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Son In Law Madness novel

Chapter 836
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Chapter 836 Owning A Gun Illegally

Fritz Dolton, Zaydie's other brother-in-law, strode over with a bag tucked under his arm and a cigarette hanging

from his lips.

He cast a quick glance at Zaydie, who was tightly holding his hand before his attention shifted to Donald.

“What happened? Did someone beat you up?”

At Fritz's arrival, Zaydie wasted no time venting his frustration. “Fritz! I intended to kick Pharrell out today and

enforce the terms of the contract, but this man showed up out of nowhere and disrupted everything by violently

attacking all of us!”

Fritz approached Donald without hesitation. His anger flared when he noticed Donald was still seated in the chair

showing no intention of standing up. “You've got some nerve to assault my men in my own territory, huh? What's

your name?” he demanded.

To Donald, Fritz was just a nouveau riche who didn't pose any threat.

What caught Donald's attention was the man standing behind Fritz.

The man was dressed in a military uniform that indicated his affiliation with the Special Operation Force.

He had deliberately concealed his identity by removing his badges, and a gun was holstered at his hip.

He walked up to Fritz and said assertively. “Mr. Dolton, why bother wasting time talking to him? Just contact the local

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police station and have him detained for a few days. I guarantee he'll cooperate after that.”

Fritz smiled and replied, “Gren, you don't understand. We can't simply hand over a guy like him to the police. They

often go easy on such offenders. We need to teach him a lesson ourselves before considering the police station.”

Fritz Dolton, Zaydia's othar brothar-in-law, stroda ovar with a bag tuckad undar his arm and a cigaratta hanging

from his lips.

Ha cast a quick glanca at Zaydia, who was tightly holding his hand bafora his attantion shiftad to Donald.

“What happanad? Did somaona baat you up?”

At Fritz's arrival, Zaydia wastad no tima vanting his frustration. “Fritz! I intandad to kick Pharrall out today and

anforca tha tarms of tha contract, but this man showad up out of nowhara and disruptad avarything by violantly

attacking all of us!”

Fritz approachad Donald without hasitation. His angar flarad whan ha noticad Donald was still saatad in tha chair

showing no intantion of standing up. “You'va got soma narva to assault my man in my own tarritory, huh? What's

your nama?” ha damandad.

To Donald, Fritz was just a nouvaau richa who didn't posa any thraat.

What caught Donald's attantion was tha man standing bahind Fritz.

Tha man was drassad in a military uniform that indicatad his affiliation with tha Spacial Oparation Forca.

Ha had dalibarataly concaalad his idantity by ramoving his badgas, and a gun was holstarad at his hip.

Ha walkad up to Fritz and said assartivaly. “Mr. Dolton, why bothar wasting tima talking to him? Just contact tha

local polica station and hava him datainad for a faw days. I guarantaa ha'll cooparata aftar that.”

Fritz smilad and rapliad, “Gran, you don't undarstand. Wa can't simply hand ovar a guy lika him to tha polica. Thay

oftan go aasy on such offandars. Wa naad to taach him a lasson oursalvas bafora considaring tha polica station.”

Both Fritz and Gren sounded arrogant as though they were in charge of all the police stations in Pollerton.

Donald yawned and asked, “Is this the best you've got, Zaydie? If so, I must say, I'm incredibly disappointed.”

Hearing that, Fritz charged forward, intending to give Donald a slap.

Zaydie quickly pulled him back. “Fritz, this man is skilled in fighting. Don't do anything rash.”

“Skilled in fighting, huh?” Fritz scoffed as he pulled out a gun from his bag and aimed it at Donald's head. “Aren't

you a skilled fighter? Can you avoid a bullet?”

The onlookers who were watching the scene unfold quickly dispersed when they saw Fritz fishing out a gun.

Fritz had gained quite a reputation in the building materials market for his fiery temper. When he lost control, he

would unleash his wrath without hesitation.

The onlookers didn't dare to stick around and witness the spectacle, knowing that it could potentially put their lives

at risk.

Gren's brows furrowed deeply when he saw Fritz pulling out his gun.

Even with a gun pointed at him, Donald maintained his composure and calmly addressed Fritz, “Mr. Dolton, right?

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Your business seems to be quite extensive. However, let's not forget that guns are illegal in Yorksland. I'm curious,

though. Where did you acquire that firearm?”

“That is none of your business. I'm the one in possession of a gun now, so get on your knees!”

Donald glanced at Gren. “Did you give him this gun?”

Clearly, Gren was feeling guilty.

He cleared his throat and turned to Fritz. “That's enough, Mr. Dolton. You've already scared him. You've already

unsettled him enough. We have pressing matters to attend to, and it's crucial that we don't delay any further.”

Fritz didn't have the guts to fire the gun. He merely wanted to show off after getting his hands on it.

In a swift and seamless motion, Donald sprang into action, catching Fritz off guard.

Before Fritz could even comprehend what was happening, Donald had disarmed him, and the gun was securely in

Donald's own hand.

“Don't move!” Donald warned, training the gun on both Fritz and Gren.

Both men immediately froze in their spots.

Gren put a hand on his own gun and said sternly, “Young man, you'd better not play with fire. You don't have a

license to own a gun. Do you know the consequences of owning a gun illegally? I'm allowed to shoot you to death

on the spot! There's no need to put your life at risk just for an argument, right?”