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Resent, Reject, Regret by Aqua Summers

Chapter 910
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Chapter 910 A Full-Body Check Up

Charlene was strangely not irritated at all. She rebutted Deirdre with a cheery smile, "I’ll just take Miss McKinnon's

ornery behavior as good old venting and move on."

Her mood was blazingly sunny. She took up a seat at the side and took her fill of breakfast, spirited, when there was

suddenly a series of commotion outside. 1

To Charlene's surprise, Madame Brighthall strutted inside with Brendan at her tail.

She rose. "Bren, it's early! Why are you here?"

Brendan shot her a warning glance.

Madame Brighthall strode inside hurriedly straight toward Deirdre. She picked up the young woman's hand and

examined it, remarking, "God, you’ve got bonier..."

A pang hit Madame Brighthall. "God, that detainment center is just a hotbed for inhumane practices! How could the

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people working there not try to help? Especially since you're pregnant!"

A wave of emotions washed over Deirdre. She knew Madame Brighthall's concern and care for her were genuine.

"It’s okay, Madame Brighthall. I didn't actually suffer that much since I only stayed there for a few days. In fact, the

scale told me I've put on some weight." "Put on some weight!? Now you're just pulling my leg." Madame Brighthall


Charlene hated Deirdre for being the center of attention, so she butted into their conversation with a grin. "Don't

worry, Aunt Brighthall! At least I’m here, right? I'll take good care of Miss McKinnon. That baby is Bren's kin, which

makes it my kin, too."

Madame Brighthall's face fell. She turned around and tossed an ugly glare at her. "Why in the Lord's name are you

here? Who invited you?"

Charlene feigned hurt. "It's Bren's house, right? So, of course, I'd be here."

Madame Brighthall was just about to launch a rejoinder when Brendan suddenly spoke. "Enough! If we stall any

longer, there isn't gonna be enough time." "Where are we going?" Charlene asked hurriedly.

Brendan shot her a look. "Deirdre needs a full-body examination and a pregnancy check-up. After all the furor this

whole thing has caused and how dirty and messy the detainment center was, what happens if the kid comes out

unhealthy? What then?"

He stopped, but the implication was easy to see.

Deirdre froze.

Madame Brighthall quickly came in to salvage the situation. "Don't listen to him! We're just worried about you and

want to see if you're okay after all the things you've gone through. You can also choose not to go! It's your call."

"Fine.” Deirdre seemed unperturbed. "It's almost time for a pregnancy check-up anyway."

Deirdre rose, and Madame Brighthall instantly held her hand and led her outside.

A thought crossed Charlene's mind, and she hooked her arm with Brendan's. "Bring me along, Bren!"

Brendan cast an aside glance. "Why?''

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She laughed. "Because I care for Miss McKinnon too, of course! Besides, if the media caught the two of you going

to the hospital, it might turn into another scandal again, right? All of that won't happen if I am there to salvage the

narrative though..."

Brendan actually seemed convinced. He did not reject her tagging along at all.

The two of them hurried to the car. Madame Brighthall rolled down the window with a scowl on her face, but

Charlene stepped forward, and preemptively declared, "I need to get a check-up too, Aunt Brighthall. See, my leg

injury isn't exactly all healed yet."

Mentioning her injury only served to deepen Madame Brighthall’s scowl. She sniped a glance at her son, saw the

indifferent face he made, and mulled over how difficult it was to interject. Ultimately, all she could do was turn away

with an icy glower and roll the window back up.

Charlene was incensed by Madame Brighthall's reaction, so she feigned hurt again. "Is it me, or does your mom

don't seem to like me very much? That’s so... upsetting. I've always been very nice to her! Someone must be

driving a wedge between the two of us, and now she misunderstands me."

Brendan pulled his arm out of her lock. "If it is just a misunderstanding, just look for a chance to explain yourself."

He opened the car door and sat inside while Charlene made her way to the passenger’s seat.

The journey was a stuffy, silent one.