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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 63
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Chapter Sixty-Three J Chapter Sixty-Three

Jason sighed making his way to the dining hall finding it more crowded than usual. Ever since the border breech the pack had been

lingering over their meals and gatherings despite the fact everything had returned to its usual routine. Jason understood these moments

were necessary for them to feel safe

~ “Daddy!” Emma happily squealed

Jason chuckled kissing each pup on the head before pulling Phoebe to her feet only to sit and plant her in his lap. Phoebe rolled her eyes

but didn’t protest his need to hold her. Intellectually he knew he and his wolf should be settled by now. Yet he continued to cling to her

needing to hold her

Even Lobo couldn’t explain why they needed to keep her close but he felt they should keep her within sight at all times. It made Jason

EE Alii bili. could do was hold her

“So how was the tour?” Jason asked. He hadn't wanted to make her meet their second young guest after the last one but meeting Mona to

discuss the rogues took longer than he thought

“Actually, we haven't gone on one yet.”

“Is he late?” Jason frowned. He was certain the border patrol said their guest had arrived

“No. He arrived on time,” Phoebe nodded to a small table in the corner where Gideon sat with his arm around Shannon quietly talking with

her. They hadn’t moved in over two hours and it seemed he was slowly

Chapter Sixty-Three 2 gaining her trust. Shannon smiled as he leaned close to nuzzle her

“Isn’t that...Shannon?” Jason asked

Phoebe nodded, “Gideon is her second chance mate.”

Jason’s brow shot upward, “What are the chances of that?”

Phoebe shook her head. She couldn't begin to calculate that and even Mani was at a loss to explain. The fact Shannon would be mated to

one of the young alphas was remarkable but the fact the other would be her second chance made it astronomical. Phoebe had linked Mona

to ask her but she had been too busy with Jason and Luke at the time

“It seems this one is much nicer,” Jason said looking at the young couple

“Yes.” Phoebe nodded, smiling. “It’s strange for her to meet her second chance so soon, but I'm glad she didn’t have to wait as long as I


His embrace tightened and he nuzzled her. Phoebe stroked his cheek savoring the tingles that traveled up her arm. Her eyes shimmered

silver as she smiled

“I'm so happy you found me when you did. I just wish it had been sooner.”

“Me too,” Jason smiled with a note of regret. All that time wasted when she was waiting for him. He rubbed noses with her knowing he

would never let another moment pass

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The dining hall suddenly fell silent as all eyes turned to the door where Erick stood. He still wore his workout a_ clothing and was covered in

a layer of sweat. His hunger had driven him to the dining hall without showering. Though all eyes were on him his were only on one

Chapter Sixty-Three \ J

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“You w**el” He growled rushing toward where Shannon sat. She whimpered trying to shrink down even as Gideon stood and moved to

shield her

“Back off, Erick,” he snarled. “And don’t you ever address my mate like that again.”

“Your mate!” Erick growled. “She’s mine!”

“Was,” Phoebe corrected approaching them. “You rejected her, remember?”

“He’s the one who rejected Shannon?” Gideon scoffed. “I should have known.”

“What's that supposed to mean?” Erick growled

“Only that you never understood the value of anything. It's always bigger, better, faster with you. All you care about is flaunting your title.

You never bothered with anything that was actually genuine.”

“Genuine? What about you and Harper?”

“Itold you there was nothing between us. We were never mates and I never touched her!”

“You calling my sister a liar?”

“Yes, that is exactly what I'm calling her.”

“Oh really? Well let's settle this right now, shall we?”

“NO! You will not,” Phoebe snapped her aura washing over them snapping both of them to attention. “You will not tear apart this dining

hall or packhouse. If you want to test each other's testosterone you will do so in the gym.”

“You can’t tell me what to do,” Erick snarled struggling against the weight of her aura and clearly surprised by her authority

He raised his hand to lash out only to have it gripped tightly as

Chapter Sixty-Three w@Z another aura crushed down on his shoulders. Startled Erick looked to see Jason standing over him growling

warning. Not even his father’s aura hit him so hard

“I know you weren't just threatening my Luna, pup.”

Erick shivered

“Iwill remind you, you are a guest. You have no authority and I have zero patience for childish antics,” Jason warned before yanking the

young alpha and forcing him to sit at another table. “You will sit. You will be quiet

And you will eat last.

His command rolled over the young man causing Erick to stiffen but he couldn't fight it. Jason waited to see if he would manage to defy


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When he didn’t he turned away and returned to his seat

“Gideon,” Phoebe stirred the other from his stupor. “Your mate need


Gideon blinked then looked to Shannon who had gone deathly pale and was fighting sobs as she shook uncontrollably. He sat down beside

her quickly pulling her close. Gideon stroked her hair whispering endearments and begging for her to calm down. Phoebe watched them a

moment before returning to her seat

“That was...dramatic,” Jason sighed

“And it's not over,” Phoebe leaned against him

“What do you mean?”

“What do you think is going to happen when Gideon claims Shannon and completes the bond?”

Jason grunted glancing at Erick who despite the alpha command keeping him in his seat kept trying to glare at the young couple. Finally he

asked, “You think he'll go feral? He didn’t even want Shannon.”

Chapter Sixty-Three wo “Graham didn’t want me,” Phoebe reminded and yet after five years he still came to hunt her down

Jason growled softly but he saw her point. His gaze slid back to the young alpha. If there was going to be trouble he would have to increase

the packhouse guards. He looked over at the young couple. There was no doubt in his mind they would complete the mating bond and



“So... guess you need to talk to the Alpha,” Shannon said as they lingered over their empty plates. Lunch had wrapped up some time ago

and most of the pack left to return to their duties yet they continued to sit

Mercifully even Erick had wandered off finally

“Hmm...” Gideon softly hummed nuzzling her and sniffing as he held her against his chest

His fingers trailed tingles down her arm. Despite reminding him he had duties to attend to he continued to hold and caress her. Her wolf

certainly wasn’t helping. Sif remained practically comatose in their mate’s arms

“Pardon me.”

shannon jolted upright looking up at Phoebe who stood beside the table with an amused expression. Beside her Gideon huffed with

annoyance that they had been interrupted

“Y-yes Luna.”

“Iwas hoping you could do something for me.”

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“Of course, yes. Anything you need,” Shannon blushed as Gideon growled

“Well, haven't taken our guest on a tour of the packhouse yet and I just remembered I need to speak to Mona this afternoon so I hoped


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exclusively available on our site. Happy reading!

Chapter Sixty-Three J would be willing to show him around in my place,” Phoebe said watching the young alpha’s reaction as he realized he

would spend the entire afternoon with his mate

“R-really? But 'm..Is that really okay?” Shannon asked. She was just an omega and leading an alpha around seemed an important task

“You've lived here your whole life. You probably know more about it than I do,” Phoebe smiled. “And as long as our guest doesn’t mind...”

“Idon’t,” Gideon assured her startling Shannon with his eagerness. “I mean, that sounds good to me.”

“Okay, good. Then it’s settled. Ill catch up with you at dinner,” Phoebe nodded giving him a wink. “Thank you, Shannon. It'l be a big help.”

“S-sure,” Shannon blushed under Phoebe’s knowing gaze. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to spend time with Gideon. She was anxious. What

did an omega say to an alpha? “So..um...Alpha...”

“Gideon,” he cut her off. “With you it’s just Gideon.”

“But 'm...An omega can’t call an alpha by his name.”

“Youre my mate,” he leaned close kissing her. “You can call me anything you want. But let’s start with my name, eh?”

She blushed but nodded, “Okay. Um.. Gideon?”

He flashed a dazzling grin

“So, um, let’s start on the first floor,” Shannon stood and he quickly followed suit entwining his fingers with hers. Hand-in-hand she led him

out of the dining hall and towards the rec rooms

Phoebe watched them with a smile before opening a link, “Mona? Are you busy?”

“For you Luna, never,” Mona chuckled. * /am in the middle of

something in the lab if you don’t mind coming to me.”

Chapter Sixty-Three a “Not at all. I'll be there soon.”

Phoebe headed out through the kitchen and stepped outside. She hadn’t gone more than two steps before a member of her personal

guard fell in line behind her. As long as she stayed in the packhouse she hardly ever spotted them but as soon as she stepped outside she

had a shadow. It never failed

She walked along a well-worn trail leading her toward the pack hospital. Passing it she continued down a slightly lesser used path. It split,

one trail heading toward the prison and the other leading her to a different facility. This one had much higher security and was off-limits to

most of the pack. Luckily as Luna she had access. Entering a code and placing a hand on a palm reader she waited until the door clicked and

allowed her access

Her body guard followed her down the hall on the other side. She nodded to the personnel manning the front desk but didn’t stop.

Reaching the next door Phoebe paused at the lock: this one a retinal scanner. She hated this one as did Mani who had to withdraw. If her

eyes shined silver at all they would fail and cause a lockdown. The door opened and Phoebe stepped inside

This time her guard didn’t follow. Instead he headed to where she assumed the security rooms were located. She was now in the most

secured area of the building. If there was a breach the facility would lockdown around her