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Revenge After Death

Chapter 550
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Chapter 550 Steven tenderly brushed his fingers against my cheek. "Go back and take care of Rachel. Whatever you cherish, I'll do anything necessary to help too." He was willing to do whatever it took to protect everything that I held dear. My eyes were filled with tears, and I cast my gaze downward.

He said "you" and did not mention the n"Stephie". At that moment, I felt a sense of self- righteousness and believed that he truly cared foras a person, my soul, and who I truly was. He lovedfor who I was.

"Those lunatics from the Rebels will make more moves soon. We won't be apart for long. Listen to me," Steven comfortedin a hushed voice.

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I nodded and waited for the doctor to bring the medicine. Then, we left. Zion also turned and looked at Steven thankfully. Without Steven, they might not have made it out of the ruined building in Manchernius. "I'm sorry for sharing your food." Steven grinned as he was escorted to a corner by Winston's subordinates.

Winston insisted that the doctors handle his hand with utmost care to avoid any damage to his palm print. Unfortunately, even the most advanced surgical procedure was unable to fully restore the original shape of the print. Upon learning of this, Winston was furious. He intended to kill Steven.

Luckily, someone intervened to stop Winston. "The design of the safe primarily relies on palm prints, specifically the lines of our palm and our fingerprints. The injury he sustained was to his palm, which is not a critical area, so it should not pose a significant concern." After hearing this, Winston felt a wave of relief. "We absolutely can't allow someone with an injured palm to escape. We need to locate the president of Crowdstar Group as quickly as possible and hand him to them.

"But we're all part of the sgroup, all members of the business industry. Should we really hand over our companions?" someone, still guided by their conscience, asked nervously.

Winston exclaimed with rage, "If we don't hand him over, everyone will die! This cruise is getting closer to the deep sea. GenSociety has been following us, yet they never boarded the cruise to rescue us. Why? They're waiting and watching.

"They're watching all of us go on the brink of death before they sink the cruise!" Therefore, they needed to save themselves. They had to promptly meet all the Rebels' requirements so that they could return or dock nearby.

"Have you considered the real purpose behind the Rebels' request for you to locate the president of Crowdstar Group? They aim to sow discord among you, fostering suspicion and ultimately driving you to kill each other.

"Even if you go back alive, you'll distrust each other, which will prevent further investment in GenSociety. Ultimately, the financial support for the Huma branch of GenSociety will be lost, and it'll disappear," Steven calmly stated that this was the true intention of the Rebels.

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Hence, the Rebels put forth great effort to orchestrate a lkilling game, but their primary objective was not to condemn all passengers on the cruise to death. It was just that without scasualties, they wouldn't be able to tap into the darkness and animosity inherent to human nature.

Thus, the ghad to be played, and someone had to die.

Steven continued with a smile, "Natural selection, survival of the fittest. Only those who make it to the end can truly leave alive. However, the Rebels will undoubtedly redefine the grules for those who survive. For instance, only half of you present will manage to survive."

The moment Steven finished speaking, the rich people present esent visibly paled, and their expressions changed. They wondered whether he meant that they had to kill each other.

Indeed, as soon as Steven's words fell, the new grules echoed throughout the entire cruise's m Ecocentive Cr speakers on a loop. "There are approximately 200 people on each floor. However, only half of you can survive. Have fun!" They aimed to decrease the number of people from 1,000 to 500. Afterward, it would be further reduced to 200. Then, it would continue to decrease gradually.

As soon as the broadcast ended, Winston lost control and grabbed the gun from the bodyguard beside him.

He directed the gun at Steven. "Who exactly are you?" X