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Revenge of the Hideous Lady by Moonlight

Chapter 73
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“That’s right, we won’t return it anymore! We’re sorry, Miss Quest. And everyone at the quality control

department, we’re really sorry!”

“Yeah, we’re sorry. We won’t ask for a refund anymore!”

The others started expressing that they would not return the units, so they turned to leave with their

agreements. The aggressive crowd was like an ocean wave, subsiding quickly. Soon, the world was

quiet again.

The initially muddled air had become fresher in an instant.

“Thank you so much. If it weren’t for you, I would probably have had to continue arguing with those

people for a long while,” Xyla said with a bright smile.

“You’re too kind. It’s just a simple thing.” Sharon grasped Xyla’s hand tightly again, her tone was

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extremely warm.

“It’s not a simple thing,” said Xyla.

“It doesn’t matter what it is. You don’t have to thank me either way. It’s my pleasure to help you

because you’re so pretty and lovable!” As she spoke, Sharon’s gaze was fixed onto Xyla’s face. Her

eyes were filled with affection.

Her attitude and gaze made Xyla feel even more amicable. Although she had no idea why Sharon was

so nice to her, she felt gratitude from the bottom of her heart.

Xyla gave an embarrassed smile. “You’re making me shy. Aunties, please follow me and have a seat.”

After that, Xyla courteously led the group to the coffee table to sit down.

“Dear child, come and sit beside Aunty.” Sharon shifted a little to the side to empty tip a spot and patted

on it.

Xyla smiled and went over to sit beside Sharon.

Sharon immediately held Xyla’s hands again while she used one hand to rub the back of Xyla’s hand

continuously. The older woman smiled and said, “Can I call you Xyla?”

“Yeah.” Xyla nodded firmly.

“Okay. I left in such a hurry last time that I couldn’t introduce myself. My name is Sharon Lindt,” said


“Yeah, I know. I saw your signature before,” said Xyla.

“These are all my good friends…” After that, Sharon shifted her gaze to her friends and started

introducing them to Xyla.

Xyla shook their hands and greeted each one of them politely. The ladies were very amiable as well.

There were too many names flowing into her ears all of a sudden that Xyla could only remember Yara

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Lewis whom the crowd had mentioned earlier. But even if she could not remember them all, she

maintained a decent smile.

“How many units do you have left? I want half of what’s left, and you can distribute the rest to these

good friends of mine,” Sharon asked as she caressed Xyla’s long curly hair affectionately.

“You… Are you really going to buy them? Weren’t you only saying it just to help me relieve the

situation?” Xyla felt incredulous.

“Of course, I’m serious. I, Sharon Lindt, would never speak empty words.” Sharon looked resolute.

“Then, please come with me to view the building’s model,” said Xyla as she stood tip and led the group

over to the building model.

After that, she held up a laser pointer and pointed to the unsold units and said, “The ones I’ve pointed

are unsold yet. How would you ladies like to divide them?”

The women discussed among themselves and quickly decided on the areas they wanted to purchase.

After that, they simply followed Xyla into the VIP room and signed the agreement.