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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 105
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Chapter 105 Chapter 105

Four Months Later

Phoebe sighed as Jason's hand gently caressed her stomach, now round and protruding and growing every day. There was never a moment

he didn’t try to touch it, stroke it or kiss it. He was infatuated with the life growing within. Her scent had taken on a citrus-fruity smell that

~ he knew belongea 1. up

He nuzzled her with a satisfied smile. His pup. He loved the sound of those words

“know you are awake,” Phoebe said


the first mornings he could relax. The Council had declared him king and none

. . _ ined the title

King Jareb was dead, as were Prince Achan and Princess Selena

However Prince Nolan and Queen Leah were allowed to live. Not only had they been spared but Jason recommended Nolan to be the new

alpha of Blood Moon as Thomas had not survived the death of his daughter

According to his guards, Thomas had gone comatose the moment he felt her pack tether snap. Jason had given him the only mercy he

could and ended his suffering

Nolan had been rushed to one of Blue Moon's medical facilities and treated quickly. He was rather surprised to wake up in his hospital bed

with Corwin holding one hand and his mother holding the other. Even more

Chapter 105 —) surprising was when Jason appeared a month later to ask him if he wanted to run Blood Moon pack. It was an ancient pack

50 there were very few capable of stepping in, running it and maintaining it

“Are you sure? What about...” Nolan's gaze drifted to Corwin

“don’t see an issue,” Jason shrugged. “If you have concerns you should contact Alpha Zain for advice.”

There had been some push back in the beginning but on the whole Nolan transitioned into the role of alpha rather seamlessly with his Luna

For now Corwin was not only Luna but also acting Beta, which in some ways actually calmed the pack more after its recent upheaval

Appointing Nolan alpha also calmed the other ancient packs who worried Jason would attempt to take over himself in a bid for more power

However, power wasn’t his aim. The royal pack was absorbed into Blue Moon its members either swearing fealty to their new alpha or

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choosing to join other packs. As of right now, the royal mansion stood empty since Jason preferred to stay with his own pack

He wasn’t quite sure what to do with it honestly. It was one of the few properties the royal family owned outright and had not

‘mortgaged off

Many of the others Jason sold to pay off the immense debt King Jareb had accrued over the decades including the Alpha School

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novelenglish.net and search the book title to read the entire book for free

Hearing the school was closed had a surprising effect on Phoebe who thought closing any center of learning a shame. However, she had

come back with a new idea for the estate. Why not turn it into a new school, one with proper teachers and curriculum? The idea had merits

but it could wait for the time being. Jason's priority was her health and the pup’s

“Today, is the big day,” Jason murmured

“I know,” Phoebe chuckled

They would be going in for an ultrasound to check the pup’s

Chapter 105

development and they would finally know whether it was male or female

Doctor Evans had taken the lead on ensuring Phoebe’s care and mentioned her wolf should be in tune enough to have a hunch although

every time Phoebe asked Mani remained mysteriously silent on the matter

Phoebe’s gaze drifted to the old journal on her bedside table. By now she had read it several times. Reading the words of her predecessor

gave her quite a bit of comfort even if it didn’t answer all her questions. Achan claimed he had proof silver wolves only had one pup:

however, Phoebe saw no proof of that in the actual words themselves. It was true Eris expressed concern about giving birth to a healthy pup

but she never mentioned it being her only pup

Eris also never said anything about the royal line being eternal or needing a new injection of silver wolf blood to keep its vigor. The

prophecy that so seemed to worry the king was contained in a single entry near the end: / have seen the future and I fear my progeny will

not be able to keep the promise of the Moon Goddess and the one who comes after me will have their hands full correcting their mistakes

Phoebe still had no idea if the gift of prophecy was the power of a silver wolf but she knew she herself had never seen the future in any

capacity. Perhaps if she only had a little glimpse she would be less anxious

“Angel, you are over-thinking again,” Jason cautioned, kissing her shoulder. “We've already proven Achan wrong on all accounts so there is

no reason to take his prediction seriously.”

“I know,” Phoebe sighed welcoming his embrace, “I just want good news.”

“It will be all good news.”


€ Chapter 105 wy

“Okay, Luna just lie down and lift your shirt and we'll see what we have,” Doctor Evans smiled

Phoebe tried to make herself comfortable but it wasn’t easy. She had a full and uncomfortable bladder due to the doctor's request and the

room was rather cold. Jason clasped her hand, kissing her knuckles

He had been present for every scan, every appointment. No matter how busy his new duties as king kept him he always made time for her

and their pups. Blake and Emma could hardly believe it when Phoebe explained their new status. Not only were they the Alpha and Luna’s

pups, they were now prince and princess. Blake was still on the fence but Emma proudly declared herself princess to all who asked

For now they shielded the pups from the worst of the burden but eventually they would have to bear the weight of their titles. Phoebe was

confident they would be strong enough

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us now and continue your journey!

She winced as the doctor smeared on the jelly before maneuvering the wand against her chilled skin, “Okay, and just to confirm, you want

to know the sx, correct?”

Phoebe nodded. There was a certain appeal to waiting until the pup was born but in the end she preferred knowing

Jason glanced at the screen but only saw strange shadows with no form. Instead he focused on Phoebe. His thumbs traced circles on the


of her hand and he kissed it at intervals to reassure her. The gestures never failed to draw out a smile despite how nervous she was

“Here, we are,” the doctor finally announced, “there is your pup.”

Jason looked up. The shadows on screen had finally coalesced allowing him to see the pup for the first time. He's eyes glazed with


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Chapter 105

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“Okay, Luna just lie down and lift your shirt and we'll see what we have,” Doctor Evans smiled

Phoebe tried to make herself comfortable but it wasn’t easy. She had a full and uncomfortable bladder due to the doctor's request and the

room was rather cold. Jason clasped her hand, kissing her knuckles

He had been present for every scan, every appointment. No matter how busy his new duties as king kept him he always made time for her

and their pups. Blake and Emma could hardly believe it when Phoebe explained their new status. Not only were they the Alpha and Luna’s

pups, they were now prince and princess. Blake was still on the fence but Emma proudly declared herself princess to all who asked

For now they shielded the pups from the worst of the burden but eventually they would have to bear the weight of their titles. Phoebe was

confident they would be strong enough

She winced as the doctor smeared on the jelly before maneuvering the wand against her chilled skin, “Okay, and just to confirm, you want

to know the sx, correct?”

Phoebe nodded. There was a certain appeal to waiting until the pup was born but in the end she preferred knowing

Jason glanced at the screen but only saw strange shadows with no form. Instead he focused on Phoebe. His thumbs traced circles on the

back of her hand and he kissed it at intervals to reassure her. The gestures never failed to draw out a smile despite how nervous she was

“Here, we are,” the doctor finally announced, “there is your pup.”

Jason looked up. The shadows on screen had finally coalesced allowing him to see the pup for the first time. He's eyes glazed with


“Here is the head and a little arm,” the doctor indicated. “Looks like,

Chapter 105 we have a little boy.”

“Boy?” Jason sucked in a breath. He was going to have a son!

The doctor frowned, shifting the wand for another view. Her pensive expression deepened

“Is everything all right?” Phoebe asked, sensing her disquiet

“Well, remember that slight shadow I told you not to worry about?

“Yes,” Phoebe tried to swallow her panic

“It's a girl”

“Wait, what?” Jason suddenly felt himself run cold. “But you said...a boy.”

“And a girl,” the doctor smiled. “You're having twins.”

“Twins? But that’s..impossible. Isn’t it?”

“Well, it's never been documented before,” the doctor corrected. It was long-standing knowledge wolves had only one pup at a time

However, Phoebe was a silver wolf. Who knew if this was normal for her or not?

“Jason? Jason!” Phoebe’s cries were lost on him as the room spun and suddenly went dark