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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 97
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Chapter Ninety-Seven

Situated well beyond busy downtown was a community of exclusive estates and manicured lawns known as Mount Royal. It was the

sanctuary for the city’s most elite residences and included numerous vacation homes for the upper crust of society. Some homes looked

almost like castles while others were sleek modern homes. Among these was a quiet estate tucked in the south-east corner. It was a

particularly large estate surrounded by an imposing stone wall and encompassed not just the house and a large yard but also quite a few

trees, almost like a mini-forest

For as long as anyone in the neighborhood could remember the gate had always been closed though they occasionally noticed the small

staff going about its business to maintain the property. High-tech cameras maintained surveillance and very rarely a neighbor sometimes

spotted a lone figure patrolling the grounds. Every now and again they heard howls and sometimes found a paw print in the snow

indicating their security patrols also utilized attack dogs

One neighbor claimed to have seen a dog but most thought he was crazy claiming the beast was as large as a man. It was just one more

story to be traded among the neighbors and the legend of the estate continued to grow as it stood empty season after season. More than

once perspective buyers approached hoping to make an offer but they were turned away at the gate. Once or twice particularly stubborn

solicitors attempted to climb the wall. Those that managed the feet were soon sent running and later told stories of monstrous beasts and

murderous figures with glowing



Chapter Ninety-Seven

Some even claimed the place was haunted. Many neighborhood kids enjoyed passing along stories of murder, lust and revenge. Each story

more elaborate than the last to entertain themselves as they speculated why the

house remained seemingly abandoned

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Then, suddenly, the estate became alive. Windows were opened and stagnant air chased out. Groundskeepers and security personnel

descended on the area checking every inch of the perimeter wall

Neighbors watched wondering if this flurry of activity meant the master of the house would finally make an appearance

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They didn’t have to wait long. Two hours after the activity began a motorcade of identical, black SUVs arrived pulling up to the estate’s

front door. A few moments later a young man exited the second vehicle. He was the epitome of tall, dark and handsome and the dream

figure so many women wished to sweep them off their feet and carry them away. Several women watching him now wondered if they would

be able to meet him if they brought over a welcome to the neighborhood dessert

Their hopes were dashed moments later as he circled the vehicle and helped a petite young woman exit next. Her mane of wavy, dark hair

flowed out from under her cream beret. She smiled prettily at him as he pulled her close and kissed her deeply with no shame in front of

their audience. The smile on his face made it clear he was completely smitten with his young bride

If there were any lingering doubts he swept them away as he suddenly lifted her off her feet and into his arms, carrying her across the

threshold like a new bride. Her laughter echoed in the cool air and she didn’t seem the least bit embarrassed by the staff and escort

watching them


“Welcome to Calgary,” Luke said as they entered the foyer

Chapter Ninety-Seven

Christina and Emily trailed a step behind watching their Alpha carry his Luna like a newlywed bride. Neither had ever seen him smile as

broadly or as much as he when he held his Luna. There was no sign of his usual melancholy even with the duel hanging over his head.

Reluctantly Jason set Phoebe on her feet. Regardless of the reason brought them he was happy to be there with her

“So how many estates does Blue Moon own?” Phoebe asked letting her gaze drift taking in the stonework and tapestries featuring wolves

and forests. It had a stately feel and yet also a modern esthetic, which made for an interesting dynamic

“I have no idea to be honest,” Jason chuckled holding her close

Over the centuries Blue Moon had invested and collected numerous properties around the world. Some were safe houses and emergency

bunkers. Others were extended pieces of the pack providing housing for wolves who preferred a smaller pack environment while also

ensuring the home territory didn’t become overcrowded. The estates also made for vacation homes allowing high-ranked members to relax

in a secure environment away from the pack for a time

“Once all of this is over I'll take you and the pups to one..some place warm. A real island getaway. Just us.”

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“Sounds good,” Phoebe smiled snuggling into him

Jason sighed a possessive growl rumbling in his chest. He hoped to take Phoebe and the pups to one for a special holiday getaway. It had


disheartening to leave them behind a second time but with the duel and threat posed by the royal family he couldn't risk it. Bad enough he

had to bring Phoebe, he couldn’t place their pups in danger too. Lucille and his mother had orders to protect them at all costs and make

sure the pups

escaped unharmed if things went south

Chapter Ninety-Seven —

Jason knew he would win this fight but he still wasn’t sure what Achan was planning. With Jason and Luke away the pack territory was

vulnerable to attack as did the fact they took a portion of their forces to secure the Calgary estate. Luckily the extra warriors from

Strawberry Moon helped in that regard. But he still didn’t know from which direction to expect attack

His instincts told him Achan would focus on Phoebe. The prince had little interest and even less skill when it came to managing a territory

or pack. There was only one thing Achan was interested in and Jason would be damned before he let the prince lay a finger on Phoebe. He

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couldn't let himself be distracted so measures were in place to ensure he wouldn't need to be consulted before action was taken. Now he

could focus entirely on Phoebe

To that end every member of her personal guard was in attendance as well as Cam, Dash and half of the Strawberry Moon warriors along

with their Blue Moon partners. Luke and Mona were with him as well as Christina and Emily. All four were capable warriors with tested

loyalty. They would not need to be told how to react in the moment. They would think

for and act for themselves

And all had one imperative: protect Phoebe


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Jason lay in bed with Phoebe tucked against him. Her breathing was even and she was relaxed in a deep sleep. He nuzzled her and breathed

in her calming scent. His hand gently caressed her stomach. Two more weeks and they would finally have definitive confirmation. By that

time her scent should also start changing and the pup would seem that much more real

Emily's revelation replayed through his mind. Could it really be true?

Chapter Ninety-Seven He had to admit her interpretation had its attraction

Jason never thought about being king. It was more responsibility and work of which he had enough. However, if it would protect Phoebe

and ensure their pup’s future he wouldn't hesitate to snatch it. He would take everything away from the royal family including their lives to

protect his Luna, prophecy or no prophecy

Phoebe sighed. She stretched and leaned against him before settling back to sleep. Jason tightened his embrace and snuggled her close.


was his life, his world and no one would take her away from him

Lobo stirred with a growl, “Yes Mate ours! They will regret coming after
