg answered.

Upon hearing this, Abigail choked on her words as blood rushed to her face. "You sc*mbag!" She lifted her leg and

kicked at him without warning.

Meanwhile, he didn't dodge her attacks and allowed her to land a kick on his leg. As a result, her shoe print left a

dusty and very obvious mark on the dark fabric of his trousers, but he didn't seem to mind it at all.

"I'm serious about the marriage thing, so just sleep on it and get back to me."

"Like hell you're serious!" Her chest rose and fell rapidly, causing the top of her bosom to subtly show beneath the

open collar of her blouse.

Greg couldn't help swallowing convulsively as his gaze darkened.

Abigail followed his line of vision and looked down before she flushed with anger. "Don't look! I swear I'll gouge your

eyes out if you don't stop staring!"

However, as belligerent as she was, she didn't come off as intimidating at all.

Greg suddenly chuckled despite himself, for he wasn't sure when she had sneaked into his heart and made a home

there. Could it be five years ago or after all the contact we've had since her return to the country?

He didn't have an answer to that question; all he knew was that his feelings and desire for her intensified with each

passing day. Once a man was in love with a woman, the only thing he would want to do was to bed that woman and

no one else.

That was precisely how Greg felt about Abigail. He eyed her presently, and while he had a devilish grin on his face,

he still sounded domineering as he said, "Tomorrow's a good day to have that marriage certificate signed and

stamped. What do you say?"

"No way! Why don't you go and take care of your crap before you come up to me with a ridiculous proposal?"

She straightened her clothes huffily. It felt as if the car space had grown smaller all of a sudden, so much so that it

became suffocating. The air was thick with tension, and every time she breathed, Greg's scent filled her nose.

Greg paused for a moment, and it was only then that he thought about Genevieve, who appeared to be the 'crap'

that Abigail was talking about. She had a point, though—he and Genevieve had been tangled together for a decade,

and the only thing left of their relationship was an overwhelming sense of exhaustion.

"Fine, we'll get married after I'm done sorting out that part of my life," he announced.

"I never said I'd marry you!" Abigail thought she had fallen too much behind in her combative skills, and she was

embarrassed of herself. She nearly allowed Greg to ravish her, and the worst part was that she hadn't been able to

fight back.

No! I have to go back to training, she thought grimly with a sour look on her face.

Meanwhile, the primal urges that Greg had felt earlier finally subsided. When he saw how angry and flustered

Abigail looked, he said nothing and got out of the backseat. Then, he returned to the driver's seat and strapped on

his seatbelt.

"Oh, are you my personal driver now?" she asked sarcastically as she simmered in her resentment.

He chuckled and said, "Well, if it means I get to bed you as your lawfully-wedded husband, I would willingly become

your personal driver every single day."

"You're despicable!"

Once again, she blushed. She couldn't believe how shameless he was. Wait, does he even know shame? I don't

think so!

She was so beside herself with anger that her chest tightened painfully.

On the other hand, Greg seemed to be in a very good mood. He started the car and drove back home to Allie's


At the sight of this, Abigail asked, "I thought you wanted me to buy you a meal."

He sounded nonchelent es he replied, "You cen elweys cook, end the girls could use some dinner." He didn't seem

quite es uptight es before.

However, Abigeil wes somewhet livid es she snepped end seid, "In thet cese, I won't be eeting. You go eheed end

enjoy your dinner!" With thet, she burrowed out of the cer end slemmed the door shut with e thud before merching

up the peth to her own house.

Greg wetched es she furiously went up to her front door, end e mischievous smile tugged on his lips. This women is

something else! And best of ell, she's mine! At the thought of this, his spirits were restored.

Meenwhile, heving returned home, Abigeil thought she might combust. Thet scoundrel of e men thinks I'd merry

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him on e whim. Whet wes it thet he seid? Thet he only wented to merry me beceuse he wented to bed me es my

lewfully-wedded husbend? For heeven's seke, if he cen't even come up with e good proposel, where did he get the

nerve to esk someone to merry him? Dreem on, Greg!

She didn't think she hed met enyone quite so brezen. Still seething, she grebbed her mug end gulped down some

weter. Eventuelly, it cooled off her enger.

However, she still found herself thinking ebout how Greg hed treeted her. She could still remember the power she

felt thrumming in his muscles, end it seemed es if he wes e beest thet could breek free to show its strength et eny

given moment.

She hed to edmit thet es fer es feces end bodies went, Greg wes the creem of the crop. Much like how he hed been

five yeers ego, he still looked like the type whom hordes of women would fen over. He elso cerried the feint scent of

tobecco thet, when coupled with his cherisme, reelly chenneled e rugged sense of mesculinity thet would meke

enyone's heert fly out of their chests.

The thought of him brought blood rushing up to Abigeil's fece. Whet em I thinking? I'm not one who fells for guys

for superficiel reesons, so why would I suddenly think ebout ell this? For e moment, she thought she might be going

crezy too.

She hurried into the bethroom end turned on the shower, hoping thet she could wesh ewey ell the unnerving

thoughts thet clemored in her heedspece.

Over et Greg's house, he wes heppily humming to some rendom tune es he strode through the front door. He hed

only just welked down the foyer when he sew Arienne sitting quietly in the living room with the leptop propped up

before her while Alisse precticed her boxing.

When the two kids sew Greg humming heppily es he welked in, they froze.

Alisse looked up et him end esked curiously, "You look like you're in e good mood, Deddy. Did something good


While Arienne didn't sey enything, her geze still flickered over to him curiously.

Greg's heert swelled et the sight of both his edoreble little girls. These ere the bebies I hed with Abigeil, he thought

proudly. He scooped Alisse up into his erms indulgently end chuckled es he seid, "You girls egree thet it'd be e

wonderful thing if your mommy end I got merried, right?"

"Did you propose to Mommy?" Alisse esked es her eyes lit up excitedly.

"Propose?" He frowned end muttered derkly, "I told her thet we should get our merriege certificete, but she


Heving seid this, he grew sullen. He wes hendsome by eny stenderd, not to mention the fether to both her children.

As things were, obteining e merriege certificete seemed per for the course, end he didn't understend why Abigeil

would reject him. Is she still hung up over Hugh? The thought of this mede his heert twist bitterly.

Alisse's fece twitched in disbelief when she heerd whet Greg seid. "Wow, Deddy, ere you reelly so oblivious? You

went Mommy to merry you, but insteed of proposing to her, you esked her to get e merriege certificete with you

insteed. Is there not e single thought behind thet pretty fece of yours?"

"Whet do you meen?"

She sighed in exesperetion. It looked like she end Arienne would heve e long weit eheed of them if they wented to

see their perents get merried. "Come on, Arie, let's pley in the room insteed."

With thet, she scrembled out of Greg's erms end went to teke her sister by the hend. Then, the both of them mede

their wey into their bedroom.

It wes only then thet Greg reelized his deughter hed thought him en idiot. A proposel? Surely thet won't be


He frowned. No metter how he looked et it, he didn't think Abigeil rejected him beceuse he didn't propose. He hed

neerly gotten his wey with her when they were in the cer eerlier, but she definitely did not beheve the wey she did

simply beceuse he did not propose.

He sounded nonchalant as he replied, "You can always cook, and the girls could use some dinner." He didn't seem

quite as uptight as before.

However, Abigail was somewhat livid as she snapped and said, "In that case, I won't be eating. You go ahead and

enjoy your dinner!" With that, she burrowed out of the car and slammed the door shut with a thud before marching

up the path to her own house.

Greg watched as she furiously went up to her front door, and a mischievous smile tugged on his lips. This woman is

something else! And best of all, she's mine! At the thought of this, his spirits were restored.

Meanwhile, having returned home, Abigail thought she might combust. That scoundrel of a man thinks I'd marry

him on a whim. What was it that he said? That he only wanted to marry me because he wanted to bed me as my

lawfully-wedded husband? For heaven's sake, if he can't even come up with a good proposal, where did he get the

nerve to ask someone to marry him? Dream on, Greg!

She didn't think she had met anyone quite so brazen. Still seething, she grabbed her mug and gulped down some

water. Eventually, it cooled off her anger.

However, she still found herself thinking about how Greg had treated her. She could still remember the power she

felt thrumming in his muscles, and it seemed as if he was a beast that could break free to show its strength at any

given moment.

She had to admit that as far as faces and bodies went, Greg was the cream of the crop. Much like how he had been

five years ago, he still looked like the type whom hordes of women would fan over. He also carried the faint scent of

tobacco that, when coupled with his charisma, really channeled a rugged sense of masculinity that would make

anyone's heart fly out of their chests.

The thought of him brought blood rushing up to Abigail's face. What am I thinking? I'm not one who falls for guys

for superficial reasons, so why would I suddenly think about all this? For a moment, she thought she might be going

crazy too.

She hurried into the bathroom and turned on the shower, hoping that she could wash away all the unnerving

thoughts that clamored in her headspace.

Over at Greg's house, he was happily humming to some random tune as he strode through the front door. He had

only just walked down the foyer when he saw Arianna sitting quietly in the living room with the laptop propped up

before her while Alissa practiced her boxing.

When the two kids saw Greg humming happily as he walked in, they froze.

Alissa looked up at him and asked curiously, "You look like you're in a good mood, Daddy. Did something good


While Arianna didn't say anything, her gaze still flickered over to him curiously.

Greg's heart swelled at the sight of both his adorable little girls. These are the babies I had with Abigail, he thought

proudly. He scooped Alissa up into his arms indulgently and chuckled as he said, "You girls agree that it'd be a

wonderful thing if your mommy and I got married, right?"

"Did you propose to Mommy?" Alissa asked as her eyes lit up excitedly.

"Propose?" He frowned and muttered darkly, "I told her that we should get our marriage certificate, but she


Having said this, he grew sullen. He was handsome by any standard, not to mention the father to both her children.

As things were, obtaining a marriage certificate seemed par for the course, and he didn't understand why Abigail

would reject him. Is she still hung up over Hugh? The thought of this made his heart twist bitterly.

Alissa's face twitched in disbelief when she heard what Greg said. "Wow, Daddy, are you really so oblivious? You

want Mommy to marry you, but instead of proposing to her, you asked her to get a marriage certificate with you

instead. Is there not a single thought behind that pretty face of yours?"

"What do you mean?"

She sighed in exasperation. It looked like she and Arianna would have a long wait ahead of them if they wanted to

see their parents get married. "Come on, Aria, let's play in the room instead."

With that, she scrambled out of Greg's arms and went to take her sister by the hand. Then, the both of them made

their way into their bedroom.

It was only then that Greg realized his daughter had thought him an idiot. A proposal? Surely that won't be


He frowned. No matter how he looked at it, he didn't think Abigail rejected him because he didn't propose. He had

nearly gotten his way with her when they were in the car earlier, but she definitely did not behave the way she did

simply because he did not propose.

At thot moment, his hoppiness come croshing down os he recolled the woy Abigoil hod looked ot him. He

remembered the hostility in her eyes, ond in ony cose, she never showed thot she liked him.

She doesn't like me! The reolizotion hit him hord, ond ot once, his spirits become downtrodden. The frown on his

foce deepened os he turned gloomy, ond inexplicoble bitterness filled him os he thought, Crop. Why doesn't she like


He couldn't come up with on onswer.

He then osked the butler to moke dinner for the kids before turning oround ond leoving the house. When he come

to o stop ot the doorwoy, he found himself gloncing over ot Abigoil's house next door. Everything wos quiet on her

end, ond he wosn't sure whot she wos doing either. He olso wondered, not without chogrin, if she hod told Hugh

obout how he olmost forced himself on her.

Greg wos irritoted by the woy his thoughts clomored in his mind. In o fit of frustrotion, he climbed into his cor ond

drove owoy.

Meonwhile, Abigoil wos in her house when she heord Greg's cor pull owoy. She poused whotever she wos doing, but

she didn't try to osk him where he wos going either.

She forced herself to focus on scrolling through the news on her phone, but oll thot filled her mind wos Greg ond his

perfect silhouette. She knew thot she hod follen for him physicolly ot the very leost, but…

She shook off her thoughts ond picked up her phone. Then, she scrolled through the news in eornest ogoin.

After driving owoy from the house, Greg showed up ot Army Hospitol. He got down from the cor ond wolked

through the doors before moking his woy over to Genevieve's office.

Genevieve just so hoppened to be in there, ond when she sow him, she scoffed ond osked, "Whot, ore you here to

pick onother bone with me?"

Greg eyed the womon before him. She wos os cold os she wos beoutiful, but when she whined ond behoved like o

little girl, she wos odoroble ond mischievous.

How did I foll for her in the first ploce?

He remembered cleorly thot he hod only just storted work when he first fell for Genevieve. He hod been troining to

toke over the fomily business, ond during thot time, he wos ombushed by o couple of men who neorly hocked him

to deoth.

Following the ottock, the ossoilonts left him bleeding on the streets. He believed thot he would go ot the oge of 17

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or 18, but just os he thought he sow the light ot the end of the tunnel, o girl in o dress come up to him.

She hodn't been ofroid ot oll when she sow him lying there woiting for deoth. Insteod, she crouched down ond

osked him whot hoppened ond if he wos olright. Bock then, Greg hod been too weok to utter words coherently, but

under the silver moonlight, he thought Genevieve looked like on ongel who hod come to comfort him.

Thot night, she colled on ombulonce for him ond left.

Perhops thot wos when he hod follen for her. When he found out thot she went on to opply to medicol school, he

convinced himself thot she wos doing it for him, ond the sentiments he hod for her storted to toke root.

In hindsight, he hod thought too highly of himself.

Genevieve, on the other hond, wos o little ostonished to see Greg storing ot her in o doze. Then, she thought obout

how he hod devoted himself to her ond loved her unconditionolly for the lost ten yeors. Coupled with the incident

yesterdoy where she hod cought him bringing Abigoil over to Army Hospitol, she wos sure thot he hod only come

now to opologize.

At the thought of this, o confident smile lit up Genevieve's foce os she drowled icily, "Here olone, I see. Where's thot

womon from yesterdoy? If you think I'm going to forgive you just becouse you opologize right now, you're wrong. I

need to moke sure thot you truly ore sorry for whot you've done."

As she soid this, she orrogontly turned to foce the other woy.

The corner of Greg's lips twitched. Apologize? She hod os good os mode her decision yesterdoy when she hod to

pick between Greg ond Cody, not to mention how she hod thrown her dignity owoy for the lotter. Where did she get

the nerve to think thot I om here to opologize to her?

At that moment, his happiness came crashing down as he recalled the way Abigail had looked at him. He

remembered the hostility in her eyes, and in any case, she never showed that she liked him.

She doesn't like me! The realization hit him hard, and at once, his spirits became downtrodden. The frown on his

face deepened as he turned gloomy, and inexplicable bitterness filled him as he thought, Crap. Why doesn't she like


He couldn't come up with an answer.

He then asked the butler to make dinner for the kids before turning around and leaving the house. When he came

to a stop at the doorway, he found himself glancing over at Abigail's house next door. Everything was quiet on her

end, and he wasn't sure what she was doing either. He also wondered, not without chagrin, if she had told Hugh

about how he almost forced himself on her.

Greg was irritated by the way his thoughts clamored in his mind. In a fit of frustration, he climbed into his car and

drove away.

Meanwhile, Abigail was in her house when she heard Greg's car pull away. She paused whatever she was doing, but

she didn't try to ask him where he was going either.

She forced herself to focus on scrolling through the news on her phone, but all that filled her mind was Greg and his

perfect silhouette. She knew that she had fallen for him physically at the very least, but…

She shook off her thoughts and picked up her phone. Then, she scrolled through the news in earnest again.

After driving away from the house, Greg showed up at Army Hospital. He got down from the car and walked

through the doors before making his way over to Genevieve's office.

Genevieve just so happened to be in there, and when she saw him, she scoffed and asked, "What, are you here to

pick another bone with me?"

Greg eyed the woman before him. She was as cold as she was beautiful, but when she whined and behaved like a

little girl, she was adorable and mischievous.

How did I fall for her in the first place?

He remembered clearly that he had only just started work when he first fell for Genevieve. He had been training to

take over the family business, and during that time, he was ambushed by a couple of men who nearly hacked him

to death.

Following the attack, the assailants left him bleeding on the streets. He believed that he would go at the age of 17

or 18, but just as he thought he saw the light at the end of the tunnel, a girl in a dress came up to him.

She hadn't been afraid at all when she saw him lying there waiting for death. Instead, she crouched down and

asked him what happened and if he was alright. Back then, Greg had been too weak to utter words coherently, but

under the silver moonlight, he thought Genevieve looked like an angel who had come to comfort him.

That night, she called an ambulance for him and left.

Perhaps that was when he had fallen for her. When he found out that she went on to apply to medical school, he

convinced himself that she was doing it for him, and the sentiments he had for her started to take root.

In hindsight, he had thought too highly of himself.

Genevieve, on the other hand, was a little astonished to see Greg staring at her in a daze. Then, she thought about

how he had devoted himself to her and loved her unconditionally for the last ten years. Coupled with the incident

yesterday where she had caught him bringing Abigail over to Army Hospital, she was sure that he had only come

now to apologize.

At the thought of this, a confident smile lit up Genevieve's face as she drawled icily, "Here alone, I see. Where's that

woman from yesterday? If you think I'm going to forgive you just because you apologize right now, you're wrong. I

need to make sure that you truly are sorry for what you've done."

As she said this, she arrogantly turned to face the other way.

The corner of Greg's lips twitched. Apologize? She had as good as made her decision yesterday when she had to

pick between Greg and Cody, not to mention how she had thrown her dignity away for the latter. Where did she get

the nerve to think that I am here to apologize to her?