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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 98
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Chapter Ninety-Eight Chapter Ninety-Eight

The motorcade arrived at its destination but the occupants didn’t disembark immediately. Warriors preceded them securing the area before

giving the all-clear. Jason exited first, assessing his surroundings with a critical eye before reaching in and helping Phoebe out. She was

nervous and gripped his hands tightly as they headed inside

Garrison preceded them and Luke followed behind but they weren't the first pack members to arrive. Christina and Emily arrived several

hours ahead with a team to recon the area. Where they were now Jason didn’t know but he also didn’t need to. They had their mission as

did the spotters covering the arena and surrounding area

Jason only needed to worry about one thing

Ansel met them at the entrance to the grandstand and led them into the large area in front of the tall, covered bleachers. This was the sight

for many exciting events including the annual rodeo stampede. But today was a unique spectacle reserved for wolves alone. The grandstand

was filled with onlookers and witnesses from various packs, even quite a few alphas

Everyone wanted to be there to witness the outcome

They stepped out into the arena where two booths had been set up for the opponents. Between these boxes was a circular area mapped

out and prepared for the combatants. Phoebe nervously glanced at the circle but Jason barely acknowledged it as he escorted her to her


Instead of having her sit he continued to hold her savoring every last moment he could before the start of the duel. He nuzzled her,

breathed in

her scent and held it deep in his lungs

“Jason, promise me you'll win,” Phoebe whispered

Chapter Ninety-Eight =

“I promise,” Jason smiled resting his forehead on hers and rubbing noses. “I'l win. And after 1 do we'll take a real vacation. You, me and the

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pups. Just us."

“Sounds good,” Phoebe smiled

He stroked her cheeks. There were other surprises back at the pack he was eager to show her. Her room was finally completed. Phoebe

would have a special room all to herself to relax and read away from the pressures of the pack. The second surprise he was even more

excited to reveal

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When she was preparing the music room for the pups she had gone through all her belongings that had been stored since her arrival. The

piano and lesson books had naturally been moved into the packhouse and she debated keeping the books not knowing Jason was working

on her special room. The one thing she wasn't attached to was the furniture and suggested they donate it. Jason had agreed though

secretly kept every last piece for his special surprise. Before they left for Calgary he had been informed it was all ready. He couldn't wait to

surprise her

“Alpha Jason.”

Jason growled at the interruption but he raised his head and kissed Phoebe's forehead. He kept his thoughts focused and his aura under

control as much to keep himself calm as to reassure her. This was just another day, just another task


“she'll be safe, Alpha,” Luke assured him

Jason took one final look at Phoebe with a reassuring smile before stepping away. As he turned he shoved away his concerns to focus solely

on the task at hand. He hated to do it but it's what he needed to do to get through it

He approached the prepared area and stood on the edge. His mind

Chapter Ninety-Eight ~~

buzzed sensing the silver. He looked to the opposing booth where the royal family was enthroned. Jason barely noted the king and queen.

His gaze swept over them and settled on Achan

The first prince smirked sensing his scrutiny. Jason narrowed his gaze before shifting it to Nolan as the second prince stepped out of the box

and approached. Surprisingly, the prince didn’t seem nervous. In fact, he looked forlorn, resigned. Jason was fairly certain the prince didn’t

expect to survive this. Was he really willing to throw his life away for this?

“Nolan! Make me proud,” the king called

“Jason!” Selena waved, coyly smiling

Jason didn’t spare her a single glance turning his attention to Ansel who stood between him and Nolan. Since this was his region of

expertise it seemed he was chosen as the official MC for the event. The elder spared each of them a glance before looking to the audience

“We are here to witness a duel for the Alpha title of Blue Moon. Alpha Jason has accepted the challenge of Prince Nola. Is that correct,

Alpha Jason?”

“Yes, although I do have something to say," Jason said. “It appears to me that I am risking far more than his Highness: my title, my pack, my

Luna and my life. His Highness only risks his life so why not make it even? I'm placing my title on the line the king could at least put his

throne on the line. What do you say, your Highness? The winner becomes your successor

Ansel maintained a veneer of surprise and looked to the king, “What say you, your Highness? A challenge has been issued.”

“Well.” the king hesitated, “this is highly irregular. The challenge has already been accepted.”

“I believe humans call it upping the ante,” Ansel said

Chapter Ninety-Eight —

“Of course, if the king refuses I understand,” Jason taunted, “after all his line is not known for their courage.”

Nolan stared incredulously at Jason who he always viewed as a reasonable wolf. Why would he deliberately taunt the king who was not

known for his patience?

Snarling the king leapt to his feet, “You dare! Fine! I declare the winner of this duel shall be my successor!”

Jason's mouth twitched with a smile as his gaze shifted to Achan. The first prince seemed genuinely perplexed by Jason's sudden challenge.

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It appeared he wasn’t expecting it and had not planned for it


“The challenge has been accepted,” Ensel said. “For this duel the winner shall be Alpha of Blue Moon as well as the rightful successor for the

throne of the Wolf King.”

Murmurs trickled through the crowd but Jason felt no resentment or push back from it either. The crowd certainly seemed more invested

now that the stakes were higher but that hardly mattered. Jason still wasn’t sure what the alleged prophecy was really about but there

wasn't anything he wouldn't do to protect Phoebe and their pup. If that meant being king.

then he would be king

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“Alpha Jason, do you wish to battle as wolves or in human form?" Ansel asked

“Wolves,” Jason answered without hesitation

That was the one point he had never wavered or wondered about

When they fought in human form they could call on their wolves for added strength and agility but it was only in their wolf form that their

true power was unleashed. If anyone wanted to challenge him it would be at his full strength. There would be no room for debate in the


Chapter Ninety-Eight

“Just a moment,” the king said gesturing a servant who brought a tray with a pair of wine glasses. “Let's drink in solidarity.”

Nolan accepted his glass and the servant moved to Jason and offered the other glass. Jason looked at it with no emotion knowing exactly

what the king was attempting to do and it had nothing to with solidarity. Picking

up the glass he looked at it. His gaze went back to the king who held up another glass. Without a word, Jason tipped it upside down and

poured the contents on the ground. Lobo snarled is his mind sensing the trace amounts of wolfsbane mixed within it

The king frowned at Jason's open dismissal. Their audience as well was surprised; however, most agreed with Jason's action. They knew all

t00 well the king never served drinks that were wolfsbane free. Jason needed to be at the top of his game and could not allow any


He removed his jacket and shirt tossing it to one of his warriors waiting on standby. Kicking off his shoes Jason stepped into the ring