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Ruthless Billionaire Unknown Twins

Chapter 27
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Chapter 27 Mystery Behind Jessy

Just as they were lost in their thoughts a call came in, it was from Rubby, Jessy's friend.

"Hello, I sent you Jessy's pictures you can check them, that's her real face " she didn't tell her that she

was her cousin.

She thought maybe it will too much to spread such an important. Information wh if someone is after her

life? So she kept it from Eller.

"Okay, I will check it is just curious how beautiful she might be?" Eller smiled.

"Oooh... Girlfriend is the moon goddess from ancient history." Rubby said.

"Girlfriend am jealous...!"Tasha's voice was heard from the other side.

"Hahaaa, let me check," she said.

She hung up the phone and with trembling hands, she slid the screen to her WeChat. Behold the

photos of Jessy Williams together with her family popped up on the screen.

"Oooooh...! My goodness, she is beautiful ....! " she said, tears beaming in her eyes.

"Let me see," Edmond said.

But unfortunately, the phone had to be passed through George.

His hands were clutching the phone froze on the spot.

She looks like her except for the eyes, but if he isn't wrong this is his aunt looks appearance, the smile

is all her aunt, he was six years old back then and can not be mistaken.

Why did a mini version of my aunt appear all of a sudden?

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"Hey, George ...!" he was lost, and for once he couldn't hear anyone call his name.

"She... She... Where is she?" he asked.

"What are you talking about? Do you know her?" Eller asked.

"She looks more like my aunty, Princess Addah Williams," he said, his voice was horse and trembling.

"This is my friend, she has no relatives and she traveled abroad to air our brand," Eller said.

"Hah...! To think that she died years ago, how can she give birth? She never married, who is the father

of my cousin ?" George asked.

"And why did she hide from everyone? Hey, brothers do you think that, her boyfriend abandoned her

because she was pregnant and out of shame she decided to hide away from everyone?

Did she sleep well? Was she bullied in society? And where, is she? Why did my young cousin be like

this?" George could not hold himself.

At least now his grandmother has reasons to walk outside.

"Guys check the information about her, send me the information. I will have to tell my family about this

also send me the pictures." George said and left.

"Whose photo is this? " Edmond asked.

"Eehm, she is one of our models she was recruited by Princess Ruby and traveled abroad a few days

ago, I requested her pictures and here it is" she lied.

"Don't you guys think that this is weird? The princess I know was a ruthless woman, at 15 years she

was a lawyer a great one at that,

It was said that no man wanted to marry her because they were afraid of her.

The craziest part of this is, all over the world, the most handsome men formed a group, they were fine

and they loved and liked talking about her just like that in the group.

This is something that has never happened but it did happen during her time." Carl said.

"Wow, I did not know, how come you never told me about this ?" Elley asked.

"That's not the only thing that this Princess did, this young teenager formed the Red hackers alliance

by herself and the most famous Wills cosmetics by herself, the whole documentary

Was written by her." Lee said.

"So this princess is no simple lady, and all those men, they never got married just imagine the whole

crew never get married, about 500 men, with real noble background," Carl said.

"So how did she disappear? Like what happened to her?" Eller asked.

"Just one day she disappeared and nobody could locate her," Carl said.

"Not even your elder brother could find her, he was her student," Drake said.

"Wow...! I didn't expect such a story" Eller said.

Thirty minutes later...

The information was sent.

"No real name for this person, no nationality but currently staying in the United Kingdom, owns Assec

Corporation and Delky Estate in the United States."

"Eller.....! Didn't you say that she is just a model? " Lee asked.

"Didn't you say that, she is working for Rubby?" Edmond jumped up.

"Yes, Yes I don't know her, can not you see that I was sent this photo by Rubby?" she asked.

"Everyone in that photo is from Princess Rubby's family," said Drake.

"Why is she hiding in this family? She has no name, no nationality, who is she? And how did she

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become rich yet a teenager" Edmond asked.

"This young lady must be protected by somebody, or the royal from the United Kingdom is protecting

her," Lee said.

"That must be the case"

"Then my dear sister, you have a connection, the friends you added are resourceful I respect you," said


Edward was silent, 'This so-called model her trip to the UK has not been recorded, how did she appear

in the UK? apart from Jessy and Ghost, there is no such mysterious person, or maybe her, the woman

he is looking for.' he thought in silence.

The information was sent to George.

When the picture was given to the royal household, the old dying woman, came back to life as if that

was the only thing she was waiting to see.

"She is my granddaughter" those were the only things she said as tears streamed down her cheeks.

When the news of her disappearance came,

The old lady fainted and since then, she has never said a word,

Is like she died with her like everything around her never mattered to her, she never shade tears that

day but today she did.

She saw her daughter in her.

But also realized something about the photo, the old lady is the empress from the United Kingdom.

How is she connected to my granddaughter? They have the same eye color, mmm same hair color.

"Arrange my flight am going to visit the royals in the UK, send them my message, in fact am travel to

the UK now arrange the private jet for me.