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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 58
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Chapter Fifty-Eight Chapter Fifty-Eight

Jason stirred lazily. He reached for the warm body that was always close only to find he was alone in the bed. Groaning he sat up shivering

With a note of panic. Phoebe was nowhere in sight though he scent was still strong. Where?

The mindlink opened and he felt her amusement fluttered through his mind. No doubt she sensed his panic and was now soothing him...but

~ also teasing him. Jason growled but the open link only vibrated with her laughter

“I'm in the kitchen,” Phoebe’s voice fitted into his mind. “You better hurry or Luke will get your share of the pancakes.”

Jason lurched up with a growl he was certain could be heard throughout the floor. He hurried to the bathroom to relieve himself and splash

water on his face as he shook away the last of his drowsiness. Ever since hearing about the meals he shared with Phoebe Luke and Ben

have much skill in the kitchen and they themselves were walking disasters. To say


A few weeks after her Luna Ceremony they all woke to the most delicious smells. Entering the kitchen they found Phoebe humming over

three different pans making scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon and even a peach cobbler for all of them to enjoy. Ben and Luke were

practically in ecstasy. If one expected Mona and Lucille to be jealous they were sorely mistaken. The she-wolves helped themselves to

second and third servings

Since then Phoebe made at least one meal a week: either breakfast or


Chapter Fifty-Eight dinner, for them to enjoy together. Jason certainly didn’t mind indulging in his mate's cooking but he didn’t want her

overworking herself either

Quickly pulling on a pair of sweats and a Q tge-shirt he headed to the kitchen. There he found Phoebe humming over a cast iron griddle

flipping pancakes

“Daddy!” Emma squealed hopping off her seat at the table to run toward him

Jason scooped her up nuzzling her and earning giggles as his stubble tickled her cheek. He carried her back to the table and situated her in

her booster seat before tussling Blake's hair eaming a growl. Jason chuckled

Over the last few weeks Blake had not just gotten comfortable around his new family but he was beginning to gain confidence. He no

longer feared abandonment and regularly challenged Jason as a growing boy should. Even in their play group in the pack daycare he was

beginning to display dominance as one would expect of a high-ranking wolf. Jason wrapped his arms around Phoebe and buried his nose in

the nape of her neck with a satisfied grow!

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“Jason,” Phoebe chuckled. “I'm trying to cook.”

“I'd prefer you to stay in bed until I wake up,” he mumbled. “I hate waking up alone.”

“When I stay in bed you usually want to do other things besides sleep.”


“Jason...” Phoebe laughed

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“Really you two? In the kitchen?”

Jason growled raising his head and looking over at his sister. Lucille had the worst timing. She smirked as she claimed the orange juice and

Chapter Fifty-Eight joined the pups at the table. Jason tightened his embrace around Phoebe before she turned and handed him two plates

with pancakes and


He stole a kiss before taking the plates and delivering them to the pups. Jason cut up the pancakes for Emma. Blake insisted on doing his

own. He took his seat just as Phoebe delivered the first tray piled high for the adults. Lucille immediately speared several beating Jason by a

second and earning a warning growl. Emma and Blake giggled at their silliness

Moments later Norah, Mona, Luke and Ben emerged. The latter two practically raced each other to the table. Norah and Mona both shook

their heads at their behavior. Phoebe just laughed before changing out the spent platters for fresh ones

She helped the pups with seconds and would have kept puttering around if Jason didn’t pull her into his lap where he had a heaping pile

waiting for her. Phoebe gave him a disgruntled look but stroked his cheek before kissing him and tucking into her meal. Jason held her

close nuzzling her while she ate. Nothing gave him and his wolf more pleasure than taking care of her

“You two are so cute together,” Mona chuckled. “Who would have thought our big scary Alpha was such a softy?”

Jason frowned but there was no fire in his gaze. In truth when Mona first arrived she had been terrified of her new Alpha. Back then he

suffered from bouts of depression because he was unable to find his mate followed by almost frenzied dominance fueled by frustration. Not

wanting to hurt the pack members that relied on him Jason spent his time training and patrolling his borders where he could take his anger

outand protect his pack

In the beginning she was afraid to even be in the same room as Jason

Chapter Fifty-Eight

without Luke present. It wasn't until early one morning she went searching for Luke in the office only to walk in on Jason, half-naked,

attempting to administer his own first aid. He was covered in cuts and one rather deep s***h that should have been stitched


«1am so sorry!” Mona squeaked hurriedly stepping back so she

could close the door


/t wasn’t acommand. In fact it almost seemed to be pleading for her company. She slowly eased back into the room

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Billie Eilish Shocks Beachgoers In ore Anchor Wears Daring Outfit And Forgot

Inappropriate Bathing Suit do 562 B15 oh 154 Her Desk Was Transparent

More. More.

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“Please, close the door. I don’t want to scare them.”


“The pups and omegas. They won't like seeing their Alpha covered in blood.”

«.w—why don’t you go to the hospital?” Mona fidgeted in front of the door

“ldon’t want to worry them and /know they would tell Luke and


“Tell them what?”

“That I've been out all night hunting...again.”

“All night? Again? When's the last time you slept?”

“Three days.”

“Three days!” Mona exclaimed surprised by the harshness in her own voice. “You haven't slept for three days?”

“Can't. The bed is too big. It's too..empty,” Jason's shoulder’s sagged as he fought to control his churning emotions. Lobo whined in the

back of his mind equally distressed

Chapter Fifty-Eight _

Biting her lip Mona stepped forward taking the bandage he was trying to wrap around his own arm. He held still letting her wrap his injury

for him as meek as a pup

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For the first time Mona was able to see her Alpha without fear

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She saw him for what he was: a broken wolf unable to find its missing piece, his mate. The one person who would be able to share his

burden, who would hold him when he had to fall apart and give him courage when he found himself lacking; the one who would know his

pain, his insecurities, his weaknesses. Without that person he was slowly



With the truth finally unveiled Mona no longer feared him. How could she when she pitied him? But now.

Mona smiled as Jason tucked his nose close to Phoebe’s neck breathing in her scent while she ate. He smiled more in the last few weeks

then he had the entirety of his life. His depression was only a memory as was his frustration and anger. Jason was relaxed, happy

It wasn't just Phoebe who him tamed. Blake and Emma also had their hands on the reins. No matter what he was doing the moment either

ran up to him he forgot everything else and focused only on them. There was no hesitation or reserve despite the fact they were not related

by blood and Mona finally understood the strange request Luke made before they marked each other. It had been the right decision even if

it had hurt

Jason suddenly growled his eyes glazing over. Luke and Ben froze mid-bite as their eyes also dulled. They leapt to their feet and raced to the

door. Jason was slower as he stood holding Phoebe close

“Stay inside. No outings today.”

Kissing his temple he spun on his heels and hurried after his Beta and

Chapter Fifty-Eight Gamma. Phoebe watched him go her heart suddenly racing

“Where's daddy going?” Emma asked

“He has some important business to take care of,” Phoebe answered before anyone else did. “He'll be back as soon as he finishes up.”

Emma nodded and went back to her breakfast. Blake watched them curiously but also returned to his breakfast. This wasn't the first time

Jason and the others rushed out the door and it was becoming more frequent as

rogues tested the borders. Once the situation was under control the rogue remains would be transported to Monas research facility and

the real work continued but none of that was spoken allowed as it was considered classified information

“Phoebe,” Jason's voice suddenly intruded. “T7he young Alpha Erick should arrive today. I hate to ask but could you entertain him until this

is settled?”

“Of course. Just focus on coming home. I don't like to sleep in

that big bed alone anymore than you do.”

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