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Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate

Chapter 805.3: Dance Of The Fairy Princess [Part 3]
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The sound of weapons clashing reverberated in the arena as Astra and the Corpse God exchanged blows with each other.

Although he was now an Argonaut-Ranked World Boss, Astra was still feeling pressured by Eiko's tenacity and fighting ability.

Not only did the Unicorn have to block the Corpse God's attacks, he also had to evade Eiko's punches and kicks, which forced him to distance himself from the Fairy Princess.

However, since Eiko could teleport, she would always reappear in front of him, giving him no time to catch a breath.

Left with no choice, Astra created five clones of himself in order to help him attack the Fairy Princess. However, this was a mistake.

He wasn't the only one who could make clones!

"Eyah!" Eiko shouted.

A moment later, five Fairy Princesses appeared behind her.

Since these five copies could use all of Eiko's abilities, they also summoned their own Corpse Gods, almost making Astra and his clones puke blood.

An all out dogfight took place in the skies of arena as six Astra's and six Eiko's fought tooth and nail against each other.

"""Dragon's Breath!"""

Eiko and her clones unleashed purple Dragon's Breaths, which was imbued by the power of the Pseudo-Transcendent Flames she received back in the Blackrock Clan.

This power burned the mana of its targets, which also dealt an equivalent magical damage to them.

Astra, who was caught by this attack at point-blank range, barely avoided the attack. However, he wasn't able to evade it completely.

His left arm was hit by the attack, and his face distorted in pain. Astra immediately backed away to a safe distance.

Their battle momentarily came to a halt as Eiko and her clones hovered in the air with their arms crossed over their chest.

Clearly, they were giving their enemy time to recover so that he could continue to fight them to his fullest.

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"I admit that you are strong," Astra said in a cold tone. "But this won't be enough to beat me. You lost your opportunity to win the moment you stopped attacking me."

Unknown to Eiko, Astra had been secretly channeling an Ultimate Spell while fighting her.

Now that Ultimate Spell was completed, all Astra needed to do was unleash this devastating attack that encompassed the entirety of the arena.

Without any warning, Astra threw one of his swords towards the sky.

This sword then exploded, forming a giant magical array on the heavens.

"Magna Kyrie Eleison!" Astra roared.

He knew that Alexander had also activated the safety mechanism that would instantly teleport anyone that was about to receive a fatal injury. Because of this, Astra threw caution to the wind and unleashed his ultimate attack that could instantly kill a Dreadnaught-Ranked Monster.

Eiko and her clones were bathed by the brilliant light that descended from the heavens.

Although the light was quite intense, the people watching the battle didn't cover their faces and simply waited for the outcome of the battle.

The arena shook repeatedly, and cracks appeared on the barrier. However, since Alexander was there, it didn't break and endured the brunt of Astra's strongest attack.

A minute later, the light finally faded.

Iris', Cai's, Alicia's, Alexander's, and Maximilian's eyes widened in shock because what they saw in the arena wasn't the outcome that all of them had envisioned.

Eiko and her clones were perfectly unscathed by Astra's full-powered attack.

In fact, the Fairy Princess was even eating some cookies, which the maids had secretly given her this morning after breakfast.

"H-How?" Alicia muttered in disbelief. "Why does she look perfectly fine?"

"That's because Eiko is immune to Holy, Light, and Divine Magic," Vera replied as if this was a very obvious thing. "No matter how strong the attack is, unless it surpasses the Divine Rank, it won't have any effect on her whatsoever."

This information made Alicia and those who heard Vera's explanation look at the Fairy Princess in disbelief.

They just couldn't comprehend how a Baby Slime was able to be completely immune to an attack that could turn a Dreadnaught-Ranked Monster into ashes.

"Done?" Eiko asked after finishing the last cookie in her hand. "My turn?"

Due to how shocked Astra was, he was unable to reply to Eiko's question.

Assuming that his silence was a yes, Eiko raised her hand and summoned a Skeleton Bomb that was at least twenty-meters tall.

This was a lesser version of Eiko's tactical Nuke that could obliterate a quarter of an entire city if detonated.

She had ten of these Skeleton Bombs in her possession, which she had made with Glee's help.

Since Astra had used his ultimate attack, Eiko decided to also use her own ultimate attack, which would end the battle between them.

"Boom Boom," Eiko said as she casually tossed the giant Skeleton Bomb at her opponent. "Bakugan!"

"I-I concede!" Astra shouted.

The Unicorn no longer had the strength and willpower to continue fighting, especially after using his strongest attack that was supposed to be his trump card.

Not to mention, his strongest attack didn't even harm a strand of Eiko's hair, making him wonder if he was just having a dream of fighting against the Baby Slime, who had wanted to have a rematch with him for a very long time.

After hearing Astra's surrender, Alexander waved his hand, making the giant Skeleton Bomb stop mid-air and preventing it from exploding.

Although he was confident that the barrier wouldn't break as long as he was around, he no longer dared to underestimate the destructive power of the Fairy Princess, who had made his world views turn upside down.

"Yay!" Eiko spun her body round and round before dancing in the air like a ballerina.

She was so happy about her victory over Astra that she couldn't help but express her emotions by letting her body move as she pleased.

Dancing was an unknown concept to her, but that was what exactly happened.

Eiko danced happily above the arena, making those who saw it smile due to how happy and charming she looked as she allowed her emotions to run free.

A minute later, she flew towards Iris and hugged her tight.

"I won, Mama!" Eiko said with a big smile on her face.

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"Congratulations," Iris replied before planting a kiss on the adorable girl's face.

Eiko giggled happily before kissing Iris back. After that, she returned to her Baby Slime form and nuzzled Iris' cheeks.

The blue-haired beauty then lightly patted the Baby Slime's face, making Eiko very satisfied.

A moment later, Iris glanced at her Guardian, Astra, who had also returned to his Unicorn Form, with his head down and looking very dejected.

'You did well, Astra,' Iris said softly through telepathy. 'There is no shame in losing to Eiko. Just like how she strived to become strong in order to beat you, you must also strive to become stronger in order to beat her next time.'

Astra, who hadn't looked at this angle, slowly raised his head and looked at his Master, who was giving him an encouraging look.

'Let's become strong together, Astra,' Iris stated. 'Next time, it will be you who will be asking Eiko for a rematch. Have you forgotten? You have beaten her twice. She only beat you once. So the score is 2 ,ictories, and 1 loss. You are still ahead by one win.'

Although Astra knew that Iris was merely consoling him, her words had moved him and stroked his desire to become stronger.

Now that he had a goal in mind, the Unicorn decided to train harder so that the next time he met Eiko, he would be the one to challenge her in a battle. And this time, he would no longer be the one losing.

Seeing that her Guardian had regained his willpower, the blue-haired beauty secretly thanked Eiko in her heart.

Because of this incident, Astra would not be the only one who would become serious about becoming stronger.

Her other Guardians, who had also watched the battle from their connection with her, also became determined to not let the Baby Slime, whom they didn't take seriously in the past, to get ahead of them in terms of strength.

Fei Fei, who was perched on Cai's head, looked at Eiko with a determined expression on her face.

After seeing her best friend fight, a desire that wasn't there in the past started to bloom in the Baby Golden Slime's heart.

Perhaps sensing her Beast Companion's thoughts, Cai held Fei Fei in her hands and kissed her forehead.

'Let's also become strong, Fei Fei,' Cai said through her connection with her Baby Slime.

'Wei!' Fei Fei nodded her head.

Later that day, Cai rummaged through her Grandpa's collection of Beast Cores and picked the ones she could feed to Fei Fei in order to make her stronger.

Maximilian, who had seen the battle, also thought that making Fei Fei strong was a good investment.

If Fei Fei could become as strong as Eiko, then he would feel more assured that his granddaughter would have another layer of protection that would shield her from those who wished her harm.