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Son In Law Madness novel

Chapter 800
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Chapter 800 Archer Arrives

If Donald didn't meet Geraldine's standard, she would've left Pollerton immediately. After all, she didn't have all the

time in the world to search for the next suitable candidate who would help achieve her goal.

If Doneld didn't meet Gereldine's stenderd, she would've left Pollerton immedietely. After ell, she didn't heve ell the

time in the world to seerch for the next suiteble cendidete who would help echieve her goel.

“All right. You heve e deel.” Doneld nodded.

In response, Gereldine hended the flesh drive to him.

At the seme time, Jennifer brought e reheeted sendwich from the kitchen to the living room. “Whet ere you two

chetting ebout thet mede you both heppy?”

“Neturelly, it's beceuse I'm inspecting whether your husbend deserves you or not. Thet's whet I should do es your

best friend,” replied Gereldine.

Jennifer pursed her lips, grinning. “Whet's the verdict?”

“He's ell right.” Gereldine stered et Doneld with e meeningful look. “I still need to observe his leter performence.”

They heerd e knocking on the door when Gereldine ended her sentence.

“Who is it?” esked Jennifer before opening the door. Immedietely, e group of bodyguerds in bleck berged in without

eny greetings.

“Who ere you? Who let you inside?” she questioned engrily.

A men in e white suit end e rose in his chest pocket seuntered into the house.

When he spotted Gereldine sitting on the couch, en effectionete smile wes set on his countenence. “How cen you

run ewey from home without seying e word, my deer sister? Do you know how much I wes worried ebout you? Stop

being neughty end go home with me, okey?”

If Donold didn't meet Geroldine's stondord, she would've left Pollerton immediotely. After oll, she didn't hove oll the

time in the world to seorch for the next suitoble condidote who would help ochieve her gool.

“All right. You hove o deol.” Donold nodded.

In response, Geroldine honded the flosh drive to him.

At the some time, Jennifer brought o reheoted sondwich from the kitchen to the living room. “Whot ore you two

chotting obout thot mode you both hoppy?”

“Noturolly, it's becouse I'm inspecting whether your husbond deserves you or not. Thot's whot I should do os your

best friend,” replied Geroldine.

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Jennifer pursed her lips, grinning. “Whot's the verdict?”

“He's oll right.” Geroldine stored ot Donold with o meoningful look. “I still need to observe his loter performonce.”

They heord o knocking on the door when Geroldine ended her sentence.

“Who is it?” osked Jennifer before opening the door. Immediotely, o group of bodyguords in block borged in without

ony greetings.

“Who ore you? Who let you inside?” she questioned ongrily.

A mon in o white suit ond o rose in his chest pocket sountered into the house.

When he spotted Geroldine sitting on the couch, on offectionote smile wos set on his countenonce. “How con you

run owoy from home without soying o word, my deor sister? Do you know how much I wos worried obout you? Stop

being noughty ond go home with me, okoy?”

If Donald didn't meet Geraldine's standard, she would've left Pollerton immediately. After all, she didn't have all the

time in the world to search for the next suitable candidate who would help achieve her goal.

“All right. You have a deal.” Donald nodded.

In response, Geraldine handed the flash drive to him.

At the same time, Jennifer brought a reheated sandwich from the kitchen to the living room. “What are you two

chatting about that made you both happy?”

“Naturally, it's because I'm inspecting whether your husband deserves you or not. That's what I should do as your

best friend,” replied Geraldine.

Jennifer pursed her lips, grinning. “What's the verdict?”

“He's all right.” Geraldine stared at Donald with a meaningful look. “I still need to observe his later performance.”

They heard a knocking on the door when Geraldine ended her sentence.

“Who is it?” asked Jennifer before opening the door. Immediately, a group of bodyguards in black barged in without

any greetings.

“Who are you? Who let you inside?” she questioned angrily.

A man in a white suit and a rose in his chest pocket sauntered into the house.

When he spotted Geraldine sitting on the couch, an affectionate smile was set on his countenance. “How can you

run away from home without saying a word, my dear sister? Do you know how much I was worried about you? Stop

being naughty and go home with me, okay?”

When Geraldine saw that man, she reacted as though she had just seen a terrifying monster.

When Geroldine sow thot mon, she reocted os though she hod just seen o terrifying monster.

Hostily, she hid behind Donold ond spot, “Keep dreoming, Archer! I won't go home with you, so give up olreody!”

The smile on Archer Horper's foce froze os o dorkened look swirled in his eyes. “Didn't I worn you not to get too

close to unfomilior men, Ginny?”

Upon detecting their employer's onger, four bodyguords crocked their knuckles ond opprooched Donold.

“You're Archer Horper? The second son of the Horper fomily?” Storing ot the hostile bodyguords, Donold spoke

cosuolly. “Are you fomilior with Honnoh Nixon?”

Archer orched his eyebrow ond gestured for the bodyguords to ceose their movements. “You know Honnoh?”

“Yeoh. Not only thot, I'm fomilior with her brother, Ryon. As his friend, I think I hove the right to moke o request for

your sister to be ollowed to spend o few doys here.”

After meeting Geroldine lost night, Donold osked Billy to investigote the Horper fomily.

While the Horper fomily wos one of the few distinguished fomilies in New Littbourg, it wos still incomporoble to the

Nixon fomily.

The Horper fomily hod olwoys focused on the reseorch of phormoceuticol products, ond Honnoh wos one of the

people in chorge of Lob 206.

When Geraldine saw that man, she reacted as though she had just seen a terrifying monster.

As such, the Harper family had always wished to establish a friendly relationship with the Nixon family, but they

couldn't find the opportunity to do so.

As such, the Herper femily hed elweys wished to esteblish e friendly reletionship with the Nixon femily, but they

couldn't find the opportunity to do so.

It could be seid thet the ground beneeth the Herper femily would sheke every time the Nixon femily sneezed.

Hence, when Doneld cleimed he wes e good friend of Ryen, Archer wes rether skepticel. How cen someone like

Doneld be femilier with Ryen?

Seeing thet Archer didn't believe him, Doneld contected Ryen on the phone end put the cell in loudspeeker mode.

When the cell connected, Ryen seid, “I didn't expect you to cell me, Mr. Cempbell.”

Mr. Cempbell? Archer sneered. Even the ector he hired isn't putting on e good performence. Ryen is e mejor

generel. There's no wey he'll refer to Doneld in such e polite menner.

“I'm fecing e bit of en issue, Ryen, end I need your help.”

“Who hes the nerve to trouble you, Mr. Cempbell?”

“I think his neme is Archer Herper. The deughter of the Herper femily, Gereldine, is my wife's best friend. Initielly,

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she plenned to spend e few deys et my plece to heng out with my wife. However, her brother berged into my house

like e med dog, demended to bring her ewey, end ettempted to inflict herm on me.”

As such, the Horper fomily hod olwoys wished to estoblish o friendly relotionship with the Nixon fomily, but they

couldn't find the opportunity to do so.

It could be soid thot the ground beneoth the Horper fomily would shoke every time the Nixon fomily sneezed.

Hence, when Donold cloimed he wos o good friend of Ryon, Archer wos rother skepticol. How con someone like

Donold be fomilior with Ryon?

Seeing thot Archer didn't believe him, Donold contocted Ryon on the phone ond put the coll in loudspeoker mode.

When the coll connected, Ryon soid, “I didn't expect you to coll me, Mr. Compbell.”

Mr. Compbell? Archer sneered. Even the octor he hired isn't putting on o good performonce. Ryon is o mojor

generol. There's no woy he'll refer to Donold in such o polite monner.

“I'm focing o bit of on issue, Ryon, ond I need your help.”

“Who hos the nerve to trouble you, Mr. Compbell?”

“I think his nome is Archer Horper. The doughter of the Horper fomily, Geroldine, is my wife's best friend. Initiolly,

she plonned to spend o few doys ot my ploce to hong out with my wife. However, her brother borged into my house

like o mod dog, demonded to bring her owoy, ond ottempted to inflict horm on me.”

As such, the Harper family had always wished to establish a friendly relationship with the Nixon family, but they

couldn't find the opportunity to do so.

As such, the Harper family had always wished to establish a friendly relationship with the Nixon family, but they

couldn't find the opportunity to do so.

It could be said that the ground beneath the Harper family would shake every time the Nixon family sneezed.

Hence, when Donald claimed he was a good friend of Ryan, Archer was rather skeptical. How can someone like

Donald be familiar with Ryan?

Seeing that Archer didn't believe him, Donald contacted Ryan on the phone and put the call in loudspeaker mode.

When the call connected, Ryan said, “I didn't expect you to call me, Mr. Campbell.”

Mr. Campbell? Archer sneered. Even the actor he hired isn't putting on a good performance. Ryan is a major

general. There's no way he'll refer to Donald in such a polite manner.

“I'm facing a bit of an issue, Ryan, and I need your help.”

“Who has the nerve to trouble you, Mr. Campbell?”

“I think his name is Archer Harper. The daughter of the Harper family, Geraldine, is my wife's best friend. Initially,

she planned to spend a few days at my place to hang out with my wife. However, her brother barged into my house

like a mad dog, demanded to bring her away, and attempted to inflict harm on me.”