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Savage Love On His Wheelchair

Chapter 1445
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Since the other party is not willing to say more she did not bother to continue to ask, Lynch Moore escorted Fiona just walked not

far to hear the sound of a fight, walk forward a little to see Zoe was surrounded by four or five men in black.

"Brother Tang?"

Without asking Fiona knew that Zoe must have found out that she was not in the tent and had cout to look for her, and was

pulled by Lynch Moore when she wanted to go forward, "What do you want?"

"I'm going to help!"

"You stand still while | go!"

Taking one look at her wound, Lynch Moore didn't have the heart to say.

"You stay and protect her."

With a command to the man behind him, Lynch Moore went up to help.

Just as soon as the other side saw Lynch Moore coming, several people couldn't help but look at each other, and soon the four men

in black left.

"Don't chase."

The dark guard who cout of nowhere just wanted to chase him out, but was stopped by Zoe's voice, turning to Lynch Moore

and saying, "Thank you, Second Young Master Yung, for coming to the rescue."

"I was on for her when | saw she was hurt."

After saying that, Lynch Moore proudly turned around and left without looking at Zoe.

But not angry about Lynch Moore's attitude, after all, their two families have always been a family feud, although now the

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relationship is not as tense as before, but in any case, the awkward relationship is still there.

"Second young man, it's not good, something happened!"

Just then, a man covered in wounds approached Lynch Moore and whispered in his ear, only to see Lynch Moore's face instantly

grim to the core.

"Wait a minute!"

Lynch Moore called out to Zoe who was about to leave and Zoe turned her head to look at him, "Is there anything else for you,

Second Young Master?"

"Rosemary was taken."

With that said, Zoe had left the spot before Lynch Moore could finish her sentence.

"Please help Second Younger take care of Miss Fiona for me."

"How did that happen?"

Fiona after hearing that Rosemary was taken, a small face a white pale, remembering the man in black just appeared in front of

him, in thinking about what is happening now, is it all a coincidence?

No, she was the one who was too stupid. How could she believe Crystal's words so easily? If Rosemary's accident had nothing to do

with her, then how could those men in black who just appeared be so coincidental.

"Second young man, what should we do now?"

It was a shthat Rosemary was taken away from them by someone else right under their noses.

"How did you suddenly appear alone at the Broken Rock this evening?"

Suddenly, Lynch Moore with a cold coldness, eyes straight at Fiona, Fiona saw, trying hard not to cry out, asked rhetorically: "You

mean | colluded with outsiders to capture Rosemary?"

"Isn't it? Or did you chere not to meet with the girl in white?"

Now Lynch Moore is suspicious of Fiona, how else could things be so coincidental.

"No matter what you think, | didn't harm Rosemary anyway, not to mention | ......"

Fiona said suddenly thought of something, hurriedly body hand from the pocket to take out the note that Crystal put in her pocket

before, spread out only to see two lines of beautiful handwriting written on it, "protect Rosemary, must not let her leave alone,

their ultimate goal is Rosemary, as for the reason is not known yet, pre-know complete The answer, find the guardian of the Tears

of Manju, all answers will be revealed."

"How did that happen?"

Lynch Moore snatched the note out of her hand and looked at the handwriting with a heavy expression.

"Andy, immediately inform big brother and ask him to help us find out who the person behind it really is."

The young man who was replaced as Andy nodded and instantly disappeared into the darkness.

Meanwhile, Crystal had just returned when a tall man blocked her way, "Get out of the way!"

"Do you know what you're doing to yourself?"

The man looked at her very angrily, didn't she know that once she was found out, she would die a horrible death?

"I know!"

Of course she knew what she was doing, and the moment she nodded her head to take Nathaniel back, she knew exactly and

clearly what she was going to do.

"If you know that then why do you still do it, or do you think your life is hard enough that they can't kill you?"

The man grabbed her shoulders, his eyes and out of the appalling killing intent, if possible, he really wanted to knock her out and

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then imprisoned forever by his side.

Crystal didn't say anything, took his hand away, took a step back and looked at him and said slowly, "My business is none of your

business and has nothing to do with you."

She knew that what awaited her ahead would be a precipice of no return, but she had no way back from the day she sat down this


Oh ......

The man looked at her and laughed out coldly, his eyes full of pain, and slowly said, "Crystal, is your heart made of stone? Can't

you see how | feel about you?" Pointing to his chest, the man continued, "lI know you have never loved me, but | think it does not

matter, as long as you know, and | also believe that one day you will see my feelings for you, even if you usefor other men, |

also have no regrets, | Mong do not ask you to love me, but at the very least | hope you can cherish their own life, even if it is not

for others, for your own can not?"

So many years, he white face and black face have sung with her, but the love for her has always been inconvenient, even if it is

clear that the one she likes in her heart is not himself, knowing that he can just find an excuse to kill him, but in the end he did not

want her to be sad, always did not do it.

"I'm sorry big brother, all along I've made it very clear that | only have sibling feelings for you nothing else, | know you're a good

person, it's just that | still have very important things that | need to do, and this is my mission, if you're really doing it for my own

good, then you should listen toand stay as far away fromas possible."

His feelings she is not blessed to receive, because her heart has long been filled by another person, although she knows that in his

heart will never get that place, but she willingly.

Mong knew that once she decided to do something no matter how he persuaded will not change, and that's exactly why he was

attracted to her!

"Crystal, | do not know what you want to do, but no matter what your feelings for me, as long as you need | will be the first to

stand in front of you, only | want to advise you one last time, "you can not fight him, even your friends may not win him, the

person behind him is the one you simply imagine The person behind him is someone you simply can't imagine, and can't afford to


Crystal looked at him with a surprised face, did he know who that person was that had been hiding behind?