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Pregnant and Rejected by My Alpha Mate

Chapter 177
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That was way too close. I think, breathing a much need ed sigh of relief. It’s only because of dumb luck

– that my potion maker was stopping by to drop off my most recent order – that I even managed to

inject Bastien with the sleeping solution.

I suppose there was some cunning involved – I had pre pared the syringe and kept it in my purse for

emergencies just like this, but i’d hoped I wouldn’t ever need to use it. After helping me drag Bastien to

bed and charging me ex tra for the labor, my sketchy contact left as swiftly as he came, leaving me to

try to sort out what to do about Selene on my own.

Injecting enough memory potion into Bastien that I’m afraid I might actually have to start my plan over

all the way from scratch, I take a page out of the Alpha’s book and be gin to pace. Somehow Selene

had convinced Bastien that everything I’ve worked so hard to convince him of these past few weeks

was all a lie. I was only gone for half an hour, so I cannot fathom how she managed to do it.

A little while later pause my panicked plotting when I hear my phone ring, so I go digging into my

handbag to re trieve it. However, when I have the device in my hand a mo ment later the screen is

completely blank. Still an unmistak

able ringtone is playing from somewhere in the house. Fol lowing the sound of the noise, I stride into

Bastien’s bed room, seeing a faint glimmer of light between the mattress and boxspring.

Pulling out a sleek black phone from the bed, I see Drake Cavanaugh’s photo behind the red and green

call buttons, with his name beside the incoming call notice. Ap parently Bastien was right – Selene is

cleverer than I gave her credit for, at least in part. She was clearly smart enough to leave her phone

with Bastien so they could get in touch, but she must not have trusted he’d keep his memory be cause

she removed the passcode from the device.

It makes it only too easy for me to access all her infor mation, including the videos she must have

showed him to

convince him of her honesty. Well played, Selene. I think begrudgingly. Too bad you didn’t think to

silence it.

Wracking my brain, I try to remember the name of the witch who had been traveling with Selene,

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recalling that it had been something similar to her own name. Pulling up the recent calls, the name

Helene Gray appears in multiple rows, and when I check the profile image it depicts the same ancient

woman from the alley. To my delight I see that the two women are sharing their locations, and while |

can’t be certain, I’d be willing to bet Selene is already back with her mentor.

Laughing aloud at the irony, I feel my spirits lift. This

day might have started out badly, but it’s sure as hell im proving fast.


I’m staring at Helene’s phone like a woman obsessed, willing the device to ring. I haven’t heard from

Bastien and it’s been more than an hour, which makes me extremely nervous. “I shouldn’t have left

him.” | murmur, “I should have stayed so we could face her together. Why did I let him send me away

like that?” | groan.

“There’s no use beating yourself up about it now.” He lene advises. “You can’t change what happened.

All that matters is that you made progress. We know a lot more about his state of mind now, and he

has your phone so even if she manages to overpower him somehow, there’s a lifeline to reach him or

remind him of what happened.”

“You’re right.” | concede, trying to shake off my cyni cism, “Though I should probably contact everyone

to make sure they know they can’t reach me using it anymore.”

Just then the screen lights up on Helene’s phone, and a text message from me appears. “Arabella is

gone. I’m on my way to you now.”


“Arabella is gone?” | repeat, my heart leaping into my throat with both excitement and confusion. “Does

that mean dead? Or like he’s sneaking out behind her back?”

“I suppose we’ll find out soon enough.” Helene smiles, “See, all that worry for nothing.”

“I know, I need to get out of my head.” I confess, “even now I can’t help thinking that it was all too


“You’re too young to be so jaded.” My mentor tells me dryly.

Luna is bounding around like an excited puppy in my head, positively overwhelmed with joy that we’ll

soon be re united with Bastien – not for a few stolen moments, but permanently. “I still don’t know what

we’re going to do about Blaise.” I confide, “I have a bad feeling that Bastien isn’t going to just get in the

car and let me take him home once his memory returns.”

“You may be right about that.” Helene agrees, “but this has also gone on much longer than he ever

intended, he may see the benefit of returning now – even if he doesn’t

give up on the idea completely.”

“Is it horrible of me to hope he will give it up?” I whisper, “I know Lila is in danger, but Blaise is getting

on in years al ready, and we’ve made it this long without him finding us.”

“It’s not horrible.” Helene promises, “It’s understand able. You’re afraid of losing your mate. But we

already know your fated to face Blaise one way or another, so I’m afraid it isn’t a hope that will pan out.”

“How can you be so sure?” | ask her, “surely your pre monitions have been wrong before… at least

once or twice?” I suggest hopefully.

“Sorry sugar.” Helene laughs, “I’ve yet to be proven wrong. But there’s a first time for everything.”

Checking her phone again, I see the dot depicting Bastien moving closer and closer, and my pulse

increases with every tiny flicker of the tracking dot. “He’s almost here.” | announce happily.

I run to the bathroom to empty my bladder before he arrives, talking quietly to my baby as I wash up.

“Please be good while Mommy and Daddy talk. I would really love not to throw up on him in the middle

of our reunion.”

A knock sounds on the door as I’m drying my hands, and checking my reflection like a nervous

teenager before a date, 1 exhale and emerge into the hotel room. I reach the bedroom doorway just as

Helene opens the front door of the suite, and I watch in horror as she drops like a fly, leav ing only

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Arabella in sight.

“Oh my Goddess, what have you done to her!” | exclaim.

rushing forward and then stopping myself before I come within reach of the she-wolf. As my shock

wears off, disap pointment and fear rise up to replace it. Arabella clearly found my phone and was

clearly alive and well, which means one way or another, she did manage to overpower


“Oh don’t worry about her, it’s just a little bonk on the head.” Arabella smiles, slipping inside and

nudging Helene’ s fallen body with her foot, pushing her aside so she can close the door.

“She’s ancient!” | remind her, “You could have killed her.”

“Nonsense, she’s breathing… I think.” Arabella hazards, glancing down at my mentor.

“Where is Bastien?” | question her sharply, letting Luna rise to the surface of my skin.

“Sleeping it off.” Arabella smiles. “Did you really think you could undo all my hard work that fast?” She

demands, stalking towards me, “play a few videos and have him back in the blink of an eye?”

“Why are you doing this?” | ask, shaking my head,“ know you don’t really love Bastien.”


“Sorry but I’ve already given my evil monologue for the day.” She quips, “Not that anyone will

remember it, but c’ est la vie.”

“Fine, then tell me why you’re here.” | counter, trying to buy time to figure out what to do. I’m worried

about getting too close to the woman. I may have powers now but she’s still a lot bigger than me and

she’s clearly capable of bring ing down a wolf as strong as Bastien – somehow.

“I came to return your phone of course.” She smiles fakely, “you accidentally left it behind.” She tosses

it onto the couch. “Oh, and one other thing…” before she can finish I hear something behind me, and

when I turn I find a grisly looking man entering through the door connecting the ho tel room to the one

next door.

“How did you-” | begin, but too late I realize it was a massive mistake to look away from Arabella. I

don’t even have time to defend myself when I feel something jab my arm. I look back to see a syringe

sticking out of my bicep, but the darkness is already closing in.

When I wake, I’m in a dark room, chained up and com pletely alone. I don’t have any idea where I am,

but it smells damp and the air is very cold. Letting my head drop back, I stare up at the only source of

light I can find – a flickering lightbulb hanging from the very grimey ceiling. “Well Luna.” I sigh, “I guess

that was too easy after all.”