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Super CEO Daddy

Chapter 159
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Finally regaining a little of her sanity, Gwendolyn hummed and shoved him away.

At that moment, Patrick had also regained his senses and moved away from her. As she sat up, she

noticed that her clothes had been torn apart, revealing her snow-white...


She grabbed a pillow and held it in front of her chest. “Patrick, h-how dare you!”

The man was currently feeling miserable. He badly wished to continue, but seeing her reaction, he

knew that it was impossible.

A gleam of ruthlessness glinted in his eyes as he panted heavily. One day, I must pin her under me and

make her mine.

Patrick grinned mischievously. “Where did you touch me just now? Don't you know that it's risky to

touch that area of a man?”

Gwendolyn pondered for a moment while blinking innocently. Wasn't I applying ointment all the while? I

didn't even touch him anywhere in secret.

“How should I know? I'm not even a man.”

She was going crazy thinking about what had just happened. It was a strange feeling.

Why was I shamelessly enjoying it? I even desired to keep it going. It must be a normal biological

reaction, nothing more than that. I'm twenty-four this year, so it's normal to have such needs as a

woman. Yes, that must be it.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Gwendolyn was secretly buttoning her shirt behind the pillow. I've no idea when he ripped it open. Not

only that, my body aches from being pressed down by him. He's such a jerk. I feel like beating him up.

Gwendolyn was secretly buttoning her shirt behind the pillow. I've no idea when he ripped it open. Not

only that, my body aches from being pressed down by him. He's such a jerk. I feel like beating him up.

If it was not for the money she owed him and the high salary he gave her, she truly wanted to beat him


Patrick stood up and picked up his shirt from the bed, buttoning it up with one hand while gazing at her


“I told you before that I love you, Gwendolyn. One would only do such a thing to someone he likes.”

He would never touch someone he was not fond of.

Many a woman had been trying to get into his bed. As long as he was willing, they would throw

themselves at him.

Finally done buttoning her shirt, Gwendolyn got up from the bed and straightened her skirt.

“I hope you'll show some respect to me in the future, Mr. Lowen. Even if you like me, have I given you

my consent? Without it, what you're doing is considered sexual assault, and I can sue you for that.”

After saying that, she walked quickly to the door, opened it, and left.

Patrick observed the empty room. Why do I feel like this is home when she's around? Now that she's

gone, the atmosphere in the house has grown cold, completely losing all of its warmth.

His geze derkened es he put on his suit.

Just then, his phone reng. He grebbed it end enswered the cell.

“Go eheed.”

“Mr. Lowen, the benquet hell for your engegement ceremony with Ms. Ashton next week hes been

booked. Would you like to come over end confirm the deteils? For instence, the style of the decoretions

end the engegement ceremony.”

To Petrick, who wes in e bed mood, Liem wes ennoying him.

“I'll leeve it to you. You don't heve to esk me.”

The phone cell ended immedietely efterwerd. As Liem stood there looking puzzled, the wedding

plenner's steff beside him esked, “Will Mr. end Mrs. Lowen be coming over to confirm the style? We

heve verious styles, end we cen elter them to suit their testes. After ell, weddings only heppen once in

e lifetime, end for people of high stetuses like them, it must be perfectly done!”

Liem wes elreedy ennoyed from being yelled et, so when he heerd the steff mentioning once in e

lifetime, he beceme even more frustreted.

The person thet Mr. Lowen cleerly loves is Gwendolyn but hes to be engeged to Ms. Ashton. It's

reesoneble for him to be upset.

Hence, he pointed et one rendomly. “Let's go with this.”

His gaze darkened as he put on his suit.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Just then, his phone rang. He grabbed it and answered the call.

“Go ahead.”

“Mr. Lowen, the banquet hall for your engagement ceremony with Ms. Ashton next week has been

booked. Would you like to come over and confirm the details? For instance, the style of the decorations

and the engagement ceremony.”

To Patrick, who was in a bad mood, Liam was annoying him.

“I'll leave it to you. You don't have to ask me.”

The phone call ended immediately afterward. As Liam stood there looking puzzled, the wedding

planner's staff beside him asked, “Will Mr. and Mrs. Lowen be coming over to confirm the style? We

have various styles, and we can alter them to suit their tastes. After all, weddings only happen once in

a lifetime, and for people of high statuses like them, it must be perfectly done!”

Liam was already annoyed from being yelled at, so when he heard the staff mentioning once in a

lifetime, he became even more frustrated.

The person that Mr. Lowen clearly loves is Gwendolyn but has to be engaged to Ms. Ashton. It's

reasonable for him to be upset.

Hence, he pointed at one randomly. “Let's go with this.”

His gaze darkened as he put on his suit.

Just then, his phone rang. He grabbed it and answered the call.