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Strings of Fate

Chapter 166
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Strings of Fate 166- Success and shock After sending off the email to Shelly giving her my number to share around, | decided | needed a break because between the email, the phone call and my nightmare visions, I'm exhausted and completely overwhelmed.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Bellamy sendsup to bed. He does offer to clie down withbut | can tell he has stuff he needs to get done, I've seen his inbox and he has like ten unread messages on his phone. | convince him to stay and do something productive. | doubt he will stay away for long, he hasn't really letout of his sight in days. | probably have an hour tops before he comes looking for me. I lie in the bed, but it feels oversized. Probably because I'm by myself, usually Bellamy is crowding me, or I'm clinging to him. | suppose I've gotten used to it. | close my eyes and try to sleep. | toss and turn for about half an hour before | give up and decide to try meditating again instead. I'm very high strung right now though so I don’t expect I'll have much success. | start with my breathing, forcing myself to take even, slow breaths. | can hear a dripping coming from the shower in the ensuite bathroom, so | match my breaths to the constant sound;. Next, | work on my b*dy. | find a comfortable position half curled up on my side, then stretch and relax each individual part of me, starting from my toes and working my way up in tiny increments. By the t| reach my n*ck, I'm actually feeling much better. | turn my thoughts inward and focus on Kiara Brooks. | picture her and mentally begin listing every detail | know about her. By the t| reach the new information about her magic, | can tell that something is different.

Every other tI've tried this | can vaguely sense her, but this tmy awareness of her fills my mind. My b*dy aches, my heart feels small and like it’s beating so hard it might burst. My face feels like someone has taken a sledgehammer to it. I'm cold and shivering and | am struck by a nearly debilitating amount of fear and guilt. | am also starving, which is odd. because | ate not too long ago. Except, no. I'm being stupid. I'm not the one who needs to eat, Kiara is. With that realisation, she comes into view. She’s sitting with her knees pulled up to her ch*st and her arms wrapped tightly around them. She looks so small. Oh Kiara you poor thing. As | think of her name, her head suddenly darts up. She looks around in confusion, her eyes darting from place to place. Is someone talking to her? But why does she look so confused? Unless...

“Kiara?” Speaking out loud slash in my head feels odd, but somehow it works. She sits up straight again. She speaks, and for the first time, | can hear her soft voice.

“Who said that?” She asks quietly.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

50 “I'm so shocked at Kiara actually hearing and responding tothat | gasp and my eyes fly 1/4 166- Success and shock “Hello?” “Tonight. Eight O clock. Go to the bar Witches Booze. Talk to the bartender.” Dr Dae states firmly without waiting for my response. She hangs up without so much as a hello. | guess that means her Witch contact agreed to speak to me. But, the bartender at Witches Booze... | mean there are probably other bartenders there. But given even what I've seen and heard about Cam giving away spells and potions, I'm willing to bet that she’s the contact. Which is actually ideal. Hopefully having met before will allow her to trusta little more. I'm glad I'll be meeting with someone who is approachable. Bellamy was of course listening to my phone call and when | look to him for confirmation about us going to the meeting he nods. his approval. Bellamy contacts Darrien to have him cand stay with Megan while we're out. Meanwhile, | go to update Megan on the phone call, my decision to help the Shifters, my progress with connecting to Kiara and our plans to go out this evening.

“Woah, you have had a huge day, and it's not even over yet.” Megan observes. | nod.

“I know, | feel like I've been floundering around for weeks, not making any progress, then all of a sudden, everything is happening all at once. I've barely had tto catch my breath!” | can hear the exhaustion in my voice. My head also hasn't stopped pounding since | spoke to Kiara.

“I get that. You're doing a good job, you know. | don’t know if anyone has told you that, but you are. Soon we're going to find Kiara and save her, then you're going to get a hold of everything here and life will be a lot less stressful. Maybe when this is all over we can have a proper relaxing night together without worrying about everyone else.” Megan remindsand | kind of want to cry. Megan smiles at me.

“Now, go put on something cute to go out, and for goodness sakes brush your hair woman, it looks like a nest on your head!“” She calls out afteras | head to go freshen up.