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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 53
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Chapter Fifty-Three Chapter Fifty-Three

Jason crouched, giving full control to Lobo as his wolf practically tore out of him, tired of being held back. Fur erupted over his body as his

bones cracked and realigned with amazing speed. Aside from the first time there had never been much pain and his shifts always faster than

anyone else’s

Graham's wolf hadn't taken two leaps before it was complete and he was ready to face him

Jason's brown wolf was so dark it was like a living shadow at night

Outweighing his opponent by several hundred pounds it charged to meet its attacker crashing into Graham and tossing him aside. Graham

tumbled, rolling to a stop before fighting back to his paws to see Jason calmly waiting for him to recover. The wolf in front of him was at

least a foot taller and a hundred pounds heavier but Graham was too far gone to care. It lunged baring its teeth

Is he serious?’ Jason couldn't help but wonder and Lobo seemed just as unimpressed

Twisting out of the way Lobo bounded out of reach and watched his opponent land in a tumble. Graham clawed back to his feet and rushed

him again. Lobo easily dodged and again took a stance and waited

“He's lost all reason,” Jason sighed. ‘Hes nothing but instinct now.”

Lobo huffed agreement. He had been looking forward to a fight to settle the score for their Luna but now it was mute. If not for his instinct

to claim his mate Graham would have succumbed to being rogue days ago

Perhaps that was why his wolf was so desperate. It knew the only way to keep from going rogue lay in claiming its mate. But she belonged

to them now

Chapter Fifty-Three wy

“There is no point to this. Let's just finish him.”

“Yes. We will spare Mate any pain by showing this one mercy."

It hurt to think Phoebe would still harbor any feelings for this wolf and Jason had no idea how he would comfort her after they ended him.

But there was no choice. It was clear Graham was too far gone. When his wolf leapt on the attack again Lobo dodged and turned sinking his

jaws into the other's neck

Wringing him like a ragdoll he tossed Graham's wolf aside and waited as he struggled to his feet. This time Lobo didn’t wait pouncing on

his enemy. The sickly crack of bones rewarded his efforts and Graham cried out in pain before trying to claw himself back up only to

discover his hind legs were unresponsive. With a growl Lobo seized the defenseless wolf's neck shaking hard before he was rewarded with

another sharp crack

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Releasing his opponent he stepped back watching its last breath rattle in its chest before falling silent. Lobo huffed in disgust. There was no

victory in his death but he turned his face to the sky and howled anyway

His pack echoed it back to him rejoicing and celebrating their Alpha’s strength. Huffing again, Lobo turned away from the fallen wolf

walking back to where Jason discarded his shirt and where they had shredded their pants

He didn’t have to wait long as Ben hastily brought him a pair of sweats and a towel. Still unsatisfied with the fight Lobo gave Jason back

control to brood in the back of his mind while he shifted and accepted the towel from his Gamma. He changed quickly pulling on the

sweatpants before reclaiming his shirt and walking back to the others

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“There are some pack wolves at the gate. They claim they are

Chapter Fifty-Three we from Rimrock trying to track their alpha.” “Send them through. They can have his body.”

At least now he wouldn't have to worry about disposing of it himself

Jason sighed nearing the patio crowded with onlookers. Phoebe stood at the forefront still wearing his jacket with Luke and Elder Ansel. Her

eyes shimmered with tears and he couldn't help but wonder if she was mourning her first mate. What did she think of him now that he had

ended him?


He meant to apologize but she cut him off as her hands gripped his face and pulled it toward her and hungrily tasted him. His arms

encircled her pulling her soft, warm body against his and drove out the chill that settled in his heart

“Mate still loves us!” Lobo happily wagged his tail

“Are you okay?” Phoebe asked stroking his cheek. “You're not hurt, right?”

“Of course not. He couldn't touch me,” Jason smirked holding her close. “You're not angry?”

“Only because he couldn't just stay away,” Phoebe rested her head on his shoulder. “He should have let me go.”


“Alpha Jason?” Elder Ansel stepped forward. “That wolf..”

“Alpha Graham of Rimrock,” Jason answered though he loathed to admit the next part. “He's Phoebe’ first mate, the one who rejected


“I see.” Elder Ansel sadly nodded looking to her as she sought comfort in Jason's arms. “It seems his wolf could not let go of the bond. It is

a pity

Chapter Fifty-Three = but that is the danger of rejecting your mate. And a warning to all.”

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exclusively available on our site. Happy reading!

Elder Ansel cast a gaze across the assembled alphas, lunas, betas and their younger companions. A few had retreated inside but most had

remained outside to watch the one-sided duel. Probably only two-thirds had waited for their fated mate while the rest settled for a chosen

one. A few he noticed looked suitably ashamed they rejected their fated mates as well

Before he spoke again an SUV circled the packhouse guided by shifted Blue Moon warriors and pulled up alongside the patio. The

passenger door opened allowing Beta Michael to exit. He looked older than Phoebe remembered. No doubt chasing down his alpha had

taken its toll

“Alpha Jason, Luna Phoebe,” Michael bowed to them. “I'm..very sorry for this disturbance to your festivities.”

“Appreciated, Beta,” Jason nodded then looked in the direction of the fallen alpha. “He's over there.”

“Thank you.”

“Beta,” Elder Ansel stepped forward. “Take your Alpha back to your pack. I shall stop by in a day or so to oversee the succession process. I

take it..he had no heirs.”

“No. And thank you,” Michael nodded before returning to his vehicle with the other pack members who accompanied him

The SUV drove slowly across the field to where Graham's prone form lay. By now he had shifted back to his human form. They gathered

around him bringing out a body bag. Elder Ansel cleared his throat after a moment, “Perhaps we should head inside and give them some


Jason nodded and his warriors began ushering their guests inside where dinner waited. Under normal circumstances Jason and Phoebe

would shift and led a portion of their pack on a moonlit run for an hour or

Chapter Fifty-Three two. While they did that their guests would enjoy a cocktail hour and hors d*oeuvres before dinner along with the pups,

pregnant she-wolves and others that chose to remain behind so there was plenty of food ready

There was some grumbling but none dared question the change of plans after the battle they witnessed

“Come inside, Phoebe,” Jason urged

She glanced once more to where her former pack members were gathered before turning away and accompanying him inside to her new


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Jason sighed as he stepped out of the shower. While everyone else headed to the dining hall he had gone up to his room for a quick

shower and change of clothes. Rogue wolves had a sickly sweet scent that was not easily washed away. Graham's scent hadn't been quite to

that degree but it was close and Jason couldn't help but wonder how much further he had to slip before succumbing

He stepped out of the bathroom with a towel tied around his waist to find Phoebe seated on the edge of the bed. She still wore her silver

gown and beside her she had laid out a new pair of black trousers and a black, silk shirt. He planned to ditch the monkey-suit after the run

for something simpler and more comfortable anyway. It seemed Phoebe knew it as well

She shyly smiled as she stood to meet him

“Phoebe,” Jason sighed taking her into his arms. He bowed his head

Planning your weekend reading? Ensure you're on novelenglish.net for uninterrupted enjoyment. The next chapter is just a click away,

exclusively available on our site. Happy reading!

and breathed in her scent. “I'm so sorry.” “For what?" she asked her brow furrowing in confusion

“About..Graham,” he struggled to keep the grow! from his voice

He hated the idea of her mourning the other alpha but Graham was her first mate and as brief as their time together had been she had to

Chapter Fifty-Three harbor some attachment and thoughts toward him

“Why are you sorry?” Phoebe asked. “Shouldn't that be my line?”

“Your line?” Jason snorted. “He was your first mate and L.”

Phoebe shook her head placing her fingers against his lips to prevent him from saying more, “No..he wasn't.”

“What?” Jason asked. Now he was confused

“Something Mani told me awhile ago,” Phoebe said. “She said the Moon Goddess loves us but sometimes we have to face trials to prove

ourselves worthy of the path she has set for us.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Graham...was not my mate. He was my trial to prove I was worthy of being your mate,” Phoebe said. “It was always meant to be you.”

Jason stroked her cheek letting his worries ease. Lobo sighed in his mind, wagging his tail. He smiled, “Yes, you were always meant to be

mine ..but you got wrong. I'm the one who had to prove myself worthy of you.”

Before she could argue he pressed his lips to hers. Her hands worked up to his neck holding him close as her lips answered his. An

appreciative grow! rumbled in his chest as Lobo stirred eager for a taste of his mate

“Mmm..Jason...our guests,” Phoebe mumbled as he gently kissed down the nape of her neck to her marking spot

“They can wait a little longer,” Jason muttered finding her mark and

sucking on it hungrily