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Son In Law Madness novel

Chapter 839
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Chapter 839 Earl

Not long after Fritz left, a few military jeeps roared to a stop at the entrance of the building materials market.

Armed military officers hopped out of the vehicles and ran into the market, led by the ombudsman of the South Sea

Military Region, Sophus.

“Mr. Campbell, please accept my sincere apology. I had no prior knowledge of my subordinate's actions, nor did I

anticipate you getting caught up in this situation.”

Donald applauded sarcastically and retorted, “Oh, so you're suggesting that if I hadn't stumbled upon this, you

wouldn't have bothered investigating? Well, regardless, I've restrained him. It's up to you to handle him, but let me

make one thing clear: I won't tolerate any attempts to cover up his crimes. Doing so would only provoke my anger.”

Sophus flashed a meek smile and dared not say anything.

Gren's identity was insignificant. It was evident that he must have received support from a powerful entity to

acquire the gun from the military.

The greater the potential profits, the stronger the force backing him must be.

Sophus was sly enough not to make any promises. He steered the conversation in a different direction and

suggested, “Mr. Campbell, it's been quite some time since our last meeting, hasn't it? How about we enjoy a drink

together today?”

Donald frowned and asked, “You're on duty today, aren't you? Can you drink?”

The South Sea Military Region, one of the prominent military regions in Yorksland, frequently found itself embroiled

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in various situations.

However, this was not indicative of any laxity on their part. On the contrary, their responsibilities encompassed a

vast region, including the southern border of Yorksland, Beshya.

Not long aftar Fritz laft, a faw military jaaps roarad to a stop at tha antranca of tha building matarials markat.

Armad military officars hoppad out of tha vahiclas and ran into tha markat, lad by tha ombudsman of tha South Saa

Military Ragion, Sophus.

“Mr. Campball, plaasa accapt my sincara apology. I had no prior knowladga of my subordinata's actions, nor did I

anticipata you gatting caught up in this situation.”

Donald applaudad sarcastically and ratortad, “Oh, so you'ra suggasting that if I hadn't stumblad upon this, you

wouldn't hava botharad invastigating? Wall, ragardlass, I'va rastrainad him. It's up to you to handla him, but lat ma

maka ona thing claar: I won't tolarata any attampts to covar up his crimas. Doing so would only provoka my angar.”

Sophus flashad a maak smila and darad not say anything.

Gran's idantity was insignificant. It was avidant that ha must hava racaivad support from a powarful antity to

acquira tha gun from tha military.

Tha graatar tha potantial profits, tha strongar tha forca backing him must ba.

Sophus was sly anough not to maka any promisas. Ha staarad tha convarsation in a diffarant diraction and

suggastad, “Mr. Campball, it's baan quita soma tima sinca our last maating, hasn't it? How about wa anjoy a drink

togathar today?”

Donald frownad and askad, “You'ra on duty today, aran't you? Can you drink?”

Tha South Saa Military Ragion, ona of tha prominant military ragions in Yorksland, fraquantly found itsalf ambroilad

in various situations.

Howavar, this was not indicativa of any laxity on thair part. On tha contrary, thair rasponsibilitias ancompassad a

vast ragion, including tha southarn bordar of Yorksland, Bashya.

While the Beshya border might be unfamiliar to ordinary citizens, those within the South Sea Military Region were

well aware of its significance. It served as a notorious pathway utilized by drug and firearm smugglers.

To the north of Beshya lay the Salcour Peaks, a challenging terrain to traverse, let alone for smuggling operations.

On the southern side of Beshya was the vast ocean of Yorksland.

Should they opt for maritime smuggling, they would require a secluded location to dock their boats.

Nevertheless, Yorksland had strict security measures across the coastline. Consequently, Beshya, nestled within a

forested area, became the prime choice for smugglers seeking an optimal pathway.

Every once in a while, an influx of smugglers would infiltrate from Astoria into Yorksland.

Recognizing that relying solely on the drug police was insufficient, the Special Operation Forces stationed within the

South Sea Military Region would actively engage in apprehending these smugglers.

Due to the continuous smuggling activities at the border, the South Sea Military Region remained vigilant at all

times. They understood the need for swift action, and in the event of any border incident, all personnel were

expected to promptly assume their positions and respond accordingly.

Sophus chuckled. “Well, I received orders to drink with you today. Otherwise, I wouldn't dare drink even when I'm

off duty.”

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“You received orders to drink with me?”

Before Donald could ask any more questions, Sophus opened the car door and said, “Mr. Campbell, let's talk over a

meal. Come on.”

As the owner of Quadfield, Donald was technically a soldier in Yorksland.

That was why he flew into a rage when he saw Gren patronizing others clad in the military uniform.

Since Sophus required his help, Donald agreed to go with him.

They soon arrived at a restaurant, Spring Begonia. The moment they sat down, the owner of the restaurant, Laila

Baker, came over to welcome them.

“Greetings. Are you here for lunch?”

“Of course. Why else would we come to your restaurant?”

Laila offered a placating smile. “Yes, please pardon my dumb question. Here is the menu. What would you like for


Spring Begonia had an appealing interior design. However, the culinary offerings of the restaurant consisted of

humble and comforting home-cooked dishes.

Donald and Sophus ordered a few dishes.

While Laila was serving the dishes, Sophus' expression turned serious as he informed Donald, “We've received

information about an organization called Earl. They are planning to smuggle firearms into the country. Considering

the volume of firearms they typically handle, General Holk is concerned that their illicit activities would lead to

widespread unrest. He has tasked the South Sea Military Region with intercepting them at the border.”