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Shackled (The Lord Series) by Amy T

Chapter 145
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145. Olivia

“Little Love, tfor your medicine,” Jasper’s voice pullsaway from the orchard, draggingall the way back to the present.

It's been a few days since | tried to end myself, and since then, Jasper has barely left my side. Even if he is not in the room with

me, | still hear him around the house, working. At least that's what | think he is doing, as most time, | drift in and out of conscience.

| barely have the energy necessary to keep my eyes open, but Jasper, despite being all muscles, is gentle with me. confusesto

no end, as | don’t know what his end gis. Whatever it is, it can’t be worse than what Tyson and Rueben did to me. | mean,

what is next, death? But for sreason, Jasper wantsto live.

After | swallow the pills Jasper gives me, he kisses my brow before helpinglay back on the pillows. “Your fever is finally gone.”

The shirt | am wearing has the top buttons undone, and he runs a finger along my collarbone. “The bruises are healing nicely.”

Popping open a few more buttons until my breastse into view, he palms the left one, his thumb circling my nipple. It still hurts,

but not like the day after Tyson first tortured me. “The swelling is almost


| don’t understand why he pretends to care. “Tyson and Rueben will add new cuts and bruises soon.”

My body is a canvas, fists and legs are the brushes that cover my skin in black, purple, red, or yellow.

His cat, a little black ball of energy, jumps on the bed, gets on my stomach, curls up, and starts purring. | gently. stroker her fur.

“No one will hurt you again,” Jasper says, and | don’t believe him. One day, he will hurtas well. | am cursed to a life of

suffering-my punishment for killing Camila. “I bought you, Olivia, you belong to me.”

| don’t want to contradict Jasper, but | am sure he is aware of the truth. “I belong to Jason. Malaky didn’t have the right to make me

part of the hunt.”

“Who is Jason, your brother?” | nod. “What does he have to do with Malaky?”

“] am not sure since Jason only tellswho | have to f u c k, Malaky mentioned tothat Jason owed him money, and they

settled for a night with me, but Malaky had other plans. After he sedated Jason, Malaky tookto the forest where you and your

blood-brothers found me. It won't take long before Jasones here looking for me. He won't stop until he getsback.”

Talking so much makesmore tired, but | want Jasper to understand how dangerous Jason is. He might be a Lord. and one of

Rueben’s blood-brothers, but he is the only one who hasn't tried to harm me. Yet.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

| want to repay his kindness somehow.

“Unbelievable. Jason is your pimp.” | shrug. “He cane, but his bones will rot here forever. You are mine!” Jasper insists.

“Jason is my master,” | try to explain again.

145 Olsa


Jauser’s eyes Hash rest | am you now mastert Do | make myself clear?”

“Yes, Master.” | give him what he wants. He lets out a love rumble, makingthink he likes to be called that soon, he will learn

how fu c k e s t ups Jasons is. Between Jason and Jasper, | piefer the latter to be my Master.

Will he be a cel master, like lason and Carlos were, or will he he... less cruel? My experience in the Celestial Heaven. has taught me

that Masters air always cruel, the tears and pain of the s e x | a v e s getting them off. What does Jasper

et of on? Pain? Trans? Begging? Something else entire

“l am going to beat up the spaghetti and bring you a portion.”

“l am not hungry.” | never am. Before, because of the drugs, and now because my body feels too weak, | don’t crave anything, not

even air.

Jasper narrows his eyes. “Did | ask if you are hungry?” | shake my head. “You need more meat on your hones. Besides, it's my

mama's recipe, and | am sure you will love the meatballs.”

He goes to the kitchen and leaves the door to the room open. He is right in not trustingbecause the first chance 1 get. | will-my

eyes fall on my bandaged wrist-finish what | started.

The sound of the front door opening is followed by Mose’s voice. “Juniper broke free and tried to run to the highway. Before you

ask, | caught her just in time, as | was returning from the restaurant, and she is back in the stable. | put a chain around her neck.

Hope that will teach her not to run away again.”

Poor woman. They have her chained?

Jasper curses out loud. “I swear, she will be the end ofone day. | w

Hobble her?

Mose chuckles then, in a more serious tone, he asks, “How is Olivia?”

have to hobble her later.”

My fingers are still stroking the cat's fur-l think her nis Miss Teacup or sother silly cute name-and pause

for a moment.

“She is ” | don’t hear the rest of what Jasper says as he turns on the water.

My gaze goes to the window.

Jasper toldabout the farm and how he and his blood-brothers love to work with abused animals, and yet they bring women

here and abuse them. | haven't tried to understand them because, frankly, | don’t care about them or their life, but horses, on the

other hand, have always been my favorite animals.

My grandparents have racehorses on their farm. On the rare occasions, my parents tookto visit my grandparents, | would

sneak out to see the horses. | always got yelled at when | was found in the stable.

Jasper returns to the room carrying a tray. Mose follows him, a plate of food in his hands.

“You have to share this recipe with me,” Mose says as he shoves a meatball in his mouth.

145 Olivia

“So you can add that spi cy s hi t you put over everything to it and destroy my mama's famous meatball spaghetti? |

don’t think so.”

Jasper puts the tray on the nightstand and helpslean on the pillows in a sitting position.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“It's called gochujang.” Mose cats another meatball. “I bet this spaghetti would be a hit at the restaurant.”

Jasper takes the plate of food from the tray and turns the fork through the spaghetti, bringing it to my mouth. Mose raises his

eyebrows when | obediently accept the food from Jasper. After what Tyson and Rueben did to me, | refused food or water, so Jasper

had to forceto eat and drink.

“1 will share the recipe only with family,” Jasper says.

“But | am family!” Mose points out.

| don’t know why all the hype about the spaghetti. They taste like nothing to me.

Jasper cleans ssauce from the corner of my mouth with his thumb and sucks it while looking at me. “You are like Uncle Roger,

who couldn't keep a secret even if his life depended on it.”

“I'am not,” Mose snorts.

Jasper feedsa meatball. “The moment you hear something s p i c y, you spill the beans with everyone.”

“That's not true,” Mose denies it. “Well, not entirely true.”

Jasper rolls his eyes.

One meatball later, and | am full.

“No more,” | say when Jasper tries to givemore food.

“You barely ate,” he huffs.

“It's more than | ate yesterday,” | try to convince him. When that doesn’t work, | try with, “I will drink the orange. juice. All of it.”

“Fine,” he says and wolfs down the rest of the food in a matter of seconds before givinga peck on the lips, takingby

surprise, as | haven't been kissed in... years.

| resist the urge to touch my mouth or ask him why he kissed me.

Even Mose seems surprised.

“The sauce tastes sweeter on your lips,” Jasper winks before handingthe glass of juice.