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Shackled (The Lord Series) by Amy T

Chapter 165
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165. Tyson

Her face goes all pale. She usually avoids looking into someone's eyes but this time, she stares directly at me. There is a rage |

have never seen in her gaze before.

“Don’t you mar say that nagain!” Her tone is low but menacing.

| get in her face. “Or else what, bitch? She doesn’t reply. “Is he sformer lover? The one who fu c k e d you for the first time

only to dump you when he realized what a cu n t you are?”

The bitch slapshard. “Shut up!” she yells.

Jasper and Ansel get in front of the bit ch, lettingknow they won't letharm her.

Bloodes out from the corner of my mouth and | clean it with my thumb. “You will regret this,” | say and | go to check the main

house. The house. We will have to tear down the guest house and build a new one. Except for Jasper and the bitc h, the others

follow me.

After checking every room and every corner and not finding anything, | let Jasper-who is putting out the fire-know it is safe to go

inside. The others start giving Jasper a hand while | go to check the farm.

Ruebenes after me. He is quiet and | appreciate it because all the hate | feel for her is boiling inside ofand | need to find a

way to blow ssteam. That bit ch will regret hitting me. Jasper and Ansel might protect her now but they will get bored.

Especially Ansel. He is not one to keep girlfriends for too long. Jasper though, might be a problem.

| go to the barn. “Diva,e. We have work to do.”

Diva might be loyal to Rueben but she listens totoo.

Armed only with a handgun and my knife, | make my way out of the property. Diva leads the way while Rueben walks beside me.

Rueben, who has been quietly observingfor several minutes, says, “I don’t think the Diseased Cu n t had anything to

do with the bomb.”

“Don’t tellyou suddenly ive her because she prevented Roy from shooting you,” | voice my frustration.

“1 will never ive her for what she’s done, but | think you are letting your emotions take over.”

“Like you are not?” | point out.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

We stop walking and Rueben takes out his cigar pack and offersone.

“Tyson, you are losing it.

| light up the cigar and take several drags from it. Maybe | am losing my shit but it started when the bitc h cto live on the

farm. | never thought | was capable of hating someone as much as | hate her.

“l am just stressed out,” | finally open up. “Things have not been turning out as | wanted, and this writer's block is

165 Tyson

fucking with my brain.”

Ever since the night in the forest, | haven't been able to write a damn word. Deadlines are approaching fast and all | do is sit in

front of my laptop and watch words that make no sense to me.

Ruchen smokes as he studiesfor a while. “I figured. You need to clear your head.”

“You think | haven't tried? But since we brought that bit c h here, everything is going to hell,”

Finishing his cigar, Rueben says, “F u c k her.”

*Are you crazy? She may as well have HSV or worse. | am not touching her until Maddox clears her.”

“You can always use condoms.”

It's been a while since | fu c k e d someone, and it might helpcalm my demon. And me. “Fine,” | agreed, “but only if you join

me. Now, let's finish inspecting the farm.”

We spend the next few hours inspecting every inch of the property and the surroundings but there is no trace of Jason and his

friends. After setting traps around the farm, we check to see if Roy is still alive, leaving Diva to guard the farm, before returning to

the house. The others have put out the fire by now.

It is close to midnight when Rueben and | enter the kitchen. The bitch is here, washing the dishes. Having her live in the guest

house was bad enough but there is no f u c kin g way | will let her stay in the house that is meant for the woman who will be

my wife. The only place this bitc h deserves to be is in a dog kennel and even that is too much luxury for her.

“What the f u c k are you doing in my house!?” Rueben snarls, making her drop a plate.

Immediately, she drops to her knees. “I am so sorry,” she mumbles.

“Get the fu c k out!” | yell. The bitc h hurries to clean the broken plate. “Leave that and get the hell out!”

My voice is so loud Mosees out of his room. The wound he sustained earlier is cleaned and a bandage covers it. “What's with

all the racket?”.

“Why is the bit c h here?” | demand to know.

“With the guest house ruined, where is she supposed to live?” Mose answers with a question.

“] don’t know and | don’t care. But not under the sroof as me,” | say.

Mose rubs his temples. “How about we give her back to her brother and be done with her.”

“No!” Rueben and | say at the stime.

Mose narrows his eyes. “So you don’t want her here but neither of you want her gone. Can you at least decide what you want?”

| look at the bitc h. She is still on her knees like the whore she is. My gaze goes to Rueben and he givesa curt nod.

165. Tyson

He is going to let her stay in the house. | should have guessed it. He always had a soft spot for the bitc h.

“Whatever.” | grab a beer from the fridge and sit at the table. Mose returns to his room. “Who told you, you can set foot in here?” |

ask het.

“Jasper. He said that | can stay in his room until the other house is fixed,” the bitc h explains as she cleans the floor.

Even if | want to kick her out of here, where will she sleep, in the barn? Jasper and Ansel will never allow it. For now, | will have to

accept her in my house.

“Jasper had no right to decide for all of us. Where is he anyway?” | want to know.

“He and Ansel went to check on the horses.”

Of course. Because Jasper always bails on us when shit hits the fan.

“lt wasn’t enough that Roy put a bomb in the guest house, you decided to destroy this one, starting with the plates,” Rueben

mutters while he sits on his chair.

“l didn’t realize how clumsy | am,” the bitc h says.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


| watch her while | finish my beer and when she tries to stand, | say, “Stay as you are. In the end, your place is on your knees.” |

grab my beer and go to her. Her eyes widen, looking atwith fear. Like | am a monster. Maybe | am. A scratch is on her forehead

and | lift up my hand so | can trace it with the tip of my finger, making her flinch. “Did | do this?” She shrugs, her gaze fixed on my

chest. My attention goes to her right cheek. A bruise covers it. “Is this where Roy hit you?”

“] don’t remember,” she replies.

Is she stupid or what?

“Rueben toldyou prevented him from being shot again,” | change the subject.

Her eyes dart to Rueben. “He still got hurt.”

“He did, and for this, you deserve to be punished. Not to mention, you slappedearlier.”

She nods slowly.

“When she scratched my face, | whipped her with my belt. How are you going to teach her never to put her hands on you?”

| remember what Roy said about the bitc h hating to be f u c k e d in the as s. Seeing her on her knees makeshard as hell. |

don’t even remember when the last t| went to the Blood Lodge to have my needs taken care of was. Having the bit c h here is


The bitc h guesses what's going through my mind as she asks, “How may | please you?”

| want to gag her on my coc k, then bend her over the table and fill her as s with my cu m while Rueben f u c k s her



165. Tyson

It's like the bi t c h reads my mind. Her hands reach to open my fly, and | grab her wrists with my free hand. “Stay away from my

office,” | say and leave the kitchen, taking what is left of my beer with me.

Hi everyone. | hope you are enjoying the book even if sparts are very dark but do remember these men are not ordinary

humans. If you want to discus chapters of anything else, you can findon FB Amy T Stories - or the chat groups set by the app