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Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate

Chapter 782.2: Dealing With The Divine Army Of Light [Part 2]
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"Master, as someone who has been on the receiving end of their pursuit, how do you propose we deal with this issue?" Lux asked.

If he was the only one being hunted down, he believed that he had many ways to escape the Divine Army's grasp. However, he wasn't alone.

His grandmother, Vera.

His stepfather, Alexander.

His two fiancees, Iris and Cai.

His Guild Members.

His friends, as well as those whom he treated as important people.

All of them might be targeted by the Divine Army of Light, and that thought made the Half-Elf feel anxious.

"The only saving grace about this is that you are not an Elysian, but a Foreigner," Gaap stated. "Although the Divine Army of Light also has Foreigners within their ranks, they are only a handful. They can't do much in Solais, except spread the word that you are branded as a Heretic by the Divine Army of Light.

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"I don't know how the nations and other organizations of your world will react to this news, but I believe that you have enough backing to weather the storm in Solais."

The Halfling glanced at Vera, and the silver-haired lady nodded her head in reply.

Lux had three Saints backing him.

Vera, Alexander, and Maximilian, who was the Patriarch of the Rowan Tribe.

What Lux didn't know was that there were two other Saints that were within the Six Kingdoms, who were also on good terms with his Grandma and Stepfather.

If they asked for help, these two hermits would come out of their seclusion to lend their hands.

The reason why Alexander and Maximilian could move unhindered within the Six Kingdoms was because there were no other Saints that would challenge them. Because of this, the Six Kings had tried their best to form good relations with the two Saints, creating a balance that existed for many years.

If one of those Kingdoms dared to make any move toward the red-headed teenager, three Saints would move to wipe their entire Royal Bloodline from the face of Solais.

"The problem lies in Elysium," Gaap stated before raising two of his fingers. "But there are two ways to keep the Divine Army at bay.

"The first one is to move your Guild Headquarters elsewhere. By doing this, even if the Saints from the Divine Army of Light arrive here in the Outer Reaches, they will not be able to shake your foundation."

Lux could only shake his head helplessly because this was currently an impossible task.

"Master, the Guild Headquarters is already built here," Lux replied. "And the town is under construction as we speak. The only way to move our stronghold is if this floating island grows wings and flies somewhere else."

Gaap chuckled after hearing Lux's words. This was indeed an issue, but the Half-Elf didn't know that the Halfling had a way to solve this problem.

"Although it doesn't have wings to fly away, this Floating Island has the ability to move from place to place." Gaap smirked. "Do you remember that Giant Earth Turtle that Antero ate?"

Lux nodded. He had seen how the Giant of Destruction had played with the Giant Earth Turtle like a toy before devouring it completely.

"Antero has a special ability that can recreate anything that he has eaten as long as this was done recently," Gaap explained. "That Giant Earth Turtle he devoured has become my subordinate, and I ordered it to merge with this entire Floating Island.

"Although the merging process isn't complete, it is possible to make this island move as long as I give it an order."

Lux's eyes widened in shock, not expecting that his Master could do such a thing.

If what Gaap said was really true, then not only did Lux gain a floating island, but he also gained a Flying Fortress, similar to an Aircraft Carrier but a thousand times better!

"I see, this is indeed a good way to escape the Divine Army's pursuit." Lux nodded. "What is the second method, Master?"

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Gaap smiled. "The second method requires you to work a bit harder. Since the Divine Army of Light can only bully the weak and fear the strong, you need to form connections with the strong."

It didn't take long for the Half-Elf to realize what Gaap was talking about before nodding his head in understanding.

There was only one type of individual that the Divine Army of Light didn't dare to offend, and that was a Supreme.

If Lux could make a Supreme his backer, the Divine Army of Light wouldn't do anything out in the open to capture or kill him.

They would have to wait for Lux to leave the territory of his protector before making their move, to capture or kill him.

"Master, do you think I can convince the Dragon King to become my backer?" Lux asked.

"We won't know unless we try," Gaap replied. "Why don't we visit the Capital for a while and see if we can have an audience with him?"

"Actually, Keoza once told me that the Dragon King wanted to invite me to go fishing. Maybe I should accept his offer so that we can talk properly."

"Uhh… you'd better not do that. Did you perhaps make one of his daughters pregnant by any chance? When my Master was alive and we stayed here in Karshvar Draconis, the Dragon King often joked that he would invite those who tried to court his daughters to go fishing.

"Since it is a fishing trip, accidents can happen. What better way to get rid of his daughter's suitor than letting him become fish food?"

Beads of sweat appeared on Lux's forehead after hearing his Master's explanation.

He was confident that aside from Iris, he hadn't made any moves to make babies with anyone.

Of course, he wasn't aware that a certain gullible, and innocent Dragon Princess had been dreaming about him almost every night.

And in her dreams, the handsome Half-Elf would always whisper in her ears that it was fine for her to get pregnant, for he would take responsibility and make her the happiest Dragon Girl in Karshvar Draconis.