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Shadows of Destiny: A Tale of Liberation

Chapter 104
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Chapter 104

The chaos in the room instantly came to a halt. Everyone was staring straight at the little red



Renee quickly crouched down and tried to hide the book. However, it was too late. The divorce

certificate was clearly printed on the cover.

The message was blaring loudly despite the silence in the room. Stefan and Renee were divorced!

“You… You two…” Old Mr. Hunt held his chest, looking in pain.


Stefan and Renee both ran to help Old Mr. Hunt at the same time.

Old Mr. Hunt, however, shook Stefan’s hand away and chided coldly, “Don’t call me grandpa. I can’t

accept it. You’re all grown up, and you’ve stopped listening to me. How dare you sneakily divorce Ren!

Are you trying to kill me?!”

“In that case, I’ll do as you wish…” Old Mr. Hunt suddenly pulled open the drawer and took out a

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loaded pistol. He said with a sad look, “This gun saved my life many years ago. Ren’s grandfather gave

it to me. I’m too ashamed to live anymore. I better go to meet Ren’s grandfather and confess!”

After that, Old Mr. Hunt pointed the gun directly to his head and appeared like he would pull the trigger

at any time.

“Grandpa, no!”

Renee and Lurch were so scared that their faces turned white. They didn’t dare to move an inch.

Stefan appeared calmer than them. He said expressionlessly, “Grandpa, stop it. I made a mistake. You

can punish me as you like, but don’t fool around with your life. When Grandma does this, it works.

But… this is really very childish.”

When Stefan was a child, he lived with his grandparents and shared a strong connection with them. He

knew his grandparents‘ personalities and tricks like the back of his hand and could easily see through

their deception.

“Fool around?”

Old Mr. Hunt enunciated each word slowly with a stern face and a serious tone, “I’ll give you three

days. First, abort your child with that woman. Second, remarry Ren.”

“If you don’t do it in three days, you’ll know how serious I can get!”

Sullivan was not kidding. A soldier was a man of promise, not to mention it was a promise

made to his sworn brother.

Four years ago, he promised Maurice that the Hunt family would be responsible for Renee and that

Stefan would care for her for the rest of his life. Despite that, Stefan broke his promise and made Ren

suffer so much. It was only fair that he atone for his sins through death!

“I disagree!”

Renee spoke before Stefan could say anything. “I was the one who asked for the divorce. Remarriage

is impossible.”

“Silly girl. What are you thinking? Why are you still defending this brat?”

well. You

Old Mr. Hunt said with distress, “I know you loved him so much. How could you be the one to initiate

the divorce? He must have been bewitched by the evil woman and forcefully divorced you. Don’t be

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afraid! I’ll back you up!”

“Grandpa, I’m sorry to disappoint you. Although Stefen and I were married, we had no feelings for each

other. We divorced to pursue our happiness.‘

Renee silently clenched her fingers, trying to stay sensible and maintain a sober look. “We both have

someone else now. Being tied will only do us harm, so please give us your blessings.”

“What…” Old Mr. Hunt was flabbergasted to discover that Renee was the one who initiated the divorce.

He had always believed that this silly girl was deeply in love with his grandson. How did her feelings

change so suddenly? It was simply too bizarre!

“Fine, forget it. This brat has been cold and unloving since young. He only cares about his work. Now

that he has cheated, he probably can’t give you happiness. It’s good that the divorce happened.”

“However, you remain my good granddaughter despite being divorced. Come and spend time with me

whenever you’re free. If you need any help, just ask!”

Old Mr. Hunt held Renee’s hand with a face full of kindness. However, it immediately turned grim as he

turned to face Stefan. “As for you, kneel in the family’s memorial chamber for three days and three

nights and reflect on yourself!”

“I understand!” Stefan lowered his head and accepted the punishment willingly. Even so, his mood

suddenly turned sour for some reason.