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Savage Love On His Wheelchair

Chapter 1250
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"Sister, will you stay with me?"

Karen pulled Rosemary, who wanted to leave, pleadingly.

Rosemary knew that what happened to Peggy really scared her and took her to her room, sat on the bed and said, "Okay, I'm not

leaving, so listen to your sister and be a good sleeper too."

"But | can't sleep."

She is now full of Peggy's eyes wide open in a pool of blood, a closed eye is all the bloody scene.

"I'll sleep with you."

Taking off her shoes and climbing into bed, Rosemary lifted the covers and held Karen in her arms, softly comforting her.

Meanwhile, at The Chuang Family, Alban Chuang looked at his daughter lying quietly in bed and couldn't believe that she was


"Mr. Chuang, please feel sorry for your loss!"

Joe walked up next to Alban Chuang and said soothingly.

"Thank you Vice President for coming to see my daughter, thank you!"

Alban Chuang said thank you to Joe and his eyes returned to Peggy's again.

"It's indeed heartbreaking to have something like this happen, except how | didn't think it could happen in the presidential palace

as well."

"Earlier | heard from the presidential underlings that Peggy had gone to Rosemary and that the two seemed to have argued during

that time, and | don't know what they actually said."

Anne, who had been standing on the sidelines without speaking, said with a puzzled look.

"Anne, don't talk nonsense!"

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Joe glared at Anne and scolded her lightly.

"Anne doesn't know what to do, so please don't blMr. Chuang."

"lI won't blher, and I'm sure His Excellency will givean explanation."

After the words, Alban Chuang said apologetically to Joe again, "Sorry Mr. Duncun, it's getting late, you guys should go back first, |

really don't have the energy to greet you now."

"Those who have gone let her Carry go, those who are alive have to continue to live, we can't let Peggy die in vain for no reason."

Joe stood up and said to Alban Chuang, "And please be sorry!"


"Someone, send Mr. Duncun!"

"Yes Master!"

Sending Joe away, Alban Chuang swore darkly to Peggy, who was lying there, "Peggy, don't worry, Daddy will catch the real killer of

you and will never let you die in vain."

Once outside, Anne turned her head to look at the cold and empty mansion, looked at Joe in disbelief and said, "lI don't understand,

why did you make it a point to visit Alban Chuang, weren't you afraid they would suspect you?"

The words fell, Joe hooked up a charming smile and said lightly, "I didn't kill the person, why should | avoid suspicion, besides, if

this excellent opportunity is not properly used, then it is not a failure of the other party's good intentions."

"Are you trying to sit back and reap the benefits?"

It was a good plan to pull Gaby into his team without spending a single foot, and to use the opportunity to give Adrian something

to do.

"It's cuter for a woman to be silly."

Joe cupped her cheeks and smiled.

"Con, I'll take you home."

On the way, Anne did not speak, at first she thought Peggy's death must be related to Joe, but now it seems that Peggy's affair has

nothing to do with him, so in the end, who is the one who poisoned Peggy?

"Uncle, | found it!"

An hour later, Wilson returned to Adrian's study again with the bracelet, yet with powerful news.

"Whose is it?"

"Look at this first."

Wilson handed the information in his hand to Adrian, only to see his face grow harder and harder the more he looked at it.

"If this bracelet is really hers, then unless we find conclusive evidence, it's simply impossible to get her to confess with this

bracelet alone, but if it really is her, then things may be even more troublesthan we thought."

"Are you worried about Grandpa's place?"


Adrian took out an information from inside the drawer and handed it to Wilson, "Look at this first!"

Looking at the information on it, Wilson looked up at Adrian with amazement, "But she was only an eight-year-old girl at that time,

how could she have directed and acted out such a kidnapping case all by herself?"

If the information above is true, then this person's city is too deep.

"So in the absence of conclusive evidence, we are not able to act rashly for the tbeing, since she has been able to hide herself

quiet so well for more than twenty years, she is not so easy to admit these things."

Adrian tapped the table gently and said slowly.

"You're putting such a big tbomb around Rosemary now, aren't you afraid she'll make a move on Rosemary and Karen?"

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A woman with such a deep heart, what else is there that they can't do.

"So I'm going to let you take Rosemary back to C City tomorrow first, and I'll pick them up after everything is taken care of here."

Of course Wilson wants to take Rosemary and leave, but is she really willing to listen to them and leave?

"Knowing Rosemary as | do, she won't leave for a while without finding out why Peggy died."

"This is really similar to his mother, they are all the sstubborn."

Adrian sighed softly, if Rosemary continued to stay here, he was really worried that Fannie would make a move on her.

"Uncle, in fact, I've been wondering if the one who killed Peggy would not be the owner of this bracelet, but another person?"

As soon as Wilson's words fell, Adrian spoke, "Since you already have a suspect in your mind, I'll leave this matter to you, and |

hope you'll givean answer as soon as possible."


"Olina, what are you doing? Where's the copycat?"

Once Fannie entered, she saw Olina Doyle's room as if it had been burglarized, with clothes and shoes thrown everywhere.

Olina Doyle saw her mother cin and hurriedly asked, "Mom, have you seen my bracelet?"

"Which bracelet?"

"It's the sbracelet that dad gavethat we each have, ah, | just cback to find her missing, looking everywhere but not


The bracelet was given to her by her father on her eighteenth birthday. He had it specially made, the only three in the world, one in

Fannie's hand, one in Jiayi's hand, and the other in her hand.

"It's just a bracelet, isn't it? If it's gone, it's gone. Mommy will give you a new one to customize."

Fannie didn't have much affection for her current husband, so naturally his gift wasn't as valuable, but it meant something different

to Olina Doyle because it was the only gift her father had ever given her, so she treasured it."