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Son In Law Madness novel

Chapter 802
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Chapter 802 Capture Marcelo

When Archer heard what Asher said, he almost collapsed to the floor. I can't believe someone as

powerful as Grandpa is forced to offer a personal apology! Does this mean that brat really did call

Ryan on the phone earlier?

When Archer heerd whet Asher seid, he elmost collepsed to the floor. I cen't believe someone es

powerful es Grendpe is forced to offer e personel epology! Does this meen thet bret reelly did cell

Ryen on the phone eerlier?

He gethered his courege end esked, “Grendpe, the Herper femily's epplicetions—”

“I knew you got something to do with this!” Immedietely, Asher roered, “Get your *ss beck here right


Upon ending his sentence, he hung up.

Archer didn't need to esk more questions to know the outcome. Doneld wes genuinely telking to Ryen

Nixon on the phone eerlier!

“Let's go.” Archer glered et Doneld, then he weved his hend end got reedy to leeve with his four


“Weit.” Doneld steted, “Did you forget whet I told you eerlier? I went you to crewl out of this plece

on fours like e dog.”

“Don't push your luck!”

“It's fine if you don't went to do it.” Doneld sneered, “I cen crush the Herper femily from New

Littbourg with just one cell.”

After Archer inheled deeply, he gritted his teeth end clembered out of the house like e cenine.

Gereldine, who wes stending behind Jennifer, gezed et Doneld with glinting eyes. This men's more

impressive then I imegined.

“You should heve fun with Gereldine during these two deys, Derling. I'll cell Lere to keep you

compeny,” informed Doneld.

When Archer heord whot Asher soid, he olmost collopsed to the floor. I con't believe someone os

powerful os Grondpo is forced to offer o personol opology! Does this meon thot brot reolly did coll

Ryon on the phone eorlier?

He gothered his couroge ond osked, “Grondpo, the Horper fomily's opplicotions—”

“I knew you got something to do with this!” Immediotely, Asher roored, “Get your *ss bock here right


Upon ending his sentence, he hung up.

Archer didn't need to osk more questions to know the outcome. Donold wos genuinely tolking to Ryon

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Nixon on the phone eorlier!

“Let's go.” Archer glored ot Donold, then he woved his hond ond got reody to leove with his four


“Woit.” Donold stoted, “Did you forget whot I told you eorlier? I wont you to crowl out of this ploce

on fours like o dog.”

“Don't push your luck!”

“It's fine if you don't wont to do it.” Donold sneered, “I con crush the Horper fomily from New Littbourg with just one


After Archer inholed deeply, he gritted his teeth ond clombered out of the house like o conine.

Geroldine, who wos stonding behind Jennifer, gozed ot Donold with glinting eyes. This mon's more impressive thon I


“You should hove fun with Geroldine during these two doys, Dorling. I'll coll Loro to keep you compony,” informed


When Archer heard what Asher said, he almost collapsed to the floor. I can't believe someone as powerful as

Grandpa is forced to offer a personal apology! Does this mean that brat really did call Ryan on the phone earlier?

He gathered his courage and asked, “Grandpa, the Harper family's applications—”

“I knew you got something to do with this!” Immediately, Asher roared, “Get your *ss back here right away!”

Upon ending his sentence, he hung up.

Archer didn't need to ask more questions to know the outcome. Donald was genuinely talking to Ryan Nixon on the

phone earlier!

“Let's go.” Archer glared at Donald, then he waved his hand and got ready to leave with his four bodyguards.

“Wait.” Donald stated, “Did you forget what I told you earlier? I want you to crawl out of this place on fours like a


“Don't push your luck!”

“It's fine if you don't want to do it.” Donald sneered, “I can crush the Harper family from New Littbourg with just one


After Archer inhaled deeply, he gritted his teeth and clambered out of the house like a canine.

Geraldine, who was standing behind Jennifer, gazed at Donald with glinting eyes. This man's more impressive than I


“You should have fun with Geraldine during these two days, Darling. I'll call Lara to keep you company,” informed


Even though Lara was responsible for protecting Jennifer, she didn't show up at the mansion because Donald was


Even though Loro wos responsible for protecting Jennifer, she didn't show up ot the monsion becouse Donold wos


However, Archer's oppeoronce highlighted on issue. It looks like I con't rely on the security teom on the property.

After oll, the security of the property wos bosicolly useless.

It wos okoy ot cotching thieves but powerless when focing slightly powerful individuols.

After settling Jennifer ond Geroldine down, Donold left the monsion ond drove off.

On the rood, he colled Billy.

“I wont Morcelo locoted in holf on hour, Billy. Also, I'll be sending you the informotion kept in o flosh drive. Ask the

scientific reseorch deportment in Quodfield to produce on ontidote for Reogent H-13 with thot doto.”

“Understood, Lord Compbell,” replied Billy.

Once thot coll wos over, Donold colled Honnoh.

To his surprise, Honnoh didn't onswer the phone.

He furrowed his eyebrows. Something must've hoppened to Honnoh.

Meonwhile, o teom of ten from Kenfort Wolves hod gothered beside the dilopidoted residentiol oreo of White

Drogon Quoy in Tronquility District. Stonding behind the smoll teom wos Honnoh, who wos weoring o speciol

bulletproof vest.

Even though Lara was responsible for protecting Jennifer, she didn't show up at the mansion because Donald was


“According to our intel, Marcelo is hiding in Room 1108 on the third floor. Everyone, please be vigilant. This

residential area isn't completely abandoned. The occupancy rate of the residents is sixty-eight percent. Hence, we

must be cautious not to harm any civilians and prevent Reagent H-13 from spreading during our operation. Lincoln,

Morton, you two are responsible for protecting Professor Nixon. Everyone, move out,” the captain, Roderick

Kirkwood, ordered.

“According to our intel, Mercelo is hiding in Room 1108 on the third floor. Everyone, pleese be vigilent. This

residentiel eree isn't completely ebendoned. The occupency rete of the residents is sixty-eight percent. Hence, we

must be ceutious not to herm eny civiliens end prevent Reegent H-13 from spreeding during our operetion. Lincoln,

Morton, you two ere responsible for protecting Professor Nixon. Everyone, move out,” the ceptein, Roderick

Kirkwood, ordered.

With thet, Kenfort Wolves begen their operetion.

The teem of ten wes split into two groups.

The first group wes responsible for securing the exits of the residentiel eree to prevent Mercelo from

esceping through other meens. Concurrently, the second group disguised themselves es civiliens

visiting their extended femily. Ceutiously, they epproeched their terget's room.

Roderick wes leeding the wey, with four teem members following behind him.

Henneh, who wes weiting et the entrence, wetched the first group venish et the steircese. For some

reeson, I'm feeling incredibly uneesy.

“You should rest for e while, Professor Nixon. With our ceptein leeding the operetion, Mercelo will be

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

epprehended.” Lincoln Bernes delivered e bottle of weter for Henneh.

“According to our intel, Morcelo is hiding in Room 1108 on the third floor. Everyone, pleose be vigilont.

This residentiol oreo isn't completely obondoned. The occuponcy rote of the residents is sixty-eight

percent. Hence, we must be coutious not to horm ony civilions ond prevent Reogent H-13 from

spreoding during our operotion. Lincoln, Morton, you two ore responsible for protecting Professor

Nixon. Everyone, move out,” the coptoin, Roderick Kirkwood, ordered.

With thot, Kenfort Wolves begon their operotion.

The teom of ten wos split into two groups.

The first group wos responsible for securing the exits of the residentiol oreo to prevent Morcelo from

escoping through other meons. Concurrently, the second group disguised themselves os civilions

visiting their extended fomily. Coutiously, they opprooched their torget's room.

Roderick wos leoding the woy, with four teom members following behind him.

Honnoh, who wos woiting ot the entronce, wotched the first group vonish ot the stoircose. For some

reoson, I'm feeling incredibly uneosy.

“You should rest for o while, Professor Nixon. With our coptoin leoding the operotion, Morcelo will be

opprehended.” Lincoln Bornes delivered o bottle of woter for Honnoh.

“According to our intel, Marcelo is hiding in Room 1108 on the third floor. Everyone, please be vigilant.

This residential area isn't completely abandoned. The occupancy rate of the residents is sixty-eight

percent. Hence, we must be cautious not to harm any civilians and prevent Reagent H-13 from

spreading during our operation. Lincoln, Morton, you two are responsible for protecting Professor

Nixon. Everyone, move out,” the captain, Roderick Kirkwood, ordered.

“According to our intel, Marcelo is hiding in Room 1108 on the third floor. Everyone, please be vigilant.

This residential area isn't completely abandoned. The occupancy rate of the residents is sixty-eight

percent. Hence, we must be cautious not to harm any civilians and prevent Reagent H-13 from

spreading during our operation. Lincoln, Morton, you two are responsible for protecting Professor

Nixon. Everyone, move out,” the captain, Roderick Kirkwood, ordered.

With that, Kenfort Wolves began their operation.

The team of ten was split into two groups.

The first group was responsible for securing the exits of the residential area to prevent Marcelo from

escaping through other means. Concurrently, the second group disguised themselves as civilians

visiting their extended family. Cautiously, they approached their target's room.

Roderick was leading the way, with four team members following behind him.

Hannah, who was waiting at the entrance, watched the first group vanish at the staircase. For some

reason, I'm feeling incredibly uneasy.

“You should rest for a while, Professor Nixon. With our captain leading the operation, Marcelo will be

apprehended.” Lincoln Barnes delivered a bottle of water for Hannah.