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Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate

Chapter 821: Bom Bom Bakugan!
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"Your Highness, it will be best if we distance ourselves from the Half-Elf for the time being," the Saint who was left to protect Aur said. "It is too dangerous here."

"No," Aur replied in a determined tone. "I am not going anywhere. If you really care for me, then you will do everything in your power to protect Lux. The Crystal Palace needs him alive."

"But, your Highness…"

"Don't make me repeat myself."

"… Understood."

The Saint gritted his teeth as he extended his senses, covering a wide area around Aur and Lux.

If any attacks that came from the Saints were to enter it, he would immediately move to protect the red-headed teenager, as well as the Dragon Prince, even if he had to put his life on the line to make it happen.

"This sure is a high-level battle we have here, Lux."

"Thank you for coming on such short notice, Barca. I am left with no choice but to once again ask for your help."

The Vice-Chieftain of the Blackrock Clan, Barca, who was clad in Legendary Equipment from head to toe, appeared beside Lux.

He was an Empyrean-Ranked Alpha Monster, and with the equipment he currently wore, he was capable of facing off against a Saint without worry.

The Half-Elf only summoned Barca because he was the only one among the Blackrock Clan who had a chance of surviving the attacks of a Saint.

Although he needed a lot of help, he didn't summon those who were unable to fight a battle of such magnitude. He didn't want to be responsible for such needless sacrifice.

"Eiko, prepare to use our Plan B," Lux said. "Wait for my signal to use it."

"Un!" Eiko nodded. "Bom Bom get ready!"

Eiko's Named Creature, Bom Bom, was a living cannon that could move.

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Currently, the cannon was stationed on top of Lux's Guild Headquarters, ready to fire at any of the Saints that its Master wished to attack.

Loud explosions reverberated across the skies as the floating island continued to move toward the East, in an attempt to distance itself from the battle.

However, doing so was not simple.

Even with Lux's reinforcements, the combat-ready personnel on his side that could fight against Saints only numbered around thirteen.

They were facing twenty-two Saints, who came ready to fight.

After several minutes of duking it out with each other, the Saints of the Divine Army decided to unleash attacks on the floating island itself, with the intention to make it fall from the sky.

Fortunately, these attacks were blocked by Vera, Gaap, Maximilian, and Lady Faustina, who were capable of defending a large area.

Dragons and Dragon Borns were inherently stronger than Humans, and this fact proved itself on the battlefield.

Piccoro and Lady Faustina were capable of dealing with two to three Saints at a time, making the High King of Lunaria and the Oracle of the Divine Army frown.

"Is it really worth it to antagonize the Divine Army for the sake of a Heretic?" the Oracle of the Divine Army asked Piccoro after blocking one of the giant black fireballs that were hurled in her direction.

"You're asking the wrong question, girlie," Piccoro snorted as he unleashed a barrage of black fireballs that forced the Oracle to distance herself from the angry Dragon Born.

"The question you should be asking yourself is whether it is worth it to antagonize the Crystal Palace for trying to kill someone who had sought our protection. You and your stupid organization are courting death!"

The Oracle of Light spread her hands wide, and several runic letters appeared around her, creating a barrier of light that held back the black flames that were fired in her direction.

"We are fighting for the sake of the world!" the Oracle of the Divine Army insisted. "What we do is for the good of all!"

"Save your bullsh*t for your stupid believers, stupid girl," Piccoro replied. "I wasn't born yesterday, Low Lander. You and your organization don't dictate what's right or wrong. You're just a group of fanatics who want to bring the world of Elysium under your thumb.

"But guess what? The other Supremes aren't as dumb as the Saints who decided to lick your boots and joined your cause. If your cause is truly right and just, then you wouldn't be targeting the person whom even Heaven acknowledges as a Progenitor."

The Oracle of Light scoffed as several swords of light circled around her.

"This time, the Heavens have made a mistake," the Oracle stated. "And it is up to us to rid this world of that mistake."

"This is why I hate Low Landers." Piccoro sneered as he also created dark flaming swords around him. "All of you are just a different breed of Monkey. It doesn't matter how you dress or how you present yourself. In the end, Monkeys are Monkeys, weak and stupid. And so far, you are one of the ugliest Monkeys I have seen in my lifetime."

"Shut up, Reptile." The Oracle sneered back. "I eat lizards like you for lunch."

After exchanging barbed words, the Oracle and the Dragon Born unleashed their attacks at the same time, causing powerful explosions and bright flashes of light that could be seen from miles away.

While this battle was being waged in the sky, Lux noticed that eight Yellow Dots that had the same rank as Saints were headed in their direction.

Perhaps, sensing the high-level battle that was happening above their heads, the Saints of the Various Kingdoms, who were within the vicinity of the battleground, decided to investigate what was happening.

Right now, the battle is currently at a stalemate.

Any outside interference could tip the scales either way, which was something that made Lux feel anxious.

Perhaps sensing that similarly ranked individuals were approaching them, the Divine Army of Light, as well as the Saints that were protecting the Floating Island, all backed away for the time being as they assessed the current situation.

"Who are you people, and why are you creating a ruckus in someone else's backyard?" One of the Saints that had arrived on the battlefield asked.

"We are the Divine Army of Light, and we have come to kill a Heretic," the Oracle of Light replied. "I would appreciate it if you could lend us a hand in apprehending our target. You will be greatly rewarded by our organization once we complete our mission."

"The Divine Army of Light?" The Saint that had asked the question earlier looked at the beautiful Oracle from head to foot before giving a smile. "Since a beauty from the Divine Army had asked for assistance, it is only natural that we extend our help. Am I right, gentlemen?"

The other Saints, who had also arrived at the scene, were very eager to form a connection with the Divine Army, whose influence had spread far and wide within the center of Elysium.

"Hahaha! You dogs are so eager to have your own kingdoms wiped out from the face of the world?" Piccoro laughed. "I didn't know that the Saints of the Reika Kingdom, Jumon Dynasty, and Spada Empire were so eager to die. Have you forgotten who I am?"

The Saints who had arrived earlier didn't look properly at who the members of the Divine Army of Light were fighting.

Now that they had seen that the arrogant Dragon Born, who would usually treat them like lowly dogs, was the one that the Divine Army was fighting against, their will to fight increased even further.

"I've always wanted to smash my fist into your arrogant face, Piccoro," one of the Saints said. "Treating us like trash and calling us Low Landers every time we meet makes me want to skin you alive."

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"Good! Good! Good!" Piccoro grinned. "After this battle, all of your kingdoms will be reduced to dust. Do you really think that our Steward will not take action once you've chosen the wrong side?"

"Do not be afraid," the Oracle of Light, who had seen the Saints waver after hearing the threat of a Supreme's retaliation, said with a smile. "Our Supreme has almost made a full recovery. As long as you help us, we will ensure that your Kingdoms will be safe from harm."

After hearing the Oracle's assurance, the Saints who had arrived on the battlefield became emboldened and started to openly curse Piccoro calling him a snot-nosed reptile.

"You sure are popular aren't you, Piccoro?" Lady Faustina smiled. "Can you not keep on making enemies left and right? You brought us more enemies to fight."

"If one comes, then I'll kill one," Piccoro scoffed. "If a dozen come, then I'll kill a dozen. That is all that matters."

Just as everyone was about to fight again, Lux's words reached everyone's ears, which made the Saints on his side momentarily stop their charge toward their enemies.

"Everyone, return to the island!"

After hearing his words, Vera, Alexander, Maximilian, Lady Faustina, and Gaap, all backed away in a hurry, leaving Piccoro, and the other Saints of the Crystal Palace behind.

This made the corner of Piccoro's lips twitch, which made him curse the Half-Elf internally.

However, seeing that they were currently facing off with more Saints than they could fight, he ordered his men to retreat to the island as fast as they could.

"Hahaha! It seems like they've finally understood that they have no chance of winning!" the High King of Lunaria laughed. "The tables have turned, it's time to end that Heretic's life!"

The other Saints of the Divine Army of Light also nodded their heads in agreement as they prepared to charge at the floating island.

Now that their enemies had decided to retreat, it would be easier to bring the battlefield to their home turf.

However, what they didn't know was, on top of Lux's Guild's Headquarters, Bom Bom, the cannon, was already aiming in their direction.

"Bom Bom Bakugan!" Eiko, who was perched on top of Lux's head, gave the order to her subordinate.

A second later, the Living Cannon fired a rocket made up of bones at where the Saints had gathered.

This rocket was the Heat-Seeking Missile that Glee and Eiko had made together.

Loaded inside it was the concentrated tactical nuke that the two Bombardiers had made in Leaf Village, which Gaap had shrunk with the help of Anteros.

The High King of Lunaria who saw this flying projectile sneered, and smugly watched as one of his comrades advanced forward to slice the rocket in half in order to destroy it.

Lux and Eiko, who saw this stupid move by their enemy, sneered at the same time.

For the first time in the history of the Divine Army of Light, they would witness the might of a weapon of mass destruction that could completely annihilate two entire cities in one blaze of glory.