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Rejected Slave To The Alpha by Gory Anna

Chapter 78
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Chapter 78

Chapter 78.

Nelly’s POV.

| sat there, dumbfounded. Not by what Aisha had asked me, but by my reaction. Why was | so jealous at the

thought of Kex mate visiting her? | had no claim on him, no right to feel possessive. And yet, the thought of

being with Astel, was what | have always wanted. | was so confused, and my head was spinning.

“Nelly!” Aisha called out, her voice laced with concern.

“I don’t know,” | muttered, my shoulders sagging. I felt so lost, so unsure of myself.

She took my hands in hers and looked atwith a serious expression on her face..

“You need to choose,” she said.

1 shook

my head. “Kex already has a mate. There's no need to decide,” | replied. She rolled her eyes.

“Nelly, you know that’s not what I'm asking. I'm asking who you want to be with. Who do you love?” | looked

down, unable to meet her gaze.

As | sat there, my eyes locked on the bed, | felt a wave of relief when it opened. Finally, | could escape this

difficult conversation. But as | looked up, my eyes widened in surprise.

There, standing in the doorway, was Kex, holding a cake, and Harry, leading a group maids carrying balloons and

a sign that said, “WelcBack, Nelly!” | couldn’t move, couldn't breathe.


| was caught between joy and confusion. My head was spinning, and | wasn’t sure what to do.

Tears welled up in my eyes, and | tried to hold them back, but it was no use. My hands trembled as | pressed

them to my mouth. How could | not be jealous of Kex’s mate?

He was the only man who had ever treatedwith kindness and respect. | blinked back the tears, but they kept

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coming. Finally, I met his gaze, and what | saw there took my breath away. In his eyes, | saw love and

compassion, understanding and acceptance. It was almost too much to bear.

| opened my arms to him, and he set the cake down on the table before embracing me. | buried my face in his

chest, his familiar scent washing overlike a warm wave.

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Chapter 78

“Thank you,” | whispered, my voice hoarse. He shushed me, rubbing my back comfortingly.

“I'm just glad you're here,” he said, his voice a soft rumble.

| felt safe in his arms, safe and loved. It was a feeling I'd never experienced before, and | wanted to hold on to it


I heard Aisha’s voice next to me, saying, “We love you.” She joined in on the embrace, putting her head on my


| wrapped my arms around both of them, feeling a deep sense of gratitude and affection.

“I love you guys the most,” | said, and | meant it with all my heart.

I didn’t know what | would have done without Aisha, who had been my rock throughout everything. And now, Kex

- | couldn’t imagine my life without him either.

| was so grateful to the moon goddess for bringing them into my life. | had no ideal what I'd done in my past life

to deserve such a blessing, but | would never take it for granted.

“Enough of this moping around!” Harry said, his tone light and teasing.

“I think someone's jealous!” Aisha added, and we all laughed.

Harry brought the cake over and set it in my lap. | closed my eyes.

“Thank you goddess, for makingsee this day,” | said a silent prayer of thanks to the moon goddess, for

givingthis moment of happiness.

| took a deep breath and blew out the candles, smiling as they all clapped.

| picked up the knife and cut the cake, careful to avoid the razor-sharp edge. As | stretched my hand out to offer

a slice to Kex, | felt a sharp twinge of pain in my wrist. | bit my lip and pretended it didn’t hurt, not wanting to

worry them.

| fed Kex first, and then Aisha. Just as | was about to offer a slice to Harry, he grabbed a dollop of icing and

smeared it across my face.

| gasped in surprise, and then burst into laughter. | wished Astel could have been there to see it the girl he had

rejected being treated like a queen by the very people he had thought would kill me.

It was a delicious form of revenge, one that | savored as | licked the icing off my lips. | took a bite of the cake,

and it was the sweetest thing | had ever tasted.




Chapter 78

“There's one more thing,” Kex said, taking the cake from my hand.

“What?” | asked, confused.

“You need to see it for yourself,” he said, his voice full of mystery.

| nodded, trying to push myself to my feet, but my legs were stiff and sore. No matter how hard | tried, | just

couldn't stand up.

“Are you okay?” Kex asked, a look of concern on his face.

| could feel the anxiety welling up inside me, but | did my best to hide it. “I'm fine,” | said, my voice shaky.

“Get the wheelchair,” Kex ordered, and a guard hurried out of the room.

“I'll be fine,” | protested, but he wouldn't hear it.

The thought of being confined to a wheelchair was dreadful. The door opened again, and a wheelchair was

brought in. | felt utterly helpless. | looked down at my useless legs, my pride, and independence shattered.

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“Hey,” he said, and his voice was gentle. “You don’t need to worry. You'll be fine.”

fall down my cheeks, hot and fast. Aisha leaned over and kissed my cheek, her touch soft and comforting.

| tried to nod, but I couldn't hold back the tears any longer. They began to fall.

Kex and Harry helpedinto the wheelchair, being careful not to jostle me. | closed my eyes, trying to block out

the feeling of helplessness that was washing over me.

We headed out of the room, and the corridor was dark. Then | remembered what Aisha had said about the

curtains being drawn because of me. | was struck with guilt. Was | really the cause of this darkness?

“Open the curtains,” Kex said, and | nodded, a smile forming on my lips.

He pushedtowards the curtains, his touch firm but gentle. | reached out my hand. and pulled on the cord,

the curtains slowly sliding open. The room was flooded with light.

| gasped as | pulled open the other curtain, revealing a picture of my wolf form, painted in stunning detail. The

painting seemed to leap off the wall, as if the wolf was about to jump out at me. | felt a surge of emotion,

overwhelmed by the beauty of the art.

“Open the last one,” Kex said, his voice quiet..

| did as he asked, pulling the final curtain open. There, in front of me, was a picture of


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Chapter 78

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my baby self, smiling up at me. Tears welled up in my eyes once more, and | turned to

look at Kex.

He was kneeling In front ofwith a flower in his hands.