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Revenge of the Hideous Lady by Moonlight

Chapter 283
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Xyla was interested in this topic as well. She shifted her gaze to Henry.

“Do you even have a heart? I’m here, agonizing, but you’re still laughing.” Henry frowned, looking


“Seems like there’s drama,” Sebastian deduced.

“Thanks to your jinx, that person really was a shemale. The girl who did the video call with me was

hired by him. Whenever he chatted with me through voice message, he used a voice changer, f*ck…”

Henry explained.

Xyla couldn’t help smiling at that, but she remained silent as she continued listening earnestly.

“Hahaha… Was it really a shemale? I’m dying of laughter. Say, are you a shemales magnet? You keep

meeting shemales in your online dating experiences, hahaha…” Sebastian was holding his sides in


“The main point was, he got scammed again. That girl weaved a tragic story, saying that her father has

Uremia and a kidney transplant that required five hundred thousand. She didn’t have the money, so

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she had to work a lot of jobs every day. He believed her and transferred her the money,” Gary


“Ahem ahem ahem… Isn’t this the same trick that you fell for the last time you tried online dating? Bro,

only you would fall into the same trap twice.” Sebastian couldn’t resist rolling his eyes at Henry.

Henry frowned in annoyance and took a long draw of his cigarette. “What do you know? It’s different

this time. She even showed me her father’s hospitalization bill, okay?”

Sebastian answered, “Okay, okay, okay… You’re absolutely right. What happened then? After that

person took your money, did they block you? Were you enraged and made a police report?”

Henry said, “How would I have the nerve to make a police report? Isn’t it already embarrassing

enough? I only got someone to dig this person up and realized that he was a man. A fifty-year-old

geezer to boot.”

Sebastian asked, “And then?”

Henry replied, “Of course, I asked him for the money back, but he only returned me four hundred

thousand. He gambled away the other hundred thousand and asked me to give him a week to fund the

money. I agreed.”

Sebastian couldn’t help laughing out loud again. “Hahaha… I’m dying. Who would believe that inside

Henry Armstrong’s heart lived a sweet and naive saintess? To actually be tricked by the same scam


“Shut up or I’ll cripple you. I’ve already told you that the scam is a little different from last time.” Henry

jabbed his elbow harshly into Sebastian’s waist.

Sebastian winced and quickly massaged where it hurt, complaining, “Are you trying to kill me?”

Henry retorted, “If you keep blabbering, I’ll kill you.”

Sebastian teased, “You’re an idiot but you won’t let anyone say it. You’re dumber than I thought.”

Xyla didn’t interrupt but she kept holding in her laughter. It was reaching a breaking point.

“Just laugh if you want to. He wouldn’t dare do anything to you,” Stanley said as he looked at Xyla.

Xyla gave an awkward smile, saying dishonestly, “I don’t want to laugh.”

Although Henry’s actions were amusing, she could hear hints of purity from Gary’s and the man’s own

description of himself. Evert though they were gangsters, there was still some sincerity in his heart. At

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least he still had some conscience.

Stanley said, “No. You want to. You can laugh at him to your heart’s content.”

Henry piped up, “Do you have to be like that, Old Fifth?”

Stanley cocked up an eyebrow. “What? Do you have an opinion?”

Henry held his hands up in defeat. ‘An opinion?’

Even if he did, would he dare say it?

Just then, Rachel was done with her call and came inside. Site could sense that they were talking

about something interesting, but she did not want to be too nosy to ask. She only sat down quietly

beside Sebastian.

Vrrt, vrrt, vrrt.

Just then, the phone in Stanley’s pocket vibrated. Seeing that it was Zack’s number, he got up, went to

the door, and answered the call.

“Fifth Master, the men we have sent out gave us the feedback that Tom Sullivan seemed unable to hold

out any longer. Those middle-aged ladies and himself seemed to have lost their minds because of that


“Should we stop?” Zack asked carefully.