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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 60
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Chapter Sixty bf Chapter Sixty

“He's going to be trouble,” Lucille commented at Luke and Ben finally joined them

“Who's trouble?” Ben asked

“That young alpha from Kansas,” Lucille shook her head. “And the other one hasn't even arrived yet.

Luke punched Ben's shoulder, “Told you so.”

Before Ben could answer a shriek suddenly sounded from the kitchen followed by a loud crash and a shout, “What the hell is this?!”

Phoebe’s skin prickled and Mani urgently pressed forward, ‘We have to go! Now!”

Phoebe stood and moved toward the kitchen only for Jason to grasp her hand, “Angel?”

“It's fine,” she assured him

Jason's brow furrowed and he moved to join her

“Jason, please. It's fine. There's no danger,” Phoebe assured him

There is no danger, right?”

“Not for us.”

“Jason, it’s all right,” Phoebe repeated

Reluctantly he let her go as another crash echoed from the kitchen

Phoebe gave him a quick kiss before hurrying to the kitchen. She didn’t want to appear panicked but Mani was pacing in her mind and it

was causing her anxiety to rise

Stepping into the kitchen she saw Shannon huddled in the corner while Erick towered over her using an arm to fling a stack of freshly


Chapter Sixty =

pans on the floor while the other omegas watched in terror unable to stop it

“Enough!” Phoebe snapped letting her aura fill the room

The omega staff immediately calmed. Shannon whimpered but she did straighten as Phoebe approached her. Quickly embracing the omega

Phoebe gently rubbed her shoulder. Shannon shuddered sniffling, clinging to her soothing presence

“This is your fault,” Erick snarled

“What is my fault, precisely?” Phoebe glared at him

“You did something. There is no way this worthless omega is my mate!

Phoebe raised an eyebrow, “Shannon, is this true?”

Sniffling the omega nodded unable to look at the alpha who was supposed to love her. Phoebe sighed, kissing her forehead in comfort and

let her aura surround Shannon in love and protection. She had a bad feeling she knew where this was going

“Then this is a special day, Erick,” Phoebe looked at him giving him one last chance. “It's not easy for an alpha to find their fated mate. This

is a day to be celebrated.”

“Celebrated? Are you kidding? There is no way I could have an omega for my Luna!” Erick sneered

Shannon whimpered

“Then what are you going to do?” Phoebe asked her eyes shimmering

«1, Erick Anderson, future Alpha of Cedar Creek, reject..you what is your name?”

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Shannon hesitated, whimpering

Chapter Sixty FY “Its all right,” Phoebe whispered in her ear. “I'm here. Tl help.” .,.Sh-Shannon Richards.”

“1, Erick Anderson, future Alpha of Cedar Creek reject Shannon Richards as my mate and Luna!” Erick growled

Shannon cried out her legs buckling as the bond severed but Phoebe’s embrace kept her on her feet. Erick suddenly fell to his knees

doubling over as pain ripped through his body. He knelt on the floor shaking as his wolf howled, writhing

“W-what is happening?” Erick moaned

“You just rejected the Goddess’ gift, young alpha,” Phoebe said, Mani’s voice seeping into hers. “Surely you did not think there would be

no consequences.”

He glared at her but there was something uncanny about her shimmering silver gaze. Erick could practically feel her wolf lording over him,

teeth bared. But he heard Blue Moon's Luna had no wolf. Were the rumors wrong?

“You have condemned yourself and your wolf to an incomplete life,” Phoebe said. “Even in death you will never be whole. May the Goddess

have mercy on your soul in the next life.”

Erick whimpered as her words sunk in

“Come on Shannon,” Phoebe gently urged. “T'll stay with you.”

Phoebe guided her out of the kitchen and to the omegas® dormitory

Though the rooms were not nearly as large and extravagant as those for high ranking pack members there was still a stateliness about

them. They were on the smaller side and lacked a private bathroom but there was still plenty of room for them to be comfortable. Phoebe

helped Shannon into the room but by the time they arrived it was clear her strength was nearly spent

Chapter Sixty

“Mani, how can we help her?” Phoebe asked

When it came to rejections the one of lower rank often bore the brunt of the burden. Mani shielded Shannon from as much of it as possible

but there was no protecting her from the emptiness now ripping her soul apart

“Have her shift.”

“shift?” “Yes. Contact with me may help sooth her. “You mean, let hersee you?" Phoebe asked

Since the moonlit run had been aborted because of Graham Phoebe had yet to shift in front of anyone. Between their individual duties and

the increase in rogue attacks they hadn't been able to make time to spend together and let their wolves meet. If felt wrong to allow

someone else to see Mani before him but this was an emergency

“Yes. Contact with another wolf will help sooth hers,” Mani said. “may

also be able to help the bond severe completely and spare her some


“But will she even be able to shift in this condition?”

“We can help her with a nudge of our aura.’

Alright, Phoebe finally agreed. “Shannon, I need you to shift for me.”

“Ml can't”

“Yes. You can. I promise.” “need to know her wolf's name.” “What's your wolf's name?”


“Okay, let’s get undressed. We don’t want to have to clean up.”

Chapter Sixty &

Phoebe chuckled and eared a ghost of asmile. Shannon shivered as Phoebe helped her shed her clothing before she followed suit. Helping

her to the floor Phoebe let Mani speak through her

“Sif, it’s all right. Come out. I'm here. You are not alone.”

Shannon whimpered but her eyes swirled as her wolf reluctantly came forward drawn by its Luna’s aura. Mani forced her aura out even

more creating a safe place and lending her strength to the omega

Shuddering Shannon bristled with fur and her bones snapped reshaping her body until a little, tan wolf lay in front of Phoebe. She reached

out patting the exhausted wolf's head before stepping back and dropping to all fours. Their shift was much smoother than Shannon's. In

fact Phoebe had often thought her shifts were a bit different from others, not that she had seen many, but it did seem to be easier for her.

Was it because she and her wolf were so in sync?

Exhausted Sif slowly caught her breath. A warm tongue licked her nose. Looking up she found herself staring at a beautiful, silver wolf. The

wolf's fur shimmered in the moonlight streaming in from the window and it studied her with bewitching blue-silver eyes. Kindness, love and

strength radiated from it as it bowed its head and nuzzled her like a mother comforting a pup

It circled her, moving gracefully before laying beside her. It lay its head over hers emanating warmth and safety into her. Sif laid her head

down letting herself give into exhaustion. Mani sighed

“Phoebe? Phoebe, where are you? What happened?” Jasons voice intruded causing Sif to shiver as her sleep was disturbed

“I'm fine, Jason,” Phoebe replied. “Shannon was Erick’s mate and he

rejected her. I have to stay with her for now.”

“lunderstand. But where are you?”

Chapter Sixty “Shannon’s room. Once I know she’s okay I'll find you. Can you please take care of the pups?”

“As ifyou have to ask. Il take care of our pups. You focus on Shannon.”

“Thank you. I love you.” I love you, angel.” The link closed and Phoebe turned her attention back to a restless Sif

They settled next to her letting their aura cocoon the young omega. Mani blinked sleepily and dosed as the night wore on


Sif wandered aimlessly through the dark, mist-filled wood

Shadows loomed around her and nothing looked familiar. How long had she been wandering to have some this far? She whimpered,


Something was missing. It felt as if there was a large hole in her chest and she was slowly bleeding out. But there was no wound. She didn’t

understand. Where should she go?

“It’s all right, little pup. You are not alone.”

Turning, she found herself facing a beautiful, silver wolf simmering in the moonlight. Its other worldly blue-gray eyes were calm and filled

with kindness. She would feel this wolf far surpassed her in rank and she shivered wondering if she accidently wandered into its territory

However the silver wolf didn’t seem upset. Its aura was warm and comforting

Inclining its head in a gesture to follow the silver wolf turned and

walked off. When Sif didn’t follow it paused and looked back at her. She didn’t know why but she was drawn to this wolf, Sif felt safe and so

hesitantly stepped forward

The silver wolf led her deeper into the woods but it didn’t seem

Chapter Sixty

so scary anymore. Eventually they came to a stream where they paused to drink. Sif was beginning to feel more comfortable but she still felt

as if something was missing. She needed to find it, somehow

A smell suddenly filled her nose: chocolate and cherries. It made her mouth water. Sniffing the wind she hesitantly stepped into the water

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“Go on,” the silver wolf told her. ‘He's waiting for you.’


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“Your Mate.”

«But, Sif shuddered. The woods grew darker as she remembered. ‘My Mate...didn’t want me.”

“Is that s0? What did he smell like?"

“Chocolate and...orange?" Sif tried to recall

And did it make your mouth water?”

“Well..not like this...but why would I get a second chance? I'm nobody special.”

“Little pup, you are special to the Goddess. She loves all her children. Go on. Go see what is out there. He's been waiting for you for a long


Sif hesitated then crossed the stream and hurried into the woods chasing the scent that wafted between the trees. She suddenly found

herself at the edge of a clearing. There she found a wolf with a reddish brown coat drinking from a small pond

He seemed on edge as if unsure of his surroundings. Suddenly his head shot up sensing he was being watched. He turned spotting her and

immediately snarled baring his teeth. Sif whimpered, cowering. Was the silver wolf wrong? This wolf wasn't waiting for her. He didn’t want


Chapter Sixty Y either. He was just like her first mate. He would reject her too

As he stalked toward her she slowly backed into the wood

Maybe she could lose him in the trees. She knew she wouldn't be able to survive another rejection. He was only a few feet away when the

wind changed

Suddenly he froze and all sign of hostility vanished. His ears came forward as his nose twitched taking in her scent. A voice she hadn't heard

before slipped into her mind


Sif whimpered taking another hesitant step back. Just a few more and she would run. As if sensing her intent the auburn wolf whined,

begging her to stay. He fell onto his belly, wagging his tail trying to look less intimidating. Sif hesitated. Did he really want her to stay? She

slowly eased out of her crouch but her tail remained tucked between her legs

He seemed distressed by her fear and crawled forward dragging his belly on the ground in an effort to be less threatening. Sif dropped her

head in submission and whimpered hoping to appease him but this only seemed to confuse him. Coming closer he finally stood and gently

licked her nose, rubbing his face against hers


He moved alongside her rubbing his cheek along her body coating her in his scent


Sif trembled with pleasure as his scent mingled with hers

Hesitantly she wagged her tail as he came around in front of her again playfully nipping her nose. He flopped on his belly again in an

invitation to play. Sif hesitantly yapped finally stepping out of the woods. He seemed as

excited as a puppy, prancing around her enticing her to romp with him

Chapter Sixty The pair was soon leaping around the meadow, rolling in the grass and wildflowers oblivious to anything else

From the trees the silver wolf watched with a satisfied gleam in its eyes. With a nod it tured and trotted offinto the woods. The mist

seemed to grow thicker as it went. The trees faded into obscurity but still it

trotted along unatraid as the world around it faded to nothing