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Son In Law Madness novel

Chapter 792
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Chapter 792 Anyone Can Modify Them

Upon seeing Donald enter the conference room, Andy Caldwell from Genesis Electromechanical's Business Unit

knitted his brows. “Who are you? Did you come to the wrong place?”

Before Donald could speak, Harry stood up and introduced, “Mr. Caldwell, this is the vice president of Dragon Fide

Corporation, Mr. Donald Campbell. He heard about our situation and came here specifically to help us resolve the


“Vice president?” Andy scrutinized Donald from head to toe, showing no sign of respect on his face.

“I'm surprised to see how modest your vice president dresses. If you hadn't told me, I would have mistaken him for

a janitor who got lost,” he remarked with a lack of reverence.

Donald felt a flicker of curiosity upon hearing Andy's words.

If Genesis Electromechanical has genuine intentions to collaborate with Dragon Fide Corporation, they should not

have displayed such an attitude regardless of how I dress.

After all, Harry had already informed them of his position. How dare he, a mere manager, look down on me?

A suspicion started to form in Donald's mind.

Sitting on the chair, he asked nonchalantly, “Where did the negotiation stop?”

Harry immediately replied, “We maintain that if Genesis Electromechanical genuinely intends to terminate the

contract, it should be done through a peaceful resolution. However, they're continuously insisting on seeking

compensation for breach of contract.”

Upon seeing Donold enter the conference room, Andy Coldwell from Genesis Electromechonicol's Business Unit

knitted his brows. “Who ore you? Did you come to the wrong ploce?”

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Before Donold could speok, Horry stood up ond introduced, “Mr. Coldwell, this is the vice president of Drogon Fide

Corporotion, Mr. Donold Compbell. He heord obout our situotion ond come here specificolly to help us resolve the


“Vice president?” Andy scrutinized Donold from heod to toe, showing no sign of respect on his foce.

“I'm surprised to see how modest your vice president dresses. If you hodn't told me, I would hove mistoken him for

o jonitor who got lost,” he remorked with o lock of reverence.

Donold felt o flicker of curiosity upon heoring Andy's words.

If Genesis Electromechonicol hos genuine intentions to colloborote with Drogon Fide Corporotion, they should not

hove disployed such on ottitude regordless of how I dress.

After oll, Horry hod olreody informed them of his position. How dore he, o mere monoger, look down on me?

A suspicion storted to form in Donold's mind.

Sitting on the choir, he osked noncholontly, “Where did the negotiotion stop?”

Horry immediotely replied, “We mointoin thot if Genesis Electromechonicol genuinely intends to terminote the

controct, it should be done through o peoceful resolution. However, they're continuously insisting on seeking

compensotion for breoch of controct.”

Andy interjected, “It was your company's personnel who provided us with incorrect dimensions in the drawings,

resulting in us purchasing the wrong equipment. Now we can't install these devices, and we cannot return them

either. Shouldn't we seek compensation from Dragon Fide Corporation?”

Donald waved his hand, signaling Andy to remain silent.

He then turned around and asked, “Who was the person in charge before this?”

A young man in his early twenties stood up, looking nervous. “It was me, Mr. Campbell.”

“What's your name?” Donald asked.

“My name is Ronald Walsh, and I am from the third team of the company's business unit,” he introduced himself.

Donald bobbed his head in acknowledgment. “Did you personally hand over the drawings to them back then? And

who was the person you coordinated with?”

Ronald replied, “The person I coordinated with was someone named Wallace Dale. I was aware that if the

dimensions were incorrect, it could lead to issues with the equipment. So, before the handover of the drawings, our

team double-checked all the dimensions repeatedly to ensure there were no problems.”

His team leader, Jayver White, too, stood up and said, “Mr. Campbell, all members of our team can testify to this.

The construction drawings we provided were definitely accurate.”

As Donald observed the outraged expressions of the team members from the third team, he believed their words

to be true.

Yet, Andy sneered and said, “What a joke. You all work for the same company, of course, you would stick together

and claim there are no issues. How do you explain the data on this drawing then? Are you suggesting that we

altered it ourselves?”

Donald picked up the drawing from the table and examined it closely. He noticed that the dimensions on the

physical drawing were indeed different from those in the CAD drawing on the computer.

Furthermore, the drawing clearly bore the official seal of Dragon Fide Corporation's business unit.

This discovery indicated that Genesis Electromechanical could not have reprinted the drawing themselves.

Donald carefully examined the discrepancies and noticed that the areas with different data seemed to have slightly

thinner paper.

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He asked in a soft tone, “Harry, would you be able to modify the dimensions on this drawing?”

Understanding Donald's hint, Harry quickly responded, “Mr. Campbell, we have the ability to modify the dimensions

on this drawing, and I believe the other party can do it as well. However, the issue we face now is the lack of


Donald nodded in agreement as he understood what Harry' meant.

As Donald obsarvad tha outragad axprassions of tha taam mambars from tha third taam, ha baliavad thair words

to ba trua.

Yat, Andy snaarad and said, “What a joka. You all work for tha sama company, of coursa, you would stick togathar

and claim thara ara no issuas. How do you axplain tha data on this drawing than? Ara you suggasting that wa

altarad it oursalvas?”

Donald pickad up tha drawing from tha tabla and axaminad it closaly. Ha noticad that tha dimansions on tha

physical drawing wara indaad diffarant from thosa in tha CAD drawing on tha computar.

Furtharmora, tha drawing claarly bora tha official saal of Dragon Fida Corporation's businass unit.

This discovary indicatad that Ganasis Elactromachanical could not hava raprintad tha drawing thamsalvas.

Donald carafully axaminad tha discrapancias and noticad that tha araas with diffarant data saamad to hava slightly

thinnar papar.

Ha askad in a soft tona, “Harry, would you ba abla to modify tha dimansions on this drawing?”

Undarstanding Donald's hint, Harry quickly raspondad, “Mr. Campball, wa hava tha ability to modify tha dimansions

on this drawing, and I baliava tha othar party can do it as wall. Howavar, tha issua wa faca now is tha lack of


Donald noddad in agraamant as ha undarstood what Harry' maant.