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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 48
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Chapter Forty-Eight

“It’s about time,” Jason said. “I was beginning to think you'd stay in your room all weekend.”

~ “It was tempting,” William said without a trace of embarrassment

Lily on the other hand blushed. Jason was tempted to say more but Phoebe elbowed his shoulder to stop him adding a warning look. Jason

wisely held his peace. Sensing his mate's disquiet William grasped her hand and kissed it. The contact made Lily shiver with pleasure and

her face suddenly warmed in response to something William undoubtedly mindlinked

1e exchange

The alpha jerked around to stare at her. He briefly wondered if she somehow picked up on the silent communication but dismissed the idea

It was far more likely she was inferring the content from Lily's reaction

“Just because Lily's brother is an alpha doesn’t mean she’s prepared for one’s libido. You have to let her have her moments to catch her

breath without constantly being reminded of it.”

Reed who was drinking his coffee quietly watching his sister suddenly choked on his drink as the she-wolves at the table broke into

laughter. It was William’s turn to blush deep red. Even if Phoebe couldn't hear another's mindlink her observational skills were second to


“Is that what you really think of me?” Jason asked when he was able to speak just as stunned at the rest

She turned her shimmering silver gaze to him asking, “Are you going

Chapter Forty-Eight w

to tell me you've had anything else on your mind since you pulled me into your lap?”

The time Lucille nearly snorted out her drink as Jason struggled to maintain a neutral expression unwilling to join his friend in mutual

embarrassment. Phoebe had been so quiet and demur at their first meeting he wasn't prepared for her to be so frank and assertive. Yet it

was her mindlink that had him undone

“Should I tell them about the bulge I'm sitting on?”

Jason growled as his blush deepened unable to speak even as his pants became more uncomfortable. He was certain she had no idea how

turned on he was by her growing confidence

“There, you see Lily,” Phoebe looked again to their guest. “That is how you put an alpha in his place. Don’t let him intimidate you. His wolf

will always take your side so it's three against one and you will always have the advantage.”

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“Now just a moment,” William finally found his voice, “that’s not true.”

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“Oh? Why don’t you ask your wolf?” Phoebe challenged. “What does he think?”

William fell silent no doubt listening to his wolf respond. Jason turned his attention to his own wolf. Lobo’s answer was immediate even

before he could pose the question, ‘Mate can do anything she wants.’

Jason might have complained if Phoebe didn’t suddenly begin running her hands through his hair. Her fingers traced circles along his scalp

sending ripples of shock and pleasure coursing through him. He couldn't argue with his wolf

“Well..we won't stand for mutiny, right Jason?” William announced no doubt having just received a similar message from his wolf

Chapter Forty-Eight il

“Give it up, Will,” Lucille chuckled when Jason didn’t answer. “My brother is officially whipped.”

Jason shot his sister a glare and growled but there was no rage behind it and it came out more like a purr. This only earned him more


But he really wasn’t all that upset as long as Phoebe sat in his lap, her scent surrounding him and her touch making his skin tingle

Before anyone could say more a sudden commotion at the entrance caused them to turn as a young alpha not more than twenty with a

she-wolf on either arm strutted in followed by his guard also accompanied by an equally voluptuous she-wolf. Phoebe eyed them coldly as

her eyes shimmered silver

None of the she-wolves were mated and as far as she could tell they were neither rejected nor had they rejected their fated mates. Like

many she-wolves their instincts attracted them to strong, powerful males. Only a few ended up like Camilla or Katrina so infatuated with

power they rejected their true mates. Most eventually settled with their fated mates once found. It was too soon to know whether these

three she-wolves were the former or the latter. Their clothing was very revealing, bordering on trashy, and inappropriate considering the

room was filled with alphas, lunas and pups

“Lily? What is it?” William asked sensing his mate's sudden fear. “ What's wrong baby?”

“It’s him...” she tried to stifle a sob


“Her first mate,” Reed growled low. “What the hell is he doing here?”

“Guards say the alpha is from Big Sky pack,” Luke said after mindlinking the wolves tasked with guarding the road. “I don’t remember

Chapter Forty-Eight Il

hearing any succession ceremonies happening so his father is probably still leading the pack. He probably sent his son to act as his proxy.”

“If he’s with a Montana pack it stands to reason the pack you sent him to couldn't stand him either,” Jason said recalling Reed had sent

Lily’s first mate to Texas in order to spare her

Lily trembled eliciting a growl from William as he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close letting his scent, touch and

presence sooth and calm her. His wolf was raging ready to rend the alpha’s escort to pieces

The young alpha and his group sauntered to a table parading in front of the others as they took their seats. Pounding the table the alpha

declared, “Bring us meat!”

His escort chuckled at the alpha’s brazen declaration. As an omega passed he smacked the young she-wolf's ass saying, “Come see me

later, babe.”

Shannon shuddered shuffling away. Jason growled intending to confront them but it was Phoebe who stood first. Calmly she walked toward

the group her gaze shimmering silver

Jason momentarily panicked and moved to stand but Lobo halted him with a whimper, ‘Mate js...furious.’

His wolf cowered in the back of Jason's mind as he watched Phoebe reach the omega she-wolf. She hugged the other female whispering

comforting words before sending her to the kitchen. Once the she-wolf was a safe distance Phoebe turned her gaze on the males

“What? You want to be first honey?” the warrior asked with a leering gaze. “You're not much to look at but I'll be happy to make room for


A soft gasp traveled through the dining hall. Jason's aura was already

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rising with his rage at the disrespect shown to his Luna to say nothing of the solicitation. In contrast to the rage burning within him

Phoebe’s anger was calm and cold though no less penetrating as her aura rolled over the group

“Twould have expected these she-wolves to have more self-respect,” Phoebe glared at the scantily clad trio. Her nose wrinkled at the

unmistakable scent of s*x explaining why the party was so late

“What's it to you?” the boldest of the three asked even as she shivered under Phoebe’s scrutiny

“There are pups present and you don’t belong here. Leave.”

“Excuse me? What makes you...”

“Leave!” Phoebe snapped with a growl. “If you arent off this pack’s land in five minutes you will be tossed in the prison.”

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“,.But we drove here. How are we supposed to get home?”

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“I don’t care,” Phoebe answered. “You have two working legs, four if you shift. It's not like you have to worry about your clothes getting


Figure it out

The she-wolves hesitated looking at their escorts for support but both the alpha and warrior were silent, captivated by Phoebe’s aura

“I said GO!” Phoebe’s eyes flashed as her command filtered into her voice. Unable to fight it the she-wolves finally fell silent and obeyed

Phoebe didn’t spare them another glance as she focused on the males

“Y-you better know some good tricks to make up for that,” the warrior finally managed to break his trance

“silence!” Phoebe snapped her eyes practically glowing. Despite this bravado the warrior was rendered speechless. “Someone else will deal

with you so be patient and wait your turn. As for you...”

Chapter Forty-Eight ~

Phoebe’s gaze turned on the young alpha. He shuddered not knowing why he feared her



“Is this how you intend to run your pack?” Phoebe demanded. Showing up late to an official gathering, sauntering into a room filled with

alphas and lunas with a pack slut on either arm?”

She didn’t care for the term herself, pack slut. Many males wolves were far more promiscuous and yet weren't given any derogatory

nicknames. Most went on to find their fated mates and would remain loyal to them. But she needed to shock him if she was going to have

the proper impact

“And what if your mate was here?” Phoebe asked. “She would have watched you walk in here with those she-wolves, smelling like them.

What do you think she would think about that? Should we ask? What about you Nina?”

Phoebe’s gaze shifted to one of the young she-wolves she spoke to at the pool. The she-wolf sat with her friends uncomfortably close to

the scene that had just played out. Though they were a few years too young to sense their mates yet, no doubt it still left an impression on


“Nina, what do you think about what you just saw? What would you

think if this young alpha was your mate?” “I think it was disgusting! I wouldn't want him to touch me! Evert A ™

chosen mate would be better than him

“Well, that says it all,” Phoebe’s gaze returned to the young alpha. “I'd count myself fortunate if I were you.”