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Rejected Slave To The Alpha by Gory Anna

Chapter 49
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Chapter 49

Chapter 49.

Nelly’s POV.

We walked down the hallway, our laughter dying down as we grew further and further from Aisha’s


“That was close,” Aisha said, her voice still shaking slightly. “Too close.”

“Honestly,” | replied, wiping the sweat from my brow.

ThWe finally reached Aisha’s room and closed the door behind us.

“Any progress?” Aisha asked, her eyes full of hope.

“No,” | said, my voice heavy with disappointment: “I'm sorry.”

“It’s okay,” Aisha said, givinga reassuring smile. “We'll figure this out.”

| sank onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling. | absently twisted a strand of around my finger, trying to make

sense of what had just happened.



“Maybe we should try to get hold of her diary,” | said, my voice quiet.

“Why didn’t you grab it when you had the chance?” Aisha asked, sitting next toon the bed.

“It was locked,” | explained, my frustration evident. “I was about to look for the key, but before | could even

touch it, she burst into the room.”

“I have an idea,” | said, turning to Aisha.

“What is it?” she asked, eager to hear my plan.

“Well, | was thinking,” | began, “you could helpask Harry. He's been here with them for a long time, so he

must know something about what's going on.”

Aisha hesitated, a look of doubt crossing her face. “I don’t know, Nelly. We're not exactly on the best terms right


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| frowned, confused. “Why not?”

“We had a bit of a falling out,” she said, her voice tinged.

“Please Aisha, you will have to put your fight aside for me. | can’t sleep at night any longer. The fear that Emily

might be my sister is eatingup,” | muttered, my voice


Chapter 491

quivering. “Harry is our only hope.” | added.

Aisha’s eyes softened, and she said nothing for a moment, as if searching for the right. words. Finally, she let out

a long sigh and reached out to place a hand on my shoulder.

“Okay,” she said, her voice gentle. “We'll do it your way. We'll put our differences aside and figure this out. I'm

here for you, regardless of what.”

| felt a weight lift from my shoulders as relief washed over me. “Thank you,” | whispered.

| stood up and straightened my dress. “Let's go,” | said, my resolve strengthening with every word.

“Where?” Aisha asked, a look of uncertainty on her face.

“To Harry's place,” | replied, my voice firm.

“Now?” she asked, chewing her lip nervously.

“We don’t have tto waste,” | said, my eyes boring into hers.

Aisha seemed to consider this for a moment, then stood up and nodded. “Okay. Let's go.”

We stood outside Harry's door, the tension between us almost palpable. | took a deep breath and knocked on the

door. There was a long pause, then the door swung open.

“Oh, Nelly,” Harry said, his face lighting up at the sight of me. But then his gaze landed. on Aisha, and his smile


“Cin,” he said, stepping aside to let us in.

As we entered the room, | noticed Alpha Kex sitting on the sofa, his brow furrowed with worry. When he saw me,

his eyes narrowed, and his face darkened with anger.

“What are you doing here?” he demanded, his voice low and menacing.

“I-1-1,” | stammered, but Aisha cutoff.

“She's here to settle the fight | had with Harry,” she said, her voice trembling with


The room went silent, the tension thick and suffocating. Alpha Kex stood up and slowly approached us, his gaze

fixed on me.

My throat felt dry, and my heart pounded in my chest. Why was Alpha Kex angry with me? The last twe

spoke, we were on good terms. Now he was glaring atwith so


Chapter 49

much hostility, it was difficult to breathe.

| felt a wave of relief when he turned away and walked out of the room, but it was short-lived. | let out a breath |

didn’t realize I'd been holding.

“Why is he so angry?” | asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

Harry sighed, his expression pained. “It’s a personal issue. He'll caround,” he said, but | could tell he was

just trying to comfort me.

“Is it about me?” | asked, my heart sinking.

“Not exactly,” Harry said, averting his gaze. “It has to do with his late beta, Emily, and his mate.

“Oh.” I said, curious to know what is it about.

The mention of Alpha Kex’s late beta hitlike a punch to the gut.

“Was the late beta from this pack? | mean, does his parents live in this pack?” | asked.

“I don’t know,” Harry said, his voice sounding uncertain. “I wasn’t born here, so | don’t know much about him.”

The realization that the one person | thought could giveanswers was just as clueless as | was leftfeeling

cold and empty. How was | supposed to find out about Emily and the late beta if no one seemed to know

anything about them?

Harry looked at me, his eyes searching my face for any sign of what was on my mind.

“Is something the matter?” he asked, his voice soft and gentle.

I glanced at Aisha, unsure if | could confide in her. But she shook her head, clearly trying to tellnot to say


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“No, nothing's wrong. | lied, forcing a smile. “I’m just curious to know more about Emily, that’s all.”

He chuckled. “There’s nothing special about her, she’s just who she is. She couldn’t possibly like you because

she’s always loved Alpha Kex.”

“Oh, | see,” | said, feigning nonchalance.

“Yes, apart from that, she’s a nice girl,” Harry said, and Aisha snorted.

“Nice, my foot” the exclaimed, and | couldn't help but laugh. Aisha was always so blunt and honest, it was one of

the things I loved about her.


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Chapter 49

“That's why | love you, Aisha,” | said, grinning at her. “You can never pretend to like someone you don’t.”


Harry just stared at Aisha, his expression stony and unreadable. The silence was thick. and tense, and | knew |

had to do something to break it.

“Well, anyway.” | began, clearing my throat. “I would love for the two of you to talk out your differences.” Aisha

shota withering look, but I continued. “And Aisha, my friend, may be difficult at times, but she’s one of the

nicest people | know.”

Aisha rolled her eyes, but a tiny smile played on her lips. “You act like you know me

well, madam.”

“I do, and you know that,” | said, blowing her a kiss.

She picked up a pillow and tossed it at me, but | dodged it easily, laughing. | picked up the pillow and threw it

back, but to my surprise, Harry caught it.

“Oh, her lover saved her!” | teased them, winking at Aisha. She stuck her tongue out at me, and we all burst into


| left them, feeling like | had defused a bomb. | walked to my room, my mind racing. Why was it so difficult to get

to the truth?

1 paced the room, confused and frustrated. Suddenly, an idea creeped into my mind.