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Revenge After Death

Chapter 469
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Chapter 469 "Steven, you're mentally ill, foolish, and unable to lead. You have no right to sell the company!" The stern words were spoken by Steven's aunt's daughter.

Steven's aunt's son-in-law probably didn't dare to come. Perhaps he still hadn't fully recovered from being stabbed bya few times.

These people were clearly frightened. They cowered behind the bodyguards, reluctant to approach the iron door adorned with a sign that read, "Beware of Dog." Stevie glared at them, baring his teeth as if ready to attack and bite at any moment. I stepped out the door and glanced around. This time, Charles and Nadia were there as well.

Ann didn't show up. I heard that she suffered from facial disfigurement, and her engagement with the Greyson family was called off. She was probably going through a really tough tnow. But it was her retribution.

Madison pointed in my direction and cursed, "Steven has a mental illness and requires a guardian. Stephany, the child you were carrying is gone. Without an heir from the Lincoln family, you no longer hold the legal authority to remain as Steven's guardian.

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"You lunatic! I believe you may also be suffering from a mental illness, so I've arranged a mental health assessment for you. I strongly suspect you to be a lunatic as well." Madison was smarter this time. This was probably because she had received guidance from an expert. She planned to arrange a mental health assessment forto labelas mentally unstable. Hence, Steven's custody rights would end up with Martin.

Once custody of Steven was transferred to Martin, he was able to reclaim the shares that had been sold to Crowdstar Group on the premise that Steven lacked the ability to make such a transaction.

Their plan was excellent. I believed that even if I were not suffering from a mental illness, they would still insist on labelingas such. They intended to confinein the hospital...

"Stephany, your behavior has been concerning since you were a child. As your parents, we are very worried about your situation. You even let the dog bite your sister. You're aggressive." Charles was spreading rumors as a parent that Stephany was mentally ill.

I saw the people behind them. The asylum's car was parked behind them. It seemed like they planned to arrestforcibly after agitating me.

"Martin's suddenly smart today." I looked at Steven.

"His genius son has returned to bechis advisor." Joel scratched his ears, feeling overwhelmed by the noisy crowd.

Jimmy was forcing Steven to make a choice. Once I was taken to the asylum, Steven had no choice but to cooperate with him. People like Martin only knew how to fight for power and their own personal interests, whereas Jimmy truly valued the greater interests behind the organization.

He aspired to ascend and take over leadership of the organization. His goal was to eliminate the source of genediting and becone of the select geniuses in the world to get dividends from genediting.

"Stephy, your mental state is unstable. Cback with us. Your parents will never harm you," Charles began to coaxto go home.

If I went hwith them, they'd givemedication to makementally unstable. Then, they would sendto the asylum and lockup. That was incredibly cruel.

"Dad, I've noticed that you seem to be experiencing semotional instability. Is this possibly related to our family's genetic history? Oh, I apologize. I forgot that you were born with azoospermia, Dad. Where does genetic inheritance cfrom if there is no sperm? Am I right?" I criticized Charles with a smile.

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Due to azoospermia, he lacked viable sperm. Thus, he sought assistance from Stephanie's parents to facilitate Nadia's in vitro fertilization.

My words certainly hit a nerve with Charles, igniting his anger. He pointed atand started to curse," and started to curse, You little bitch, get out of here! Do you honestly believe that Steven can protect you? Without the Lincoln Group shares, he's utterly worthless!" With that, Charles began to kick the iron door furiously. Stevie felt threatened and began barking at the iron gate before rushing to bite Charles. The fear was so intense that Charles fell to the ground, pointing atand continuing to curse.

"Attention, those from the asylum! We have an individual in need of mental health support here. You're too unprofessional. Take him away quickly." I turned my gaze toward the group of people standing behind Nadia, all of whom were from the asylum.

Nadia quickly helped Charles up and then scoldedangrily, "Stephie, how could you say such a thing! about your father? Even if your genes are not the sas ours, I carried you for ten months and gave birth to you. How could you be so ungrateful? "We're the ones who raised and fed you. You're so inhumane." "Humanity is for humans. You're not worthy," I replied calmly.

Ashburn > X