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Shadows of Destiny: A Tale of Liberation

Chapter 146
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Chapter 146

Francine shouted at Renee, “You’ve already divorced Stefan, yet you still disturb him. Now you even

dare to come to the Hunt. Residence and provoke us. How could there be such a shameless woman

like you!”

Elijah wanted to explain, but he was cut short by Renee, who was a step quicker. She retorted back

venomously, “Miss Francine, please widen your eyes and see who’s bothering who. You failed as a

mother, for having a son so shameless.”


Francine was so mad that she couldn’t construct her words properly.

“Before this, I was your daughter–in–law, and I respected you. But now that I am no longer related to

the Hunt family, I will sue you for emotional harm if you offend me again.”

After speaking, Renee tried to push Stefan away with all her strength but failed.

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She couldn’t help but suspect that he was doing it on purpose.

“Stefan, are you done fooling around? Let go of me, or I will hurt you!”

Renee had her fist clenched, and she was about to strike him.

She didn’t want to spend another second in that place or see any of the people living there.

When Elijah saw this, he immediately ordered the people to assist in carrying Stefan while explaining

Renee’s dilemma to


“Madam, you’ve misunderstood Miss Everheart. Mr. Hunt became intoxicated and refused to let go of

her, no matter how hard I tried to separate them. Miss Everheart was so concerned about hurting Mr.

Hunt that she came all the way here. She had good intentions and was the real victim!”


Francine was so upset that her face looked purplish. “Stefan wouldn’t be that shameless. She’s

definitely the one who wouldn’t let go of him.”

She walked towards the two angrily and wanted to separate them.

However, it was true that Stefan was indeed shameless. His slender arms wrapped around Renee’s

neck like a knot, and he refused to let her go.

Seeing this, Francine could only let her anger out on Briar as she yelled, “Are you stupid? Why are you

standing there? Come and help me to separate them. You can’t even keep your man away from her.”

Briar’s nails dug into the flesh of her palms. She was already envious of Renee, and now she despised

her even more since she caused her to be scolded.

“Use more strength!”

Francine was red from trying to pull them apart as she yelled at Briar and Elijah.

She was unable to wait for another second and had to separate the two, right here and now.

With a few people’s help, Stefan was dragged away from Renee.

Indeed, he was completely sloshed. He forgot about his noble appearance and began behaving like a

kid whose favorite toy had been taken away. “Renee, don’t go!” he murmured unconsciously. “Come

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back to me. It’s dangerous outside. Faster,

come to me.”

Seeing this, Briar grabbed on the opportunity, held on to Stefan’s swaying body, and whispered, “I’m


Stefan hugged Briar like he had hugged Renee earlier and continued to mumble drunkenly, “Good.

Don’t go anywhere.”

She let him hold her while looking at Renee provocatively. “I’m sorry for causing you problems, Miss

Everheart. When Stefan

is drunk, he likes to hug random people. I’ll look after him. You may now return.”

Renee stared at them being so close with sheer indifference, though she was a little disappointed


‘Turns out I’m not that special after all. Stefan will hug anyone as he did with me,‘ she thought


“Look after your man. If he comes to bother me again, I’ll call the police!”

With that, she turned and left without hesitation.