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Savage Love On His Wheelchair

Chapter 1144
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But who would have thought that the CEO of Nathaniel Group is a man who is afraid of his wife?

"Break the boat."

Wilson shook the crystal cup in his hand, the corners of his lips hooked up a faint cold smile, thin lips lightly opened.

"What do you mean? Why can't | understand what you mean?"

Instantly, Robin felt his IQ dropped to zero. Can anyone explain what the hell is going on here, is this his nephew trying to open up

property with his old man?

But it's not right!

Robin shook his head, is it true that, as others say, people in love IQ, emotional quotient has fallen to zero, but even so, he is not in

love, well, after all, people never looked at him from the beginning to the end, thinking about this, Robin felt as if suffocating, he

titled the heir of The Solar Family, not only control the entire family's economy and also to create their own huge company, he did

not find it difficult to fall in the hands of a small woman. The heir of The Solar Family, who not only controls the entire family

economy but also created his own huge company, he did not feel any difficulty, but fell into the hands of a small woman, think

about it, it is really heart-breaking ah!

"Uncle, do you remember Laurent Grant?"

The words fell, Dongfang Xuan looked up at him, did not understand why he suddenly brought up this person, "Of course | know,

only he did not die twenty years ago?"

The first the saw the man was when he attended Darren's wedding banquet, and he was like a beautiful sight that naturally

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collected the attention of the crowd.

The most important thing is that he is not only handsome, but also a thunderous person in the business, if he has to say that in The

Grant family can make him admire from the heart, | am afraid that only Laurent Grant and Wilson.

Naive his little cousin is Wilson's grandfather outside the affair left illegitimate son, at that time, illegitimate son is not eligible to

inherit the family business, even if you are more talented than others, illegitimate son is illegitimate son.

At that time, his younger cousin did not care too much about inheriting the family business, but was very interested in painting.

Then cthe year of Wilson's birth, it is said that The Grant family had a serious accident, within a few days, The Grant family

held a press conference, said Laurent Grant was on a business trip in a serious car accident, resuscitation failed to die.

"He's not dead!"

Although Wilson did not know what was going on here, ask his mother, it seems that there is something difficult to say, so he had

to ask Robin to ask while he had someone to investigate.

"He's not dead?"

Robin asked again in disbelief.

He really liked his little cousin before, every the went to The Grant family to see his sister, his little cousin would take him to

eat good food, fun, even his drawing skills are still taught by him.

He was also sad for a long tthe moment he heard the news of his death.

"Well, he went to my dad's hospital room this morning and met with my mom."

"If he's not dead, then why did The Grant family announce to the public back then that he was dead?"

Wilson looked at Robin with a puzzled expression, "Does cousin uncle not know what's going on here either?"

"Not sure, but | only know that your uncle seems to like your mother, something or nothing like to go to your hto rub dinner,

you also know, your parents married is a family marriage, both sides that are for the benefit of together, plus your father at that

tto your mother is not interested, so your uncle on to your mother extra care, and your mother every tyou make a good

meal will also call on your Uncle."

Looking back on those happy times, sometimes Robin even thinks that if Wilson's mother had married this little cousin, she might

have been happier.

Naive many things are not all according to your wishes to develop, after all, in their time, the children of the rich family from birth

has been destined to their marriage is not able to make their own decisions.

It is for this reason that he vowed himself from a young age to get out of this situation and not want his marriage to beca

bond of interest.

Hearing the words, Wilson frowned slightly, thinking of the hesitation in Marian's words today, and now after hearing Robin say so,

he was basically sure that the origin of the matter and his own mother could not be unrelated.

"I thought my cousin uncle would know sof this, it seems that the ultimate purpose of this is still to have someone investigate


"Well, no matter what the truth of the matter really is, since he was able to hibernate in the shadows for more than twenty years

before coming back, it is evident that his purpose for coming back this tis obviously to take Lu's."

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"That's only if he's capable of that."

No matter who it is, if they want to make a move on Lu, he will never allow it.

What's more, he believed that his little uncle must have done something wrong, otherwise his grandfather's character, even if he

disliked his son, would not have done so badly.

Robin looked at him, eyes flashed a touch of worry, "Wilson, for this uncle of yours, if you want to keep Lu's, you really can't take it

lightly, your The Grant family in addition to your grandfather to your generation now, your uncle is definitely a rare business

genius, and you have a match, plus he this tThe purpose of his return is not yet obvious, we'd better be careful for good."

"In fact, you already knew it in your heart, didn't you?"

Vincent looked at Wilson, in fact, from the beginning he had already thought of a way to cope, otherwise he would not have asked

him to divest.

"I knew that | knew, | just didn't expect the other party's identity to be my uncle."

Speaking of this uncle, Wilson does not remember much, only know that there is such a person, after all, in The Grant family, his

uncle's nis taboo, is not allowed to say.

"Good, since you have thought of a countermeasure, | will do my best in the back, but you promisethat you can help me

explain after it's over."

Vincent finished, his gaze to not far away is laughing heartless little woman a glance, handscool face not only no embarrassed

expression, but is full of tenderness.