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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 475
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Chapter 133: Promise You'll Always Be There

*Ciana* “What is it?“ I asked.

“I can't have you on the battlefield. If you have to stay, then promise me to stay in the tent. I will have

guards posted to keep you safe." “Then how is that any different from me going back to the palace?“

Theo cupped my face and kissed me again. "We have done things your way, but now can you meet me

halfway for this one? Please, for me?"

I stared at him for a few seconds, then suddenly pushed him away. "Theo, that's not fair! You can't... do

that to me!"

He was confused, “Do what to you?"

My face was burning. "You... can't be so handsome and sexy when we are negotiating something

serious. I can't think straight!"

He arched an eyebrow and smirked, “I take that as a compliment.“

I cleared my throat and took a couple of deep breaths. "I can't promise you, because I need to do

something to help you on the battlefield." “Ciana, I appreciate it, but-' “Theo, let me finish, please. In the

past few months, what have you been trying to do?" I asked him.

“Persuade the packs that I didn't want war and I'm different from Sebastian.' “And you did that by

avoiding bloodshed," I added, 'you don't want unnecessary loss of lives, not just for our men, but also

for Luther's army. Ultimately, they're your citizens as well. Am I right?"

His gaze deepened and he nodded.

“But once Luther launches the attack, you and I both know, it's almost impossible to avoid large-scale

casualties. Even if we win, we would still lose hundreds if not thousands of lives."

He sighed, "I know.“ “What if I told you that I may have a plan to avoid that?“

He lifted his gaze to meet mine again, waiting patiently for me to explain.

"The only way to minimize casualties is to take down Luther as soon as possible. Luther had a little

sister named Anna, she was his pride and joy. They were inseparable. However, he was forced to kill

her by Sebastian."

Theo clenched his hands.

I let out a sigh. Even though Luther was our enemy, he didn't deserve to suffer like that.

I said a prayer for little Anna before I continued.

"Although it sounds heartless, the little girl Anna is going to be the breakthrough point for us. We need

someone to dress like her and distract Luther. Then we'll have warriors around Luther, or even yourself,

to deliver the final strike. Without a leader, the rebellion will dissolve quickly and we can end the war

without too much bloodshed."

He paused for a moment and nodded. "That's a great idea. I’ll get it arranged." “Wait! Theo, I meant,

I'm good at disguising, and I learned a lot from Greg and Sherry-"

But before I could finish my words, Theo took my lips and made me swallow the words I was about to

say next.

I pushed against his chest and broke our kiss. "Theo, I can do th-" He obviously didn't want to hear me

out, and stopped me again with his lips. The only sound I could make was ’em" and "urn."

Then I heard him grit his teeth, "Don't even think about it!’ “Theo stop, um...um...'

I tried to dodge his lips, but he wouldn't let me. He was determined and refused to hear any of my

proposals that were considered risky in his opinion.

Suddenly, a childish voice said from the front of the tent. "I'll do it!'

Theo stilled for a moment, and I took the opportunity to pull apart from him and turned to look at our

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“Alexander?" Both Theo and I said in unison.

“I heard what you said. I can pretend to be Anna.'

I stared at Prince Alexander. "Y-you can talk...?' “Of course, I can,' Alexander said, frowning slightly and

crossing his arms, and giving me a look like an adult. 'I don't remember telling you I couldn't."

“Okay, I’m sorry. I've just... urn, just never heard you speak,' I stuttered a little. Both of us were

surprised and found it adorable that he was trying to be like a big man, all professional and composed.

“When I don't talk, people leave me alone. They don't think I'm fun or threatening, so they don't bother

me. I just watch," he explained. "So, can I do it?“

I bit my lip to hide my surprise. He was only ten years old, yet he seemed so mature and emotionally

intelligent. I sighed inwardly. It appeared that no kids growing up in the palace seemed to be able to

have a simple and happy childhood.

“No!" Theo said quickly. 'I told Ciana that she couldn’t do it and the same goes for you. It is too risky." “I

agree, Alexander. This is seriously dangerous. You're too young and you can't shift yet. You’ll be too

vulnerable," I said, looping my arm through Theo's. We were a united front against the young prince.

Alexander's chivalry and selflessness were admirable but neither of us wanted to see him hurt or in

danger. At least, Theo and I agreed on that.

"Why not?" little Alexander tilted his head and asked. "If Ciana's plan works, we can save thousands of

lives. I am also a descendant of Dark King Lycaon. These are my people, too."

I crouched down so that I was at the same eye level as Alexander. He was a little smaller than an

average ten-year-old boy, but I wanted to show that we were discussing this topic like three equal

parties. A courageous young man like him didn't deserve to be talked down to.

I countered, "That is incredibly mature and brave, but it isn't that easy. Luther is dangerous. We're not

going to risk a young descendant of King Lycaon." “But I want to fight for this country. It is my duty. I

want to take this risk because I think saving thousands of lives is worth it," Alexander stated, giving

Theo and me a very serious look.

He frowned again, which slightly reminded me of Theo. He was incredibly mature and focused for

someone so young. Part of me wanted to agree with him because he was so sure of himself and he

truly understood the situation. That was a lot more than I could say about most kids his age.

"Another reason I should do this is because I am young." He emphasized the word 'is', then he

continued, "In this case, being young is an advantage. I can act like a child better than anyone because

I am still a child." “Theo..."

Theo held a hand up to keep me quiet.

"Exactly, you're a child. I'm not going to put the youngest member of my family in danger. Alexander,

you’re the only heir to the throne since Warren left us. You mean too much," Theo insisted.

"So does Ciana. She means a lot to you too! Besides, she can't shift, either. We have all the same

strengths but I have one more than her, I'm the right age,“ he pressed, nodding to me.

It was true. Alexander's arguments were rational. If anyone could convince Luther that they were his

sister, it would be someone that was a similar age and height to Anna when Luther had last seen her.

“Oh Goddess,' I whispered. “You’re being too logical. I don't think there is any argument to counter


Alexander wasn't acting out desperately or emotionally either. He was calm and collected the whole

time. He’d considered all his options and he wanted to stand up for what was right and to serve his


I didn't know what to say because I was half inclined to let Alexander do what he was asking to do at

this point.

Theo was equally speechless beside me.

“Believe me, there isn't," Alexander said proudly, puffing up his chest.

However, Theo just shrugged and shook his head.

"No... we're not negotiating here. If the choice is between sending Alexander into the wolf's den or

fighting, then we will fight. It is what Luther wants anyway." Theo's voice was firm and unyielding,

putting his foot down.

I understood where he was coming from. I didn't want to see Alexander get hurt or be put in harm's

way. But, none of us wanted thousands to die on this battlefield just because Luther wanted to fight for

his revenge.

We all had an obligation to try and diffuse the situation as much as possible. If that meant killing Luther

first and disbanding his loyalists, then Alexander's help might actually be needed. Despite Theo's


"Theo, before you completely shut this idea down... I think we should talk about this. The three of us

can put our heads together and brainstorm something," I suggested. If we all got talking, we might be

able to come up with something that still accomplished our goal without directly putting Alexander in

harm’s way. He was a brilliant child, after all, Theo had the battle experience, and I knew Luther best.

I thought for a moment and started, "First of all, Alexander doesn't need to get too close to Luther.

From a distance, as long as we can get Luther's attention, that'll be enough."

Theo shook his head. 'No. Still too dangerous.' “Uncle Theo, you were already fighting in battles when

you were ten,' Alexander pointed out.

Theo sniffed and glared at him. “How do you know that?' “I watch and I listen, remember?' “That wasn't

something to be proud of," Theo grumbled, probably thinking back to his unpleasant childhood and the

cruel training his father put him under. I gave his hand a comforting squeeze.

Alexander continued to expertly argue his case, "Confronting Luther as his sister isn't nearly as

dangerous as fighting dreadful and ruthless criminals. You put yourself at risk when you were young.

This won't even be that bad. I'm not even confronting him directly, I'll just be a distraction in the

distance." “I can be close behind Alexander to protect him if the need arises," I added as I decided to

switch to Alexander's side. I could see the benefit in Alexander’s assistance. Yes, there was a risk, and

I'd never support an ordinary kid going to the battlefield.

However, Alexander was one of the Crimsons, a descendant of the Dark King Lycaon. He had a

country to shoulder and that was his fate. There wasn't an easy way for him to grow up.

“Theo, to take down Luther, you would have to get close enough to him while he is distracted by us,

which means you'll be able to keep an eye on us. Thus, you are our best protection.“

Theo still didn't seem convinced.

“Please, Uncle Theo. This is the least I can do for our people," Alexander pleaded, tugging at his


I glanced at Theo. His face was a mask and I wasn't sure if he was angry or not. I rubbed his arm to get

his attention.

“Theo, I think we should trust Alexander. I trust him. So, you should too. He's not just an ordinary kid.

He’s a royal prince. A descendent of the most powerful bloodline in the world, just like you."

Theo snorted. He glared at me, then glared at Alexander.

I smiled hopefully and Alexander gave Theo a little pout.

Theo looked from me to Alexander and I could see the struggle behind his eyes. "Fine, you win!" he

growled, shaking his head.

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'Yes!' Alexander cheered.

Theo sighed helplessly, "I'll go get the troops ready. Meet you back here in one hour. Is that enough

time for you both to get ready?" "For sure," I nodded, "I would need to borrow Sherry or Greg for ten

minutes to do a quality check before we leave." "I'll let them know." Theo nodded and pulled away from

me but Alexander stood in front of him, holding his arms out like a wall, stopping Theo.

“Wait,' the young prince said firmly, glancing at me quickly.

“What else, Alexander?“ Theo asked, arching an eyebrow.

“You guys should finish it." “Finish what?" “Your kiss. I interrupted your kissing before. You should

probably finish that now before you go. I don't mind,' he said, grinning slyly.

I gaped at the young boy and my eyes nearly bugged out of my head. My cheeks burned so hot I

thought they'd set the tent on fire. If there'd been a shovel nearby, I would have dug a hole in the

ground and disappeared into it forever.

Theo frowned for a moment. Then, he turned to me and grabbed me. Before I could protest, he pulled

me against him and planted a wet, passionate kiss on my lips.

Any thoughts of struggle vanished and I kissed him back just for a moment until he pulled away.

Theo smirked at Alexander. “A very good point, Alex. You should talk more in the future." With that, he

left the tent.

My cheeks were scarlet and I couldn't believe the two of them! Alexander was still grinning goofily at

me as Theo left.

“Shall we start?’ The cute little troublemaker tilted his head and asked me innocently, as if he wasn't

one of the culprits of my embarrassment.

"Alright, let's work on your disguise,' I cleared my throat, motioning for Alexander to come closer to me.

I pulled the picture Alpha Ellsworth gave me out of my pocket and studied the way Anna was dressed.

We had to get Alexander dressed up just like her.

Disguising as a different gender normally would take a little time, I'd done that myself. Luckily, it was

much easier for kids.

"There are some spare clothes in this bag. Help me look for something like in this picture?" I asked,

handing it over to Alexander.

While we searched through the clothing, Alexander became quiet again. I glanced at him from time to

time, wondering what thoughts were going through his mind.

We found a few old outfits that we could throw together to make Alexander look like Anna in the

picture. He stood still while I dressed him and fixed his hair.

Suddenly, Alexander said, 'I wish you could stay with him forever." “Pardon me?" "Uncle Theo was

always alone. Before you came to the palace, other than exchanging brief words with Beta Jake for his

work, I watched how he spent days or even months in dead silence. Then you arrived. I could tell he

wasn't lonely anymore. I’ve even seen him smile when he is by himself." “Oh, well, I think a lot has

changed in his life recently. There are quite a few things he has to be happy about," I smiled.

"No," Alexander shook his head. "It is because of you. Before you arrived, his entire wing, or even the

whole palace, felt dark. He doesn't know how many people are scared of him and how many people

are affected by him." “His moods change the weather, huh?" I joked.

“Yes. Only now, the palace is sunny... mostly. Will you promise me that you'll always be there for him,

so he’s never lonely again?" Alexander asked me with a serious look on his face.

My heart melted. I could always tell Theo loved me, but it was a pleasant surprise to know I made him

happy even when I wasn't with him. I of course had intended to be with him for as long as I could.

“I promise I will always be there for him." I gave Alexander an assuring smile, lifting a hand, “Pinky
