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Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate

Chapter 793: Department Head of the Bomb-Making Unit
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Two days after Lux had safely stored Hereswith's Soul inside Blackfire, the Half-Elf was woken up from his sleep by a loud explosion, startling him and everyone within the Guild Headquarters.

The red-headed teenager didn't even have time to change out of his pajamas as he flew out of the window to find out what caused the commotion.

In the distance, he saw a reddish plume in the sky, caused by the aftermath of the explosion.

It was only three in the morning, but the floating island was sufficiently lit by the light of the moon and stars, allowing the Half-Elf to focus in the direction of the explosion.

The first thing he saw was a girl wearing a red-riding hood dress, as well as a baby blue slime that was perched on top of her head.

Clearly, these two were the perpetrators of the explosion that woke up everyone on the floating island.

"Wow! That explosion went boom!" Glee said happily as she spread her arms wide.

"Boom Boom!" Eiko jumped happily on top of Glee's head.

The two Bomber Girls had been pent up for the past few days because everyone was telling them to not go anywhere near the construction site, fearing that they might make things explode.

Because of this, Eiko and Glee waited until everyone was asleep before going to the very edge of the floating island to test their newly invented Heat Seeking Bombs.

Just as the name implied, these Bombs would automatically lock on targets that emitted a certain temperature within its strike range.

They still hadn't tested how powerful and effective these bombs were. Although they wanted to, everyone was stopping them, so they decided to test it out when everyone was asleep.

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Glee just didn't expect that the power of the bomb that she and Eiko created to be stronger than her initial estimate, causing an explosion that had the power to destroy half a skyscraper.

"We need to fine-tune it a bit, Eiko," Glee said. "It exploded before it hit the target. This one is considered a failure."

"Un! Fail!" Eiko agreed. "Make more Heat Seeking Bombs!"

"Yes! Let's do that!" Glee nodded.

However, before the two of them could even work on Heat Seeking Bomb Number 2, Lux and Bentley landed beside the two of them with their hands crossed over their chest.

"Listen here, Glee, do you know what time it is?" Bentley asked. "Everyone is already tired from working all day, so they're taking a nice long rest. However, you woke them all up with the explosion. Do you have something to say, little lady?"

"Umm… everyone can go back to sleep now?" Glee said before yawning. "Eiko, I feel sleepy. I think we should go to sleep."

"Yes, sleepy~" Eiko nodded. "Make boom tomorrow!"

The corner of Bentley's lips twitched. Clearly, the two girls didn't even feel sorry for the commotion that they had caused for everyone.

Lux, on the other hand, could only sigh in his heart. For a moment, he thought that the Divine Army of Light had already discovered their location and initiated a Night Raid.

Fortunately, it was only a false alarm.

However, it didn't change the fact that this incident made Lux realize that unexpected things could happen and that certain responses needed to be made in order to handle different situations.

'I guess I'll ask Garret to brief the Kobolds on what they should do during emergencies,' Lux thought. 'It's a good thing that the underground labyrinth can serve as a hiding place during times of emergencies. I should ask the Kobolds to dig bigger places that will serve as evacuation sites should a dangerous situation arise.'

After the two girls were told to not do this again, Lux took Eiko with him back to his room to sleep.

The baby slime didn't resist and even bid Glee goodnight, promising that they would make more things go Boom in the morning.

As Lux was just about to enter the gate of his Guild Headquarters, he noticed that Garret was looking at the red plume in the sky with a solemn expression on his face.

Seeing that the Half-Elf had arrived, the former Great General of the Haca Dynasty told Lux what was on his mind.

"I know that you are still researching how to build another Destroyer," Garret stated. "But these bombs that Eiko and Glee are making can be very useful in the future. You have asked the Dwarves to build you that Gyrocopter, or whatever it's called, that flies in the air, right? Arming them with these bombs will definitely give them some serious firepower.

"Actually, it will be best if we stack up on these bombs. Since you can encase them in those Skeleton Balls, they can be used as cannonballs, allowing us to fire a volley from on top of this island, to targets on the ground. If that happens, this floating Island will definitely be a floating Destroyer."

Eiko, who heard Garret's words, looked at the Ex-Great General with sparkling eyes.

"You good!" Eiko said as she looked at Garret with a smile. "Make more Boom Booms!"

Lux pondered for a bit and thought that the Great General's idea was correct.

As someone who had experienced several wars, he also understood how important it was to have War Machines that were capable of shooting long distances.

He had already seen how Asmodeus blew up half the Royal Palace of the Haca Dynasty.

If these bombs could really help them have an edge against those who wished to antagonize them, then he would not hesitate to give Eiko and Glee the go signal to develop more advanced weapons of warfare like the Heat Seeking Bombs that they had just tested a little while ago.

Several hours later…

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"I hereby appoint you as the Department Head of the Bomb Making Unit," Lux said to the little Elf, who liked to make things explode. "You are given permission to make any kind of bomb, as long as you promise that you will not test them in a place near people."

"Yes Sir!" Glee gave Lux a salute with a big smile on her face. "I'll develop more advanced bombs that can destroy half of this island!"

"Um, you don't have to go that far." Lux hurriedly rejected Glee's idea because Eiko already had a tactical nuke that was capable of doing what she had proposed. "Do things in moderation, okay?

"Just make things that can potentially injure any Monster below the Dreadnaught Rank. Also, remember, test your bombs on the lands below the floating islands. Don't make it explode here, got it?"

Glee nodded. "Don't make things explode on the island. Got it!"

Eiko, who was also very happy for Glee, was tempted to join her best friend in developing a new type of bomb.

However, it was time for them to return to Solais and go to Barbatos Academy.

Lux had already wrapped up things in the Outer Reaches and decided that it was time to have their long-awaited family reunion.

Cethus had also informed him that his Grandmother wanted to talk to Lux personally before approving his plan to relocate his Guild Headquarters.

Because of this, the Half-Elf decided to visit the Domain of the Crystal Palace after going back to Solais.

While these things were happening, the news of Lux being branded a heretic was starting to spread within the territories under the influence of the Divine Army of Light.

Although it still hadn't reached the territories of Karshvar Draconis, in the area of Skystead Alliance, Xynnar War Pact, and the Six Kingdoms, the news was spreading at a rapid pace.

This was why the Half-Elf put relocating his Guild Headquarters as soon as possible as his top priority.

But, as to whether the Crystal Palace would agree to his request or not, only Cethus' Grandmother, Augustina, had the final say on the matter.