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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 629
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Chapter 129 : Going Home


He was right about not saying goodbye.

I hadn't even felt him go, and I woke around noon to the sound of rain pattering against the top of the tent. Beads

of water ran across the ceiling, funneling in the center and rolling down one of the center posts holding the ceiling

up, the water pooling on the ground.

The cot felt too large for one person all of the sudden, the edges cold to the touch.

He'd be somewhere near the Isles by now.

I forced myself to stand up and dress, to splash cold water on my face and braid back my hair. I wanted to do

nothing more than curl back up on the cot and cry, but my tears were useless. He would keep his word; he always


My jaw was sore from the bite I'd planted on his chest. It could've just been a trick of my mind, but I could've sworn

I could still taste his blood on my tongue.

My mate would come back. He'd come back, and we'd have our child. Then, I would follow him home to Egoren and

be his Luna.

Winter Forest and the White Queen title be damned.

I walked out of the tent without a backward glance. I knew I wouldn't return, I had no reason to. Uncle Troy was

likely wondering where the hell I was, and I was sure I would be on the next ship to Avondale, or even the port of

Valoria. He'd likely already sent word to my parents that I was alive. They were expecting me, and no matter how

badly my heart ached, I had to set my feelings aside and be the ruler, the princess my people expected me to be.

At least for a little while.

I was wearing a long-sleeved shirt Xander had left behind, the sleeves rolled up to my elbows and tucked in the

pants I'd been wearing since the day Oliver and I suited up to storm the vampire realm. That felt like ages ago, but

the memories of it were still fresh in my mind as I wandered through the maze-like war camp, which was still

teeming with warriors from practically every territory in our realm.

A few warriors stopped to gawk at me as I passed, my white hair already spilling from the rushed braid hanging

over my shoulder. I didn't stop, didn't make eye contact with anyone.

Xander had told me precisely where Troy's tent would be. I went straight there even though my stomach had begun

to ache with hunger, especially after passing the dining tent where the smell of cornbread and roast chicken hung

heavy in the air.

I could eat later. I could eat my fill once I knew what the plan would be. I'd get a good night's rest on whatever boat

or plane I would be boarding.

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But not now.

I flung back the tent flap to Troy's tent and stepped inside with an invitation, and laid eyes on…

“Robbie?" I croaked, surprised to see the giant of a man propped on a stool with his ankle balanced on his knee.

He crossed his arms over his broad chest, his auburn hair trembling as his brows raised and a deep chuckle

emanated from his chest.

“Your mom and dad," he said with a breathy sigh, “are about ready to cause another war over you right now, Ms.


I rolled my eyes, wiping away the raindrops clinging to my shirt as I stepped fully into the tent.

“Where's Troy?"

“You just missed 'im, but he'll be back in a moment. Looking for coffee, I suspect."

I sat on the edge of the cot facing Robbie, looking him up and down. He looked like hell, bruised with bloodied

knuckles and sporting a black eye.

I motioned to my own face, and he chuckled, shaking his head as he relaxed his long legs and stretched them out in

front of them.

“Not from the war. Just a bit of spat with one of the other Alphas is all."

“You got into a fist fight with an Alpha?" I choked, taken aback.

Robbie shrugged, flexing his bloodied hand. Robbie was the Alpha of New Dianny, his mate, Alison, a survivor from

the old pack who was able to flee the territory before Tasia brought the valley the ancient settlement of Dianny had

been nestled between down over the top of the city. Their eldest daughter Joy was only a few months older than

myself, and had married George the same day she turned twenty one.

Robbie had grown up just like Troy had, an orphan and a pirate by the time he could walk.

“Who?" I pried, but Troy walked into the tent just as the word left my mouth, and Robbie and I both fell into silence.

Troy sighed heavily, looking me up and down.

“You ready?" he asked, tilting his head towards the tent flap.

“For what?"

“To go home, Lena," Troy said, exhaustion flashing behind his eyes. He motioned toward a radio sitting on an

unassuming table in the corner of the tent. “Your parents kept me up all night radioing every twenty minutes asking

if you were on a ship yet."

“I'm not a child–"

“I told them that," he breathed, glancing at Robbie, who went pink in the cheeks and blew out his breath. “Your dad

wasn't too happy about it, either."

I huffed out a breath, shrugging in surrender. “I had to… I needed a moment alone with my mate," I said forcefully,

meeting Troy's eye.

He nodded in understanding, a ghost of a smile touching the corner of his mouth. “I understand. And that's why I

told them to get off your back. You're alive and well; that's all that matters. But, come on, there's a supply ship

heading back to the isles that's leaving in half an hour. You can take a flight to Mirage from Avondale tonight."

I chewed on the inside of my cheek as I bobbed my head at Robbie in farewell and followed Uncle Troy through the

tent and back out into the camp. He was walking briskly, his deep brown curls trembling as he nodded his head in

greeting to everyone we passed, regardless of rank.

Troy was a fantastic Alpha. I noticed how the warriors looked at him, damn near marveling at him. I also knew that

Troy had been battling on the front lines beside those same warriors for weeks now.

“Why did Robbie get in a fight with another Alpha?" I asked as we continued our journey through the sprawling


“Because some of the Alphas are already vying for this territory, and saying whatever they needed to say to stake

their claim," he replied, grabbing two bottles of water out of a crate as we passed and tossed one back to me.

I wasn't ready for it and had to stop walking to bend down and grab it. I caught up to him, my breath catching in my

throat as rain pelted my cheeks and the top of my head.

“But the Alphas of Breles and Morhan–"

“Both dead," he said, matter-of-factly. “The Alpha of Morhan has two sons, neither of which is older than thirteen.

The Luna of Morhan will rule until her oldest son comes of age to take over the title. The Alpha of Breles left behind

no heirs, just like his predecessor. The High Elder Council helped appoint the most recent Alpha of Breles to the

position, but there are some packs who want this done the… old fashion way."

“And what is that?"

“By force," he said casually as we rounded a corner and headed down another endless line of tents. I could see the

port in the distance, several large naval ships docked and glistening with rain. I thought of Charlie all of the sudden

and almost stopped in my tracks.


“He's fine, a little banged up, but I don't think anyone made it out of this completely unscathed," Troy interrupted,

turning his head to give me a smile. “He found his mate, last I heard. He's been helping clear the rubble–"

“Charlie found his mate?" I exclaimed, and this time I did stop walking.

Troy turned on his heel to face me, a wide smile spreading across his face. “He did. I couldn't be happier for him.

Her name is Jasmine, and she fought alongside your aunt Maeve during one of the last battles. That's how they

met, actually. Maeve was leading her forces back to the camp and Charlie came up to her to assist with the

wounded. Maeve said the bond clicked into place the moment they laid eyes on each other."

The crushing weight against my heart lifted a bit, and I found it easier to breathe as Troy waited for me to start

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walking again. Charlie found his mate, and she was a warrior? I guess there was a silver lining to this war, at least

for him.

“She's from Mirage, actually, part of one of the newer, smaller packs in the eastern edge of Valoria."

“That's just… that's wonderful," I said softly, still in disbelief. “How does it feel having two sons who have found their


“Ask me when Oliver finds his mate," Troy said soberly, a shadow crossing behind his eyes. I wondered if he knew

what Oliver had sacrificed to save our kind and our realm. I found it unlikely he did, and that Oliver would ever tell

anyone about it. The only reason I knew was because the Night God had shown me.

Oliver had lost his mate. And I'd lost a friend, if his mate was truly Elaine.

“Did everyone from Morhan evacuate to Mirage?" I asked as we neared the port. We'd been walking for a few

minutes in heavy silence.

Troy nodded, motioning for me to take a left toward the port. “Those who didn't fight," he replied. “Are you looking

for someone?"

“Two people," I said, although that number was much larger than two. I thought of all the friends I'd made on

campus over the years and all the professors I'd admired. I wondered how many stayed to defend their city, and

how many had perished doing so. “My roommates."

“Ah, those two women you invited to the wedding?" he said, glancing over at me. “I know for a fact that Viviene

fought with the forces from Breles." He paused, furrowing his brow. “But she was injured and sent north for

treatment. Heather, right–that was your other friend's name?"

“You have a good memory," I murmured, my heart squeezing around the thought of Viviene being injured.

“I have an excellent memory," Troy corrected, giving me a teasing smile. “Heather didn't fight on the front lines,

but she did work as a healer for several weeks. Last I heard she was relocated to one of the camps that sit along

the northern border. That area saw a lot of violence, Lena. I'll reached out to Kacidra to check–"

“I'm sure Heather is fine, but yeah. I'd love to at least know where she is and how to get in contact with her. With

both of them," I said, and meant it. Heather wasn't one to go down without a fight. I had no doubt in my mind that

she was still alive.

We stopped walking as we reached the port. Warriors hustled about carrying crates of fresh supplies into the camp.

One of the ships was flying the flag of Poldesse.

“You made it," Troy said as he exhaled.

“I made it," I breathed. I looked over my shoulder at the camp. Over the tops of the tents, I could see what

remained of Breles against the horizon.

It was just… gone. But we'd won.

Now the real work began.
