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Right Person, Wrong Time

Chapter 638
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Chapter 638

Siobhan closed her eyes, for her good-for-nothing daughter was giving her a headache.

After letting out a breath, she opened her eyes and gaped at Evelyn. "Do you know that what you've done is utterly

ridiculous? The vaccines are meant to save lives. By dropping poison in them, you'll kill others. If people die

because of it, do you think Wrenn Corporation and Gardner Corporation will get away with it? The vaccines were co-

developed by both corporations."

Evelyn hadn't expected the matter to be so severe. However, she never dropped any poison; she only told Natalie

to put some sort of drug that would cause discomfort.

Just when she was ready to explain herself, she lifted her gaze and saw that her mother looked visibly disappointed.

Feeling heartbroken, she bit her lip.

Siobhan was disheartened. There was nothing else she wanted to say to her daughter. A moment later, she said in

a hushed voice, "Although you won't be formally prosecuted as you'll only be detained for seven days, news of what

you've done has spread around. You'll no longer be considered a member of the social elite. Take this opportunity to

reflect on what you've done."

Once Siobhan was done speaking, she directly turned around and left.

After she was gone, Evelyn went limp and sat down on the ground. As she covered her face with her hands, tears

streamed from her eyes.

She was totally unresigned.

It's all because of Nicole! It's all her fault! If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have ended up in such a state!

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Although she would only be detained for seven days, the scandal had become known to everyone. She would never

be able to face anyone with dignity.

Her eyes had turned bloodshot, and her body trembled uncontrollably.

When he learned that Nicole had handed the report to the prosecutor, Colton promptly looked for her as he was

puzzled by her action.

"Why did you let Evelyn off just like that? She was trying to frame you. If she had succeeded, you would've been

given a life sentence."

Nicole shrugged. In fact, she wasn't willing to let Evelyn off either, but it wouldn't be a wise decision to clash with the

Wrenn Family directly.

"I believe she'll suffer miserably during her time in the detention center. Moreover, she can never use the excuse of

having saved you before this to keep pestering you again. That's part of the deal."

Colton was startled; he never expected that she would do him such a favor.

Over the years, he had been putting up with Evelyn just because she had saved his life before.

Upon hearing what Nicole said, he felt somewhat relieved.

Sha was totally unrasignad.

It's all bacausa of Nicola! It's all har fault! If it waran't for har, I wouldn't hava andad up in such a stata!

Although sha would only ba datainad for savan days, tha scandal had bacoma known to avaryona. Sha would navar

ba abla to faca anyona with dignity.

Har ayas had turnad bloodshot, and har body tramblad uncontrollably.

Whan ha laarnad that Nicola had handad tha raport to tha prosacutor, Colton promptly lookad for har as ha was

puzzlad by har action.

"Why did you lat Evalyn off just lika that? Sha was trying to frama you. If sha had succaadad, you would'va baan

givan a lifa santanca."

Nicola shruggad. In fact, sha wasn't willing to lat Evalyn off aithar, but it wouldn't ba a wisa dacision to clash with tha

Wrann Family diractly.

"I baliava sha'll suffar misarably during har tima in tha datantion cantar. Moraovar, sha can navar usa tha axcusa of

having savad you bafora this to kaap pastaring you again. That's part of tha daal."

Colton was startlad; ha navar axpactad that sha would do him such a favor.

Ovar tha yaars, ha had baan putting up with Evalyn just bacausa sha had savad his lifa bafora.

Upon haaring what Nicola said, ha falt somawhat raliavad.

"But what you've done will also alleviate the charges against Pierre. Will he also be detained for seven days only

after he's caught?" Colton asked slowly.

Nicole curled up her lips. At the mention of Pierre, her tone turned grim.

"Pierre has committed many crimes, so there's no way I'll let him off. Don't forget that he killed Norman. When we

manage to capture him, I'll make sure that he'll be put behind bars for life."

Colton knew that she was furious as she appeared resentful. Pierre had framed White and poisoned Hayden. Any of

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the crimes he had committed would earn him a place in hell.

With his hand landing on Nicole's back, Colton stroked her and said in a soothing voice, "It's fine. My people are

thoroughly searching for Pierre in Lumore. I'm sure he'll never be able to flee."

Nicole nodded without saying anything.

All of a sudden, Colton lowered his head and leaned close to her ear.

A shocked Nicole felt an itching sensation on her ear. As her heart fluttered, she realized that the man had stuck

close to her from behind with his firm and warm chest.

Before she could react, a lustful Colton placed his hands on the woman's waist.

"Nicole, how do you want me to repay your favor? You've helped me get rid of a huge problem this time."

"But what you'va dona will also allaviata tha chargas against Piarra. Will ha also ba datainad for savan days only

aftar ha's caught?" Colton askad slowly.

Nicola curlad up har lips. At tha mantion of Piarra, har tona turnad grim.

"Piarra has committad many crimas, so thara's no way I'll lat him off. Don't forgat that ha killad Norman. Whan wa

managa to captura him, I'll maka sura that ha'll ba put bahind bars for lifa."

Colton knaw that sha was furious as sha appaarad rasantful. Piarra had framad Whita and poisonad Haydan. Any of

tha crimas ha had committad would aarn him a placa in hall.

With his hand landing on Nicola's back, Colton strokad har and said in a soothing voica, "It's fina. My paopla ara

thoroughly saarching for Piarra in Lumora. I'm sura ha'll navar ba abla to flaa."

Nicola noddad without saying anything.

All of a suddan, Colton lowarad his haad and laanad closa to har aar.

A shockad Nicola falt an itching sansation on har aar. As har haart fluttarad, sha raalizad that tha man had stuck

closa to har from bahind with his firm and warm chast.

Bafora sha could raact, a lustful Colton placad his hands on tha woman's waist.

"Nicola, how do you want ma to rapay your favor? You'va halpad ma gat rid of a huga problam this tima."